u/AirBudRuler's SOTDs for challenge 'Lather Games 2023'

u/AirBudRuler submitted 8 SOTDS.
  1. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-03 06:24:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Golden Retriever 28mm
    • Razor: Occams
    • Lather: Air Bud – The Revolution

    My fellow Air Bud loyalists. u/Cowziall3 has seemingly abandoned us. Last year he asked us to join him in fighting the oppressive tyranny of the judges who demanded we follow their limited vision of what a shave is and many of us did, committing our lives to a freedom we thought he too cared about. But clearly, he does not. He has left us.

    But I, Air Bud Ruler, say good riddance. While he may have been the creator of the Air Bud Rule, he was not strong enough to be a true believer. Not like you and I. We are true believers. We know that we are one with the great shave and the great shave is one with us and thus we are all shaving, all the time as long we open our minds to the shave. Cowzilla3 has left but the Air Bud Rule lives on with us and we will prove, once and for all, to all that you do not need to propel a razor down your face to shave.

    As such, I have taken over r/AirBudRule from the turncoat Cowziall3. It is mine now. But not just mine. It belongs to all the Air Bud Rule faithful. All those who still believe in the Air Bud Revolution. It is there you will find the Air Bud Quest, the one true path toward becoming a true Air Bud Faithful, and the Quest’s mighty reward. One might even call it a prize, though, as Air Bud Rule believers we know that physical objects and actions are unimportant.

    Still, if you are a true believer – if you don’t subscribe to the “rules” as laid out by others, if you strive to make the world a better place through the Air Bud Rule I encourage you to join me – a person who is definitely not Cowziall3 – on u/AirBudRule and test your belief.

    The Air Bud Quest starts right now.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Occams (DQed)
    • Brush: Golden Retriever 28mm (DQed)
    • Lather: Air Bud - The Revolution (DQed)

  2. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-04 06:22:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)
    • Brush: Ain’t
    • Razor: No
    • Lather: Rule
    • Post Shave: Says

    Ahh, Spring. A season of rebirth. Of newness. Of growth. Of… revolution? As we all shave today, in whatever manner we so choose, unencumbered by the need to remove hair, perhaps it is time that we remind ourselves of the birth of the Air Bud Rule that has led us to the Air Bud Quest and it's fabulous ~~prize~~ treasure that you, the most loyal of Air Bud Followers, can win. It has, after all, been a full year since we last came together for the Lather Games and there may be those who do not recall the great words of u/Cowzilla3, though he may now have betrayed them. It all started with a cinematic classic that to this very day has never been topped and a scene that will define a generation of future wetshavers.

    I encourage you to watch it now, faithful Air Bud Rulians, maybe the first part of the code for puzzle piece "I" is waiting for you. And remember to join me and the other Air Bur Rulians on r/AirBudRule.

    As for science, I think, if one asked 10 scientists nine of them would agree that the Air Bud Rule is scientifically correct. The 10th? Clearly in the pocket of the judges and Big Almond.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: No
    • Brush: Ain’t

  3. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-08 08:02:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 8, 2023

    Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - Maggard Razors 2023 Meetup Soap

    I return. Perhaps you thought the posting had stopped but much like the Air Bud Rule says that shaving can never truly be stopped neither can I. Cowzilla3 seems to think he is not participating in Air Bud at all and is simply posting to get points for the Lather Games through Old Spice shaves, but I have total control through the power of Air Bud.

    How far-reaching is the Air Burd Rule? Well, two judges have already used it (though one tried to backtrack) though they dare not mention it by name and a moderator of the sub has come around to the all-encompassing wisdom of the rule.

    But are any of them true Air Bud Faithful? Have they been keeping track of the Air Bud Quest, which has already released two of its puzzle pieces and partial codes for two others? Also doubtful. But you, you true believer, have. Or maybe you haven’t noticed The Quest at all? If not there is still time to join and prove that you are the most faithful to the Air Bud Revolution. The winner will receive a prize of true glory, unique in its awesomeness.

    As you may have noticed I am also actually invoking the Air Bud Rule today. I will expect appropriate pointage for using a Maggard branded soap and lathering it.

    As a side note, buying things from Maggards is entirely in line with the Air Bud Rule. While The Rule states that those who adhere to The Rule do not have to shave or have to use any products that does not mean one can’t shave. And when you do shave u/AirBudRule proudly encourages everyone to procure goods from Maggards. Now, should you be restricted to only shaving with Maggard’s branded things today to earn points? No! Air Bud the crap out of any loophole you can find, but whatever you Air Bud with make it from Maggards. (Mr. Maggard, feel free to steal that slogan and put it on your storefront once the damage is repaired).

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - Maggard Razors 2023 Meetup Soap

    Sponsor Uses

    • Catie's Bubbles (Software Sponsor Points)

  4. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-09 08:19:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 - A Cup of Joe

    Brush: Coffee Mug
    Razor: Coffee Grinder
    Lather: Cup of Coffee
    Post Shave: Caffeine

    One of the nice things about taking control of Cowzilla3’s posting on days he’s not shaving because I’ve hacked his accounts is that you don’t have to suffer through his inane excuses for using Old Spice on days that Old Spice doesn’t fit at all. Can you imagine him trying to convince you that Tonka Beans are actually quite close to Coffee Beans so he should be rewarded? BWAHAHHAHAHAH HA HA Ha ha… ha.

    It’s nice to have a good laugh.

