u/Marquis90's SOTDs for challenge 'HoneMeistershaft 2024'

u/Marquis90 submitted 28 SOTDS.
  1. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-01 23:51:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 2, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Yesterday’s lather felt sticky, so in conclusion I should use more water. It worked a little bit better. All in all the shave was closer and very comfortable. First question for the $honemeisterschaft: Do you feel that the blade is freshly honed on linen and leather?

    Yesterday the blade glided easier over both materials than today.

  2. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-03 02:52:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 3, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Called my mom during shave and watched a magic tournament. In the end I was distracted and my lather was thin. I hope the aftershave will deal with all irritations.

    Today we will go shopping for running shoes and look for a wedding Fragrance for me.

    $honemeisterschaft question of the day: ”I need all informations about diamond emulsion on nanocloth. How much do I apply? Do I need to reapply the emulsion every time or will that nanocloth forever me my honing nanocloth?” u/gcgallant, maybe that’s your entry into YouTube shorts?

  3. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-04 02:33:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 4, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Had mich better lather today and the first two passes felt very comfortable. In the third pass, I am getting irritations. After using so much Mammoth, B&M and others, I start to dislike Stirling. In a few days Bell ringer will be used up. My fiance is pretty sad about it, while I think about the next aftershave I ll use up.


  4. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-05 02:16:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 5, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    I dunno if I was late for other reasons, or if my GEM Mondays and DE Tuesdays are really faster than my straight razor shaves. In the end, I was at least 15 minutes later at work than usual. Let’s blame it on the tiramisu I made for my colleagues and me. The shave went fine today. I chose to do the lather more pasty.

    I realized that it would be funny to have a Christmas calendar starting today, as it’s only 24 days till our public office wedding. $honemeisterschaft

  5. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-06 03:00:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 6, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Yesterday I stopped my workout die to several spots in my body hurting. At home, I set the timer for 2 minutes, shouted and screamed my anger about that stupid CrossFit out. After that, I went back to being a chill dude. Today, I am lost how to continue working out (and what to play on Magic this weekend). Let’s enjoy a good Ramen at summer weather and think everything through.

    A colleague came to my office and said that it smells like sunscreen. Dunno if he thinks bell ringer smells like that, but the colleagues sitting closer to me never said anything.


  6. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-07 01:00:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 7, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    My shaves are getting better again, although the area around my Adam’s apple is often red. Also, my left jawline could be closer shaven.

    I work in home office today and hear lots of construction work around me. Argh.


  7. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-08 00:04:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 8, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    We have a bicycle workshop in our backyard. My fiance came to the bathroom to tell me that somebody might have broken in there tonight. A window is open and there is a bolt cutter close by. When I heard the story, I cut myself in the jawline. The rest of the shave went really well.


    Today I am on a small Magic tournament and see it as practice for a medium sized one on Sunday. I haven’t decided what I ll play, yet. So little time, so many cool cards to play.

  8. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-08 23:25:37-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 9, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    I realized yesterday night, when I came home, that I have a red line on my neck from shaving. It’s probably the most difficult part to avoid irritation and get a close shave. It doesn’t help that I need to switch hands on that spot.

    Magic practice was Crap. I wanted to lend a few cards to try a different deck. The guy was stressed from work and forgot everything. Luckily I had some spare cards with me and was able to rebuild a deck that’s okay. I lost every round.


  9. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-10 07:26:49-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 10, 2024

    • Brush: DG 14/ Dowgood Handcraft – Mammoth yellow label release
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker with bog oak scale and french head
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing

    Today I finally did the Murph challenge. It’s named after an US soldier who fought in Afghanistan. His training cocistet of wearing a weighted west, runnig a mile, doing 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squads and run a mile again. It’s a famous CrossFit challenge and my best man and fiance did them this year. My best man challenged me to do it before the wedding, or else I am not allowed to marry my girlfriend. I changed my training to be able to survive the challenge. In the beginning, it was really fun. I saw progress, my training had a purpose. But after a few times, I realized that this kind of training is not my style. I am chasing the pump like Arnold Schwarzenegger and this training makes you do the workout in kind a sloppy way. I also never practiced running, but have been on the row ergometer once. Lots of people do the challenge in so called cindys. 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squads. I am not trained enough to survive that for 20 rounds as my pulse gets too high. So I did the callenge like nobody in my group did and made all exercises after each other. Everyone warned me that my muscles will shut off before I am done with halve of the repetitions. But my body adapted to these kind of workout much easier. After 25 pull ups, I wanted to quit. I hated it. I stood in the sun and transitioning from running to pull ups killed me way harder than expected. After 80 Pull ups, I expected a sunstroke every minute. The push ups were easier, although my fiance and me had a lot of disagreement how many push ups I already did. As a good soon to be husband, I am the one who obeys and her numbers were the ones that counted. I never did 300 squads before. In the gym and with air condition they were much easier. But I realized, that we just had to wait till I am finished. The final run was hard. My lower legs were stiff and I looked like I had a giant butt plug in me while running. My head screamed that I should stop running and walk the distance. I kept running and finished in 85 minutes. My fiance and best man were done in 45 minutes with the cindy style.

    Called my mum while I shaved. I can see the bottom of the tub and had a lot of dark stubble from all that testosterone increased by the workout. Now my face looks shiny chiseled again. Looking forward to the gin tasting later.


  10. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-11 00:25:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 11, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  


    On a magic tournament today. I came back late in the night from a gin tasting and need a bit more sleep. Woke up before my alarm and shaved early. Although there was little stubble, I managed to get a great shave. We bought a gin with Mango in it. Great for the summer. The brand names their gin after city’s and there is also one with sour cherry, which I find intriguing.

  11. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-12 02:24:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 12, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    As a kid I loved watches. My dad bought me a few on the flea market. Somehow I stopped wearing them. In university I had a nice one, but it was running out if battery all the time. For my wedding, I wanted a new watch, automatic. My fiance bought me an Orient “sun and moon” and is too tired to “recharge” it all the time. So she gave me the watch on Saturday. If watches were not the pricey, I would start collecting a few.

    Magic tournament was really fun yesterday. I was not that successful, but still fun.

    Question for the $honemeisterschaft:   What stones will you use this weekend? Are you looking forward to the rehone?

  12. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-13 00:14:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 13, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    I can clearly see the bottom of the tub now. This brush is great to Plow through soap while still having a great lather quality. My face felt exceptionally smooth today after the shave.

    I decided to hook up a working student at work with fine Wetshaving gear. He is shaving with a DE, but not happy with his result and has some blood spots on the neck. I gave him my Karve CB with D plate. My Böker Synthetic (why is it so soft, he asked), Extro Cosmesi, Stirling and B&M soap. He is using Astra green already.


  13. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-14 01:37:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 14, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Today we will speak to a catholic priest about our wedding. I am catholic, but we want our wedding to be evangelical as the evangelical church is much more up to date and way more liberal. Our pastor is a woman and seems to use the Christian religion as a vehicle to spread hope, peace, good life lessons and being a community. She was not focused on testing our faith. But as I am catholic, it might be if interest for me to have the wedding acknowledged by the catholic church. That’s what our appointment today is about. We are not sure what will await us. If it gets too stupid, we will just leave and I won’t give a damn about that piece of paper.

    Shave went great. I am curious if I ll have enough soap left for the month. The brush is really hungry.


  14. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-14 23:25:08-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 15, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Today, I ll visit my godchild and leave work early. I’ll give her some Lego and Duplo as presents.

    The shave was not as smooth as yesterday. In my third pass the lather was way too thin.


  15. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-16 02:27:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 16, 2024 – Wedding guest shave  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Today is my fiancé’s brothers public office wedding. We are not taking it too seriously with our outfits. No fly or tie for me. Still, I wanted to look great and focused on my shave like never before. At all costs I wanted to avoid irritation, which failed around my Adam’s apple. Maybe I ll add some DG liniment in a minute. This shave showed me that there is still room for improvement on my daily shaves as I am still using too much pressure. Also, I did a few extra laps on my strop. Although I am looking forward to this weekends $honemeisterschaft honing, it doesn’t feel thaaaaaat necessary to me. The hole in my soap felt large enough to have a negative impact on my lather. Luckily it was just a short timed feeling. Still, I know that in just a few days it will become more and more difficult to get a great lather.

