u/hugbckt's SOTDs for challenge 'Feats of Fragrance 2023'

u/hugbckt submitted 30 SOTDS.
  1. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-01 12:52:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 - LG Day 1: Bonjour, Lather Games!

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Maggard Razors Shavette, Black Plastic Handle
    • Blade: Ted Pella Single Edge Injector (1)
    • Lather: Pasteur – Gotham The Five Points
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Deton-8
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive – Treachery

    A joyous first day of the Lather Games, year of our Djundjillord two thousand twenty-three, to you all!

    Today was my first time using a shavette for a full shave. I bought this on Black Friday last year and have used it to clean up the lines at the top of my beard before, but I’ve been afraid to use it for anything else. Today, I went for the full head shave. This was pretty darn scary, but it went…not terribly? A few nicks, and not a particularly clean shave, but I didn’t go out a la Sweeney Todd. Similarly, this is my first time using Pasteur’s house brand soap (and my first time ordering from them at all, actually). It’s a very strong/fragrant BR540 dupe, which isn’t unpleasant but it’s not my favorite designer frag by any means. The soap lathered and shaved just fine – nothing spectacular, nothing shameful. I’m certainly not opposed to trying another one of their soaps, if they were to come up with an original fragrance rather than a pre-blend/dupe.

    Given that Baccarat Rouge 540 isn’t what I wanted to smell all day, I decided to use the saffron note as the thread (pun intended) holding together my scents today. Deton-8, a dupe of a different designer frag, uses saffron as a middle note (rather than a top note like Gotham), but goes for a dramatically different scent profile than the lather I used today. Leaning into the warm spicy accords of Deton-8, I reached for u/hawns Treachery, which also has a saffron note. Shawn describes Treachery as “wholly indulgent”, which I couldn’t agree with more. It’s one of my absolute favorite frags (one day I’ll splurge on a full bottle), and although I wouldn’t normally wear it on an 80-degree day, it just felt right with these other scents. Treachery also has the added bonus of giving me the feelings of comfort and familiarity to balance out all the new things that the theme and challenge today called for.


  2. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-02 10:29:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 2, 2023 – LG Day 2 – Don’t Have a Cow

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gem MMOC
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Dr. Jon’s – Anne Bonny
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Gin & Tonic
    • Fragrance: Arquiste – The Architects Club

    Today was almost my first significant error of the Games. The soap I had chosen definitely had tallow in it, because I neglected to read beyond the first like three ingredients in my flurry of last-minute planning. Thankfully I double checked this morning, and we pivoted!

    Deepest apologies to jeffm, but bay rum is not my favorite. I have this soap which was a hand-me-down from my FIL’s collection, and it’s one of the dusty, back-of-the-shelfers that I only pull out occasionally. It’s not that I dislike bay rum, but I don’t crave it — and with all the other options I have…well, it gathers dust.

    Due to this, I didn’t have an easy grab for my pairings. Looking at the cover of the soap tin, the process of elimination occurred. West Indies Bay? Nothing. Black Tea? I got rid of my only tea-centric splash as I didn’t like it. Dark Rum? Nope. Lime? That. That I can work with.

    Most of my other limey splashes are already booked for later in the Games, but Gin & Tonic has the added bonus of also being booze-themed. Although the lime in G&T seems a bit artificial and cloying to my nose, it doesn’t clash with Anne Bonny by any means. The thing I miss most from this splash is actual gin. I don’t get much for juniper or really any botanicals that cause gin to be my liquor of choice. Thankfully, I have The Architects Club to help me out. Thought a vanilla frag at its core, it does give me the “cool dry gin opening” as advertised. This opening was lovely when upon its initial hit, and now that the vanilla has really started to show, it accentuates the sweetness of the rum and the lime that are lingering from my shave. This #FOF was a good reminder to me that I can trust my intuition a bit more when pairing scents. They don’t have to share an obvious note or be in the same family to work together. I panicked when TTS went down, because it was my biggest help in pairing scents every day. Now, I realize that this was, in a way, a gift to me — a lesson to trust my gut, try things out without overthinking, and just go for it.

    Now I want a Gin & Tonic.

  3. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-03 05:23:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 3, 2023 – LG Day 3 – Big Almonday

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder #FAUXFUR
    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable #DIAL
    • Blade: Sharp Star
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Almond Creme
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Amazelnut
    • Fragrance: Zoologist Perfumes – Chipmunk

    Almonday, yet again. Second year in a row. It’s happening, folks. Big Almond is here.