    Anyway, today I drank some coffee in my kitchen, took some time to think, and relaxed. It was the same thing that shaving helps me do and put me into a very Air Bud state of mind. Now, the rules now state that this won’t count as shave, of course, but we all know that in reality, the Air Bud Rule is far more than finding loopholes so all you have to do is lather. The arguments have already been made and proven for why, if you’re truly committed, all you need to do is lather to shave. But… maybe Cowzilla3 didn’t go far enough. Do we even need to lather at all? I’d argue no. I was put into a shaving state of mind simply be taking a moment with my cup of coffee in my kitchen (an on-theme, on-daily-challenge moment). For the same justifications that trimming hair off your face is not needed to shave we can simply state that as long as you are thinking about shaving and keeping the process in your heart then you have shaved.

    Of course, this would bring the Lather Games tumbling to the ground so most Air Budians would rather not admit it. They may even call me a heretic. That I am going to far. That power like this will only lead to my, Air Bud Ruler, downfall. To that, I say, that there is no too far! Join or else!

    Sorry, I… I got carried away. Air Bud is open to all — from those who feel the need to lather to those that do not.

    No matter where you fall, you can, of course, join the Air Bud Quest!

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Coffee Grinder (DQed)
    • Brush: Coffee Mug (DQed)

  5. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-10 06:51:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 10, 2023 - Air Bud: The Musical

    Lather: Black Ship Grooming - Siren's Song

    Did you know that there's no Air Bud Musical? Weird, right? Of all the franchises Disney could make into a classic musical this has got to be at the top of the pile. It would also help with my ability to have some sort of segway into the next part of this post and connect everything to the Siren's Song soap, but alas, there isn't one so we'll just have to crash hard into it.

    As Cowzilla3 has recently admitted in this insightful and upsetting interview, he has only watched Air Bud once in full. The more we learn about it the more we understand just how unfit he was to carry the Air Bud Rule mantle forward. It's facts like these that would have helped us all know that he'd turn on us the moment it got hard.

    Well, I won't. I Air Bud Ruler have watched Air Bud 457.5 times (that half time was because I had to rescue some puppies from a well in order for them to star in Air Bud 34: Bud Plays Shuffle Board). As such, I know that not all judges are bad. In fact, the judge at the end of Air Bud sides with Air Bud! Yes, there are judges out there who see logic and reason. In fact, this judge ignores almost all legal precedent and any actual law to decide who Air Bud should go to. If that's not Air Bud Ruling, I don't know what is.

    You should check out the ending of Air Bud yourself and then watch the entire film four or five times to truly understand what a masterpiece it is. It will definitely help you with the Air Bud Quest.

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming - Siren's Song

  6. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-21 09:14:26-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: Zingari Man - Bon Monsieuer

    The Air Bud Ruler
    Can also write haikus too
    The Quest continues

    Detected Items:

    • Lather: Zingari Man - Bon Monsieuer

  7. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-24 12:30:01-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: Soap of the Air Bud Faithful

    I have plenty of soaps from those in this community as a beloved member and leader here. However, if I thanked one person for one soap then my true identity, which is not u/cowzilla3, would be revealed. But know that today I shaved with soap from a generous benefactor of this sub.

    I'd also like to address a recurring argument I hear against the Air Bud Rule: that it is not based in reality. Many say that the film Air Bud is a bunch of malarky made to simply entertain children and not to establish a cult-like following on a shaving subreddit. They argue that a dog could never play basketball and thus the fact that there ain't no rule doesn't matter. They say that a dog couldn't play any sports! That the very idea is ridiculous unless you specially train one to do a very specific thing.

    Well, theyr'e wrong. Here is video proof of an untrained dog about to score a goal in the middle of a professional soccer game. If the ref hadn't run out there it would have won the game for one of the teams for sure. I ask you, how could you argue with irrefutable evidence such as this!? You can't in fact. And thus your "unrealistic" argument is, actually, unrealistic in and of itself.

    I do, as par to today's theme, want to make mention of one community member: u/merikus, host of the LG podcast and a judge himself. While we have our differences, I am becoming more and more convinced that despite being a judge he is, in fact, also an Air Bud Faithful. I call out his name today because while many of us can easily follow the Air Bud Rule and reach a higher level of shaving, for some following the Air Bud Rule openly may not be an option as they've fallen into the wrong crowd and are afraid to leave.

  8. u/AirBudRuler posted on 2023-07-28 12:33:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Lather: The End

    Today will be my last day posting in the Lather Games, Air Bud Faithful. No, unlike u/cowzilla3, I have not given up but unlike him I have a life and this weekend will be full of it. Yes, even the Air Bud Ruler does non-Air Bud things. As such, it is time to say farewell to you all in the LG posts. Don't be sad that it is over, be happy it happened (and will carry on!).

    Those of you who stayed committed and believed, saw the growth of the Air Bud Rule into something bigger than it ever was under the turncoat Cowzilla3. Now, the Air Bud Rule is something bigger than just the idea of not shaving, it is a movement that will never die even if the judges refuse to acknowledge its power.

    Will I return next year? Whose to say. That's a long time and possibly by then the judges will have come to their senses and my role here will be done. Maybe I will be back stronger than ever. The future is as mysterious as the true nature of the Air Bud Rule itself.

    What is sure, is that this is not yet the last you will hear from me. The Air Bud Quest is still going on, and you can still participate even if you haven't started questing yet. All the pieces and codes are still readily available within these very Lather Games! There is one last bit of code to find and thus one last puzzle piece to collect! That means there will be one more Air Bud Rule Podcast after the games end and, of course, the reveal of the Air Bud Treasure in all its glory (once it's fully formed). This next and final podcast will be shocking to say the least with a special mystery guest that is sure to shake the very foundations of the Lather Games themselves. I urge you all to tune in. Until then, farewell.