  16. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-17 03:54:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 17, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Yesterday I talked about improving my technique with more focus. Today I was too lazy to care at all. Scrape of my skin and a bit of beard. Today I ll drive to my brother’s 12th birthday. Hopefully with some cake and barbecue. He ll get some Lego as presents.


  17. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-18 04:51:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 18, 2024 – $honemeisterschaft  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Today is the $honemeisterschaft weekend touch up of our blades. I recently watched someone hone on a natural stone, using a bit different technique than gcgallant. I decided to play around. As my razor is generally sharp enough, I decided to hone on my Naniwa 12k and make slurry with a 12k Nagura Irodori. First, I had a bad slurry. The Nagura soaks itself close to the Naniwa when hold flat. Rubbing becomes more difficult. I did 50 laps with each side holding a straight angle, edge leading. Clean up and with a better slurry, holding the stone with one of its edges down, I did another 50 with each side, still using more torque. Clean up and with thick slurry, but without torque, 50 passes each side followed. During clean up of the stone, I felt the “dust” of the metal on the stone. Last pass, I added some diamond emulsion on the stone and did trailing strokes without torque. Little deburring strokes and I was good to go. The arm hair fell of well. In the first shaving pass, the edge felt awesome. The past days, I was convinced that a hone would not be necessary if you strop enough. In the second and third pass, the edge quality was not as good as I hoped. With my eyes, I could see a little scratch pattern at the edge.

    I decided to hone again. This time, following more of gcgallants technique. I started with a 45° angle, edge leading and 10 rubs before switching the side. Then edge leading strokes, 45° angle, less torque. Edge trailing strokes followed by X strokes. With myx eye, it seems that the scratch pattern is more prominent now. The edge wear is uneven. The side with the logo has more scratch patterns in the middle of the edge, while on the other side, the head and tail have more wear.

    Arm hair falls off way easier now, but the scratch pattern concern me. I ll report tomorrow.

  18. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-20 00:35:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 20, 2024 – Failing AA  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    I failed already. The aftershave is not the same as yesterday, as I was running out of it. As the alcohol in that Italian mouth wash aftershave is so strong, I will kill two flies with one stone and use DG unscented liniment as piste aftershave routine.

    Yesterday I honed the blade for a third time. $honemeisterschaft. I focused on the areas where the blade has uneven wear patterns. I also did not use slurry, avoided pressure or torque. The blade still got it’s uneven wear and in the right light the scratch patterns are visible, but it cuts hair with ease, so how could I test this better? The shave left me confused. Although the razor did not feel extra sharp, the result is fine. I won’t overthink it and try for a few more days before I come to a conclusion.

  19. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-21 00:24:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 21, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    Another AA fail/win might occur tomorrow. I am finally running out of the fragrance bottle. Seems like the $honemeisterschaft makes me polish my gentleman quarter (aka shaving den).

    Still, I can not form an opinion about the edge of the razor. I am getting good shaves, but thought I would get one more easy.

  20. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-21 23:07:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 22, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

    The last drops of Fragrance were used today.

    I got a great shave with the razor, so I conclude that my honing was fine. $honemeisterschaft  

    The ring of death in my soap is pretty large. I bet it will last for a few shaves in September, but then I ll have another full sized tub cleared.

  21. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-22 23:58:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 23, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  

    Another AA fail/win. I changed the fragrance as my Dunhill was empty. Thrill has sweet/ sour notes of green apple in it. It’s nothing special and I got it from the mom of my ex. It’s time to use up. Today’s shave went exceptionally well. The lather was great, the shave close and I was done in time.

    Yesterday we ordered a Ninja Creamy. We have an air fryer from the company and their ice cream maker will arrive soon. I guess I need to get insta to be an icefluencer because my mind is occupied with recipes I want to try.

    I also ordered a DMT mini plate like u/gcgallant uses in his videos. Maybe the $honemeisterschaft can answer me what Grey dots on my 12k and my slurry stone are?

  22. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-24 04:36:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 24, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  

    Took a while on my face to get a food lather as the lather in my Mug was too thin. Maybe this is the real beginning of difficult lather. Got a few nicks on my upper lip although the razor feels better than right after honing. $honemeisterschaft

  23. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-25 06:00:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 25, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  

    We went on a tour with our motorcycle today. A 100 miles through rural Germany. $honemeisterschaft 

    Shave went very well and the mint has a nice cooling effect.