    They’ve been slowly infiltrating the community for years. Haven’t noticed? That’s the point. When someone new to wet shaving asks how much soap they’re supposed to scoop into their shaving bowl, what’s the answer? A chunk about the size of an almond. Cella, a “classic” soap, tried to get distance from Big Almond by creating an aftershave with a totally different scent. And what happened? Do you see Cella making waves in the artisan soap community? Does anybody even talk about Cella anymore? They were shut down, and Big Almond moved on.

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg, man. Here we are, in the Lather Games, the premiere wet shaving event not just for our little subreddit, but really for the world, and Big Almond has showed up again. Almond Creme. Almond Leather. u/RedMosquitoMM’s soap of choice, GD Almond Vanilla. Big Almond is everywhere, man. You just have to open your eyes.

    I mean, did u/RedMosquitoMM even really win last year? Who’s to say it wasn’t rigged from the start? We’re talking about someone who’s on the record saying, and I quote, “I like Almond”. Doesn’t that sound like collusion to you? Sure, he writes exquisite fragrance descriptions, takes stunning, professional photos for his SOTDs, and even describes his coffee down to the minutiae. More importantly, he’s a beloved member of the community. But who’s to say that it wasn’t Big Almond making us believe this all along?

    What, so I could just say that my shave today was inspired by nuts but not almonds, and I’d still have a chance? I could explain that the sweet marzipan of Almond Creme was accentuated and made better by Amazelnut, and then balanced out by the subtle spiciness and woodsiness of Chipmunk, bringing a delightful dry-down that avoids the cloyingness and divisiveness that almond soaps so often bring. #FOF But this doesn’t fit into the narrative that Big Almond wants you to hear. This isn’t the only reason Big Almond won’t let me win these games, though.

    I have evidence that Will of Barrister and Mann is now just another lackey of Big Almond. You were all distracted by the infamous Four Horsemen. You were led to believe that Will had his fun, made some weird scents, and is now going to give the people what they want. Wrong! Wake up, sheeple! As we speak, Will is running an underground testing facility, forcing people to shave with almonds, brush their teeth with almonds, make almonds all they can think about. I have photographic proof! Before we know it, the only scents available in the entire artisan scene will be almond.

    We must resist their attempts to take over our hobby. We must stand up for the diversity of scents in wet shaving. And we must never forget that almond is not the only way to shave.

    Join me in the fight against Big Almond. Together, we can preserve the diversity of scents in wet shaving and keep our hobby free from corporate influence.

    #NotMyScent #DownWithBigAlmond #FreeTheShave


  4. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-04 11:43:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 4, 2023 – LG Day 4 – April Showers Bring May Flowers

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Super Stainless (Green)
    • Lather: Noble Otter – Rawr
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter – Rawr
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux – La Petite Prairie

    We begin today by breaking out the drug scale – my Escali scale I use in my kitchen isn’t precise enough for Breaking Bad day. I measured out what I figured would be enough soap (NO Rawr) for a quick two-pass, gentle shave – it came out to 1.43 grams. After putting that soap in my Captain’s Choice ceramic shaving bowl, I pressed it down as smoothly and consistently as I could, trying to simultaneously minimize the loss of any soap on my thumb or otherwise. I then weighed my synthetic brush, which interestingly weighs 85 g on the dot. Once dipping it in warm water and shaking out excess, it weighed 89.51 g, indicating 4.51 g of water. I then loaded the brush with 140 counter-clockwise swirls around the bowl with moderate force. I then brushed the soap from the loaded brush onto my head, leaving a consistent but thin layer of Rawr. I then put my brush on the scale, tared the scale, and dipped my brush in water again, shaking out a bit less this time. This time, it was 7.81 g of water. I built a lather on my head with the wet and soapy brush, using 80 counter clockwise swirls over the entire surface area of my scalp. This was followed by 40 lateral swipes of the brush to even the lather for a more consistent shave. I then loaded a brand new 7 O’Clock SS blade into my Gillette Ball-End Tech, and shaved my head with 35 swipes across the grain.

    It was at this point that I got simultaneously bored and overwhelmed with trying to keep track of everything, leading me to remember why I didn’t pursue the hard sciences. But I wasn’t just going to give up on the daily challenge. Instead, I shifted to what I know best – the soft sciences.

