SOTD by u/Marquis90

u/Marquis90 posted on 2024-08-20 00:35:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 20, 2024 – Failing AA  

  • Brush: Dogwood / DG B14 Mammoth yellow label release  
  • Razor: Custom designed Böker 6/8 with bog oak scale and French head  
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Weekend in Malibu  
  • Post Shave: Saponoficio Bignoli – Liquiriza Menta  
  • Fragrance: Dunhill – Icon Racing  

I failed already. The aftershave is not the same as yesterday, as I was running out of it. As the alcohol in that Italian mouth wash aftershave is so strong, I will kill two flies with one stone and use DG unscented liniment as piste aftershave routine.

Yesterday I honed the blade for a third time. $honemeisterschaft. I focused on the areas where the blade has uneven wear patterns. I also did not use slurry, avoided pressure or torque. The blade still got it’s uneven wear and in the right light the scratch patterns are visible, but it cuts hair with ease, so how could I test this better? The shave left me confused. Although the razor did not feel extra sharp, the result is fine. I won’t overthink it and try for a few more days before I come to a conclusion.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. HoneMeistershaft 2024