SOTD by u/Marquis90

u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-18 04:51:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 18, 2024 – $honemeisterschaft  

  • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
  • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
  • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
  • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

Today is the $honemeisterschaft weekend touch up of our blades. I recently watched someone hone on a natural stone, using a bit different technique than gcgallant. I decided to play around. As my razor is generally sharp enough, I decided to hone on my Naniwa 12k and make slurry with a 12k Nagura Irodori. First, I had a bad slurry. The Nagura soaks itself close to the Naniwa when hold flat. Rubbing becomes more difficult. I did 50 laps with each side holding a straight angle, edge leading. Clean up and with a better slurry, holding the stone with one of its edges down, I did another 50 with each side, still using more torque. Clean up and with thick slurry, but without torque, 50 passes each side followed. During clean up of the stone, I felt the “dust” of the metal on the stone. Last pass, I added some diamond emulsion on the stone and did trailing strokes without torque. Little deburring strokes and I was good to go. The arm hair fell of well. In the first shaving pass, the edge felt awesome. The past days, I was convinced that a hone would not be necessary if you strop enough. In the second and third pass, the edge quality was not as good as I hoped. With my eyes, I could see a little scratch pattern at the edge.

I decided to hone again. This time, following more of gcgallants technique. I started with a 45° angle, edge leading and 10 rubs before switching the side. Then edge leading strokes, 45° angle, less torque. Edge trailing strokes followed by X strokes. With myx eye, it seems that the scratch pattern is more prominent now. The edge wear is uneven. The side with the logo has more scratch patterns in the middle of the edge, while on the other side, the head and tail have more wear.

Arm hair falls off way easier now, but the scratch pattern concern me. I ll report tomorrow.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. HoneMeistershaft 2024
**August 18, 2024 – $honemeisterschaft**  

* **Brush:** Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
* **Razor:** Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
* **Lather:** Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
* **Post Shave:** Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer  
* **Fragrance:** Dunhill – Icon Racing  

Today is the $honemeisterschaft weekend touch up of our blades.
I recently watched someone hone on a natural stone, using a bit different technique than gcgallant. I decided to play around.
As my razor is generally sharp enough, I decided to hone on my Naniwa 12k and make slurry with a 12k Nagura Irodori.
First, I had a bad slurry. The Nagura soaks itself close to the Naniwa when hold flat. Rubbing becomes more difficult.
I did 50 laps with each side holding a straight angle, edge leading. Clean up and with a better slurry, holding the stone with one of its edges down, I did another 50 with each side, still using more torque.
Clean up and with thick slurry, but without torque, 50 passes each side followed.
During clean up of the stone, I felt the “dust” of the metal on the stone.
Last pass, I added some diamond emulsion on the stone and did trailing strokes without torque.
Little deburring strokes and I was good to go.
The arm hair fell of well.
In the first shaving pass, the edge felt awesome. The past days, I was convinced that a hone would not be necessary if you strop enough.
In the second and third pass, the edge quality was not as good as I hoped.
With my eyes, I could see a little scratch pattern at the edge.

I decided to hone again. This time, following more of gcgallants technique.
I started with a 45° angle, edge leading and 10 rubs before switching the side.
Then edge leading strokes, 45° angle, less torque. Edge trailing strokes followed by X strokes.
With myx eye, it seems that the scratch pattern is more prominent now. The edge wear is uneven. The side with the logo has more scratch patterns in the middle of the edge, while on the other side, the head and tail have more wear.

Arm hair falls off way easier now, but the scratch pattern concern me.
I ll report tomorrow.