    I’m a therapist/clinician specializing in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an evidence-based treatment commonly considered the “gold standard” for borderline personality disorder, which is also strongly efficacious for transdiagnostic emotional dysregulation. For my second pass, I decided to use some core DBT mindfulness skills. While lathering and shaving during this second pass, I was able to shift my focus completely away from counting and precision, and rather notice what I was sensing and feeling, both emotionally and physically. I noticed the gentle feeling of a mild razor cutting the little stubble I had. I noticed my muscles become less tense as I was able to let go of concerns about having a precise or perfect shave. I was able to notice the feelings that Rawr bring – feelings of calm and peace, evocative of springtime and the outdoors, the childlike fun of playing outside without the adult concerns of yard maintenance and capitalism.

    When I rinsed off my head, I was able to observe the pleasure of the temperature difference, with a warm washcloth wiping away any remaining soap, while leaving behind the pleasant fragrance of Rawr. I sprayed La Petite Prairie and immediately noticed a judgment – this is a sample I meant to put in the giveaway pile. Noticing this judgment, and careful not to judge myself for judging (a core DBT mindfulness skill), I allowed myself to step back and notice what I was sensing, instead. I noticed the tartness and sourness of rhubarb, which I recognized as the note which sparked my reaction. Allowing myself to be one-mindful, I also noticed the springy florals, and as I write this now, I begin to notice the woody undertones that become more prominent after the dry down. All of these notes mix into Rawr, interplaying in a way which allow me to enjoy both scents, free of those negative judgments. DBT also teaches me that even if that sourness was still present, I can distract myself, accept the things I cannot change, and tolerate my distress to continue on my path toward a life worth living. #FOF

  5. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-05 17:51:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 5, 2023

    I grabbed this tube of goop from my local Hannaford (regional grocery store) a couple weeks ago in anticipation of today, upon noticing that it was aggressively marked down – a sure sign of a quality product. Nature’s Promise is one of the primary private labels for Hannaford, which is usually fine and dandy for food, but I wasn’t so sure about the quality of today’s shave.

    My assumption was mostly correct. It was…fine? The lime scent was very saccharine, like a lime slushy, and the consistency was neither soap nor cream. It was much more liquidy than I expected, so I accidentally poured out way too much for a neck and beard shaping day (head needed a break due to not being used to daily shaves). Even using some water and a brush, it didn’t really lather up into what I’m used to with artisan soaps. It was thick and viscous initially, and although water helped a bit, it didn’t exactly build a “lather.” No cuts or frag burn, though, so I can’t really complain.

    To even out the sweet lime, I used Maggard Lime & Bergamot, which gave a little bit of complexity. I was going to then use Tyler by Guy Fox, but decided to go with Universal Supreme instead, thinking/hoping that it would create a cherry lime rickey vibe. This didn’t quite work, as the scent of the soap and splash faded quickly on account of not covering my entire head, so I mostly just got cherry. Again, no complaints – just not what I was going for. #FOF

    Per the challenge, I fully recognize that I am not a perfumer. I struggle to pull out scent notes, and sometimes I read note lists and have trouble identifying them or even believing that those notes are to be found. For somebody who is really into fragrances and cooking/food, I have a less-than-discerning palate and olfactory ability. That said, I would love a soap that evokes an Aviation cocktail. The cocktail is made with gin, maraschino liqueur, creme de violette, and lemon juice. So, scent notes would probably be juniper, coriander, cherry, vanilla, lemon, and a hint of violet. I would imagine the fragrance being largely herbaceous, with a rounded sweetness and mid notes of citrus, and top notes of florals which fade (to represent how you shouldn’t overload the creme de violette in an Aviation). I imagine some other notes would need to be added to make a more balanced fragrance, and some perfume oils to be in the background in order to make the important notes stand out – I just don’t know how any of that exactly works.

  6. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-06 05:53:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023

    • Brush: Zenith r/wetshaving Exclusive MOAR Boar – 31mm
    • Razor: Gillette Fatboy
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Super Stainless (Green)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime

    I own a total of one (1) full matching set. (u/ItchyPooter would be proud.) Hence, choosing my scent/lather for today was quite easy! Technically, I have two other products (Sea Ice Lime soap and splash), but it felt redundant to shave with both, especially since only one product of each category counts per day. SSL is such a good scent, clearly popular among the sub for a reason, and one of my most oft complimented fragrances.

