SOTD by u/Marquis90

u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-21 23:07:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 22, 2024  

  • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
  • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
  • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
  • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

The last drops of Fragrance were used today.

I got a great shave with the razor, so I conclude that my honing was fine. $honemeisterschaft  

The ring of death in my soap is pretty large. I bet it will last for a few shaves in September, but then I ll have another full sized tub cleared.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. HoneMeistershaft 2024