  24. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-26 00:28:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 26, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  
    • Icecream: ISO clear whey Slushi

    It took a good while to get enough soap into the brush, but the result was perfect. Got a it irritations on the left side of my neck. Maybe I ll hone out if boredom later. $honemeisterschaft 

    With my new Ninja creamy ice machine, I ll try lots of different ice desserts this week and post it here like RedMosquito does with Coffee. Unfortunately, the ice will be done at the evening, while I post in the morning.

  25. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-26 23:21:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 27, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  
    • Icecream: Cherry joghurt

    Mom is getting on my nerves and in my anger I honed my razor yesterday. $honemeisterschaft. With the new DMT plate, I made slurry with ease. In the right light (bathroom), I saw a scratch pattern at the edge. I was frustrated. Gcgallant magnifies his edge 1000 times and it looks smooth as an IKEA cupboard, while my edge has a scratch pattern I can see with my glasses on? I went back to the 3k stone and worked myself up to the 12k. It leaves me confused that I can feel something like a powder on the stones when I clean them under running water. It it the metal or stone surface? In my anger, I never checked the edge and just honed by counting and a feeling of “it’s enough now, let’s increase the grid”. The edge feels fine during the first two passes and I am undecided about the third pass. Currently have some irritations above my Adam’s apple. Tomorrow is a tactical no shave.

  26. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-29 00:13:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 29, 2024 – Wedding shave  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Koraat – Purist  
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Marylin  
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Marylin  
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Marylin  

    It’s finally here. Our public office wedding. I had never been this focused during a shave. Everything needs to be perfect. During my first pass, the lather was not good enough and the Koraat did not feel sharp. It needs to be added that I did not shave yesterday and had very nasty stubble. For my second pass, I improved the lather and the Koraat felt super smooth. When I applied the aftershave I checked if it even contains alcohol, as there was no feedback.

    These past days, people often asked us if we are nervous about the wedding. The first time it became real was when a colleague wished us a great day on Thursday. Now smelling Marylin everything became real. I knew this would be my wedding setup and u/j33pguy13 supported me to get the whole quadfecta to Europe. u/Bostonphototourist, please do never discontinue the soap, so I can relieve the moment for my silver wedding.

    u/TheMidnightoffocial, I shed my first tears today when I listened to sunset (live). Dunno if I am cherry picking lyrics, but “tastes so sweet, it hurts a little bit” really gets to me.

    Thanks everyone who made this possible.

    $honemeisterschaft failed $discord

  27. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-30 02:28:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 30, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  

    We had a great wedding. From the moment we arrived at the public office, I wasn’t nervous and was able to say yes with confidence. Still, my parents made me cry. First, my mom when she arrived. She was so nervous the past days that she was shaking on her whole body. You could feel it when we hugged her. She hold up her hand and acted like it was still shaking heavily. Seeing my mom, this strong woman who raised me a lot of time on her own, showing weakness hit me hard. I sqzeeked when it came to my dad hugging me right after the ceremony. He said something to my wife. I can’t even remember it, but it brought me closer to the edge of crying. I should add that by the time I invited him to our wedding, our connection suffered a lot. When he hugged me and said that things will get better, I was done. We went through the photos and within this few pictures are so many emotions. The absolute blast was a card from my uncle this morning. He gave us a lot of money. To put it into perspective, he is from Poland and we barely understand each other. It doesn’t feel like I deserve such a gift. My wife and me cried when we saw the money and when I told my mom about it. I need some time to process all that stuff.

    $honemeisterschaft The edge feels pretty good. Yes, it’s not a Koraat, but it’s really good. I am thinking about my first September shave now.

  28. u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-31 04:10:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    August 31, 2024  

    • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
    • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
    • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
    • Fragrance: Joop – Thrill  

    My brother in laws big wedding today. I am currently in the train going there and wet from sweat. The third pass lather was bad. On a normal day, I would have pulled through, but it would be disrespectful towards the newlyweds if I arrive in a bloody face. Managed to improve the lather and look great. Last day of August and a bit excited for tomorrow.