    For my #FOF today, I’m going to break it down per the side contest rubric:

    How much are you thinking about your scent choices for a particular theme? Answer: I had one option to meet the theme requirements.

    Why did you choose to dickhole (or if you are like me, non dickhole?). Answer: I had to dickhole/trickhole to meet the theme requirements. This is not normally my preference.

    How does your scent evolve over the course of your shave and the day. Answer: Unlike many of my fragrances, I find SSL to be fairly consistent over the course of the day, particularly the soap and splash. When using the EdP alone, I definitely notice a shift, and there’s much more subtlety to the individual notes. With the whole trickhole, though? I smell, as my partner describes it, “like man and limes.”

    How do your scent choices make you feel? Answer: I love this scent. It brings me joy. It’s a bonus that often I get told I smell nice when I wear SSL, which definitely increases my confidence, but even without this, SSL simply makes me happy.

    Can you write out a thoughtful comment/haiku/shitpost to give us an insight into all of this? It does not have to be a million words. Pretty Please – make my life easy. Answer:

    In scented realms where sweet aromas soar,

    a blend of joy does swiftly come to pass,

    that Spearhead Shaving’s Sea Spice Lime, adore,

    brings contentment with each fragrant class.

    Upon my face, a smile begins to bloom,

    as blade of steel glides on my cherished skin,

    tahiti lime, a scent that does exhume

    the praise and kindness from those who breathe in.

    A show’r of compliments like summer rain,

    each passerby bewitched by fragrance fine,

    well favored and yet never sought in vain,

    ocean, pepper, cedarwood do shine.

    Oh, Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime, my true delight,

    a rare concoction bringing joy so bright.

    The only downside to SSL is the slight curvature of the EDP bottle, making stacking a moderate challenge. Only took ten minutes and several variations of stacking to get it to stay.

  7. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-07 08:36:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 7, 2023 – LG Day 7 – Fremen Friday

    • Brush: RazoRock 400 Plissoft Synthetic #PREMIUMPLASTIC
    • Razor: Merkur 34C
    • Blade: Voskhod
    • Lather: Declaration Grooming – Darkfall
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Intrepid Man
    • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors – A City On Fire

    Today’s theme is both easy and difficult for me: easy because I have a ton of options, difficult because I have to make a choice. Orientals, spicy scents, and smoky fall scents are some of my absolute favorites, so I tend to have trouble not buying more. I went with Darkfall today, ~~partially to make sure I get the DG sponsor point in of course, but also~~ entirely because it combines smokiness and spiciness in a really beautiful way. It manages to evoke burning leaves, just as it’s meant to, but is not smoky in a way that most would find overwhelming. The cinnamon and clove are still very present while lathering and shaving, but they give way to the resins and balsams post-shave. To provide a little post-shave balance, I tried layering a completely different spicy oriental – Intrepid Man. Aside from the style of fragrance, there is only one note in common (cinnamon). Honestly, I can’t really detect the cinnamon in Intrepid man, but as stated in another post, I don’t have the most discerning nose. It was interesting to see how the two fragrances came together. The tonka and vanilla are playing very nicely with the resinous smoke, and Intrepid Man helped to bring that spiciness out a little more as well. Then I sprayed A City on Fire. Although I personally notice the cardamom and cade, I recognize that others (i.e. my partner) just smell smoke. It just so happens that I love the smell of smoke, at least this kind. Tobacco, burnt leaves, burnt match, smoky resins – give them all to me. (Cigarette smoke, not so much.) I’ve paired A City on Fire with Darkfall before, and I know that it might be a little more smoky than my coworkers would like to be smelling – but I have Fridays off, so I can spray unabashedly to my heart’s delight. Smoky and spicy, all day long. #FOF

    My other hobby…I have two. I really love cooking/baking, but work sucks (a la u/Old_Hiker) and I’ve been too tired to be creative in the kitchen as of late. The other hobby is a more recent obsession, which is TTRPGs (tabletop role-laying games, for the uninitiated). It’s taken over my life and maybe become a little excessive, but I’m having fun. I’m currently in two DnD (Dungeons & Dragons) campaigns, and I started running a campaign using a lesser-known system called Other Dust. The DnD campaigns are more casual for me. I get to show up, be a garden gnome in one and a Thri-kreen in the other, and play a fun game with friends. GMing a campaign, however, is a super time-suck. Worldbuilding, creating stat-blocks for NPCs and beasts, trying to balance my technophobic post-apocalyptic world with some semblance of levity so we don’t feel depressed playing, trying to anticipate and prepare for the ten million directions my players might go because I really don’t want to railroad — it’s a lot of work. And I’m loving it. Also, I listen to NADD Pod pretty much every day, I’ve watched most seasons of Dimension 20, and I regularly listen to/watch Adventuring Academy and read the various RPG/DnD subreddits to try to absorb as much knowledge as I can. The RPG community is pretty darn big, and I don’t know that I could argue that all of them are weirder than us on r/wetshaving, but there are definitely plenty that could talk for hours and hours about the weird mechanics, spells, characters, and history of the various worlds they play in.

    Edit: I apparently shouldn't make up sponsors because then it induces panic among other players

  8. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-08 09:19:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 8, 2023 – LG Day 8 – SBS (But not the SBS we’re usually referring to)

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-B
    • Blade: Lord Classic (1)
    • Lather: Maggard Razors – Orange Menthol
    • Post Shave: Wet the Face – Grapefruit Tangelo
    • Fragrance: Kerosene – Summer of 84

    I am forever grateful for Maggard Razors. Almost every wetshaving purchase I’ve made has been through them. Especially since so much of my den is samples, Maggard is really the only place to go when you want to try a variety of things and not pay out the butt in shipping costs. The fact that Maggard has such a positive relationship with many of our favorite artisans makes it feel much better – knowing that it’s not about the money but about the love of the hobby and the community makes it that much easier to support Maggard Razors.

    With all that said, I embarrassingly only have one scent of Maggard’s house brand soap – Orange Menthol. It’s simple but successful, with a lovely orange accord that doesn’t feel overpowering but is present, and is neither too synthetic nor hitting me over the head with essential oils. This made it an easy pair with WTF Grapefruit Tangelo, which just kicks up the citrus anytime I’m looking for that. Summer of 84 is a new acquisition for me; I believe this is my second time wearing it. It’s a very clean explosion of grapefruit, made better by the other notes in the background allowing the citrus to shine. Today is a bright, summer shave, sponsored by the folks that make it impossible to stop buying more soap. #FOF

    DQT comment/answer/contribution here. Probably will have more over the course of the day, too, to appreciate the sheer number of shitposts in the thread.

  9. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-09 07:21:18-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 – LG Day 9 – The Normalized Substance Addiction of Caffeine

    • Brush: Zenith r/wetshaving Exclusive MOAR Boar 31mm #CHONK
    • Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable
    • Blade: Sharp Star
    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles – Irish Coffee
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Woodshop
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Rumble

    Coffee. We drink it, a lot of it, and make sure people know we drink it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my coffee. I genuinely enjoy not just the taste, but also my routine of making it in the morning (Japanese-style flash-brewed iced coffee using a french press, if you’re curious). I just wonder how healthy it is for us to not only normalize this addiction but also to use it as an excuse for being a jerk in the morning.

    Anyway, the classic Lather Games kitchen shave. I’m seeing my friends’ parents later today, and I considered bringing my setup and shaving in their kitchen today, but I didn’t want to have to explain my reasons and end up talking about shaving, Reddit, and cults for the entire visit. Thankfully, my view at my kitchen sink isn’t half bad. Plus, I have a handheld mirror that I usually use to check my lather on the back of my head and ensure I didn’t miss any spots. This made my life easier than some, who had a mirror-less face shave. However, although I could see the sides and top of my head (and hanging pan rack), I kept instinctually putting the mirror behind my head to then realize that doesn’t help me at all when I don’t have a mirror in front of me, too. It’s not the first time I’ve had to do this – I shave by feel when staying at friends’ houses or when camping – but it’s not the easiest thing to do, and I have a couple of birthmarks that using a mirror helps me to avoid nicking. Thankfully, we made it through today’s shave cut-free, largely thanks to CBubs incredible soap.

    For my #FOF, I kept it pretty simple today. Soap: coffee and irish whiskey. Splash: coffee, bourbon, and woods. Frag: coffee, chocolate, rum. Three of my favorite wet shaving scents, all different but wonderfully complimentary, and all celebrating coffee.

    The only thing missing was booze in my actual coffee, but I’m about to drive to NH, so the boozy coffee scents will have to do.

  10. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-10 16:43:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 10, 2023 – LG Day 10 – Musical Monday

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-B
    • Blade: Lord Classic (2)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Electric Mayhem
    • Post Shave: Chiseled Face – Trade Winds
    • Fragrance: Zoologist Perfumes – Squid
    • Song: Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem – Can You Picture That?

    I’ve been impressed today looking at everyone’s posts today, seeing the variety of lathers used. I anticipated more Electric Mayhem, and definitely more Pagination’s Violin. I even have a couple in my den that I hadn’t even considered using, despite their clear connection to the theme. I went with Electric Mayhem, though, because of my partner’s love of the Muppets. I can get down with electroswing, don’t get me wrong, but we’re really enjoying The Muppets Mayhem (on Disney+). It’s worth a watch, and one of those shows that is effectively built to be entertaining to adults who are seeking some nostalgia (in this case, the Muppets). Mrs. Hugbckt started playing “Can You Picture That?” out of the blue yesterday, and I was struck by how it connected both with my soap and the challenge today. We were asked to “picture” our soap label, right?? Okay, I know it’s a stretch.

    For my #FOF, I haven’t used this soap in quite a while, and I had forgotten how much I love the plum and sour/tart fruit notes. I’m surprised at how much I like these notes, considering I recently tried a rhubarb-centric frag which had sour notes that I immediately perceived as vomit. Regardless, it’s a really cool and unique scent. I wish I had a splash, because I would have dickholed today. Instead, I tried to playing on the aquatic-y nature of Mayhem, on account of the ozone. Squid was a good frag to use. Trade Winds was not a good choice. It’s a wonderful scent that I really love, but it’s too different from the lather today. The spicy base notes totally overpowered all of the tart fruit and the other cool things in EM that I can’t quite describe. Squid’s musky, inky, tangy, saltiness immediately hit as something that would have paired with Mayhem perfectly…if only I could still smell it at that point.

    I may not have “drawn” my label today, per se, but I did learn how to layer PNGs to make the label art better.

  11. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-11 11:58:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 11, 2023 – LG Day 11 – I’m Gonna Soak Up the Sun

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Super Stainless (Green)
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. (Formerly Oleo Soapworks) – Montrose Beach
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. (Formerly Oleo Soapworks) – Montrose Beach
    • Fragrance: Guy Fox – Tyler

    One of my favorite days of the Games since I can wear a scent that actually fits the season! We actually got some sun and heat today as opposed to the seemingly ever-present rain that we’ve had in Maine this summer. Montrose Beach, according to Chicago Grooming, has notes of “sea salt, dried coconut, eucalyptus, jasmine, carnation, vetiver, driftwood and seaweed.” It also is made available “Just in time for Summer”, for the record. I’m quite fond of this one because, unlike many of my other summer soaps, it doesn’t hit you on the head with tropical fruit. There is some, however, which, looking at the note list, must be coming from the coconut. It’s definitely balanced with the rest of the soap which definitely evokes “beach” in all the ways you want it to (not the weird gross seaweed smell that sometimes happens). Chose to dickhole so that I could then thoroughly enjoy Tyler, which gives me more tropical fruit, but like Montrose Beach, has some green notes and patchouli to bring some depth and roundness. #FOF

    Due to my lack of actually EdP bottles, wasn’t able to properly color coordinate today. However, I did wear a blue shirt and sand-color linen pants to match with the soap label. So I’ve gotta earn like 1/4 point for that, right?

  12. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-12 05:01:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 12, 2023 – LG Day 12 – It’s So Fluffy I’m Gonna Die

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette Fatboy
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Super Stainless (Green)
    • Lather: RazoRock – The Dead Sea
    • Post Shave: RazoRock – The Dead Sea
    • Fragrance: Bon Parfumeur – 801 Sea Spray, Cedar and Grapefruit

    I’m not a soapmaker, so I don’t understand how any of these “ingredients” work – but looks like coconut oil is definitely the third ingredient for my soap today. While I don’t know how exactly it creates fluffiness, it must do something because when I was looking for something to use today, I noticed it’s in a whole lot of the soaps in my den. Dead Sea isn’t the greatest performing soap I own by any means, but it’s one of my partner’s favorite scents, so it felt wrong not to find a way to use it this month (in lieu of XWMBO day). If I didn’t have to go to work, I’m curious how shaving with straight up coconut oil with maybe some coconut cream and coconut flakes would be…

    I bowl lathered instead of my usual head lather that I’ve gotten accustomed to. I exclusively bowl lathered when I started this hobby, but after a short stint of trying GUTL, I decided to try to find the most efficient option instead. To keep up the opposite day vibe, I also used cold water today in my lather and to rinse my razor, which I think is the cause of a few nicks I now have on my head. Despite the cuts, however, it was rather refreshing on what’s going to be an obnoxiously hot day in the Northeast. (P.S., hope all my Vermont friends out there are safe and dry).

    #FOF today was really just about an easy grab. The lemon and rosemary in Dead Sea are particularly pleasant, so I wanted to use the splash to make sure they were able to shine. To further amplify and celebrate the citrus and rosemary, I used BP 801, which has both notable, but with some more complexity – some saltiness, a pleasant, light cedar and cypress, and something nice and green/herbal that I can’t quite place (maybe the pink peppercorn?). I should have seen this coming, but I bought this sample, used it for the first time, and then my partner decided it’s hers (so I had to steal it back for today). It’s pretty clear to me that this fragrance build is a big yes from her, so I’m now on the lookout for other similar fragrances/soaps to add to my collection. It’s nice when everyone’s happy.

  13. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-13 09:30:00-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 13, 2023 – LG Day 13 – Far Out, Man!

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-B
    • Blade: Lord Classic (3)
    • Lather: Murphy and McNeil – Ouroboros
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Glastonbury
    • Fragrance: Comme des Garçons – Incense Series 3: Avignon

    I really love hippy dippy scents. Incense is one of my favorite fragrance categories, and patchouli is an undercurrent in a ton of soaps and frags I own (and the two have a significant overlap). Ouroboros is an interesting one. Murphy & McNeil doesn’t make my favorite base, and I struggled to get a good lather this morning, but I got there with some patience (moar water moar soap). I’m not really sure how the self-devouring serpent is connected to a soap that’s really just amber, patchouli, and incense, but you gotta name a soap something. It’s a very warm and sweet incense, somewhat like nag champa, probably as such because of the amber and vanilla. It definitely fits the theme, but it’s not necessarily my favorite incense- or patchouli-centric product I own. Glastonbury felt like a good pairing, as it’s heavier on the patchouli than it is the incense, and as indicated in the product description, is definitely evocative of hippies and music festivals. It smells like the hippie shops i’ve been into in Maine and Vermont (e.g. Mexicali Blues), and honestly smells a lot like my former roommate who is very much more into the real deal “hippy dippy baloney.” Really craving the particular type of incense I like most, I immediately went for CDG Avignon. The frankincense, myrrh, and everything else in this fragrance is incredibly evocative of the Catholic church I grew up in, which brings forth a lot of nostalgia of when I was a kid and life was much easier. At this point in the day, it’s mostly faded off, leaving vanilla with only a touch of incense left (unless I shove my wrist into my nose), but it’s a pleasant drive down. This is one that I will probably get a full bottle of when I have the funds to splurge. #FOF

    Keeping with the hippy dippy theme, my song today is Everything is Permanent by Dawes (Spotify | YouTube). My partner is much more into the classic jam bands, particularly Grateful Dead, so I was excited to share this album from one of my favorite bands with her when the album recently came out. Dawes is a folk-rock/dad-rock band that has had a lot of evolution over their career, and the nine minute long, jam band-esque songs in this album were a surprise to me, but are really thoroughly enjoyable. This song is my favorite.

  14. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-14 19:25:07-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 14, 2023

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder
    • Razor: Gem MMOC
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: K Shave Worx – Snow Dog
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Co. – Seaforth! Sea Ice Lime – Splash
    • Fragrance: Bon Parfumeur – 803 Sea Spray, Ginger and Patchouli

    Today’s theme and challenge were clearly combined for the express purpose of torturing Lather Games participants and entertaining the djudges, like the jesters we are.

    Are you happy now? Happy that we’re playing your little games, like toys for your amusement?! Hmm?!!!? Are you?!?!

    Despite menthol indeed being in the ingredient list for Snow Dog, it’s not at all the chilliest soap I’ve used. I would have used Arctique if I hadn't already used B&M another day this month (gotta chase that 30 brands point). The shave itself, although not that cold, was a bit rough with having to go ATG on my damn head, something I never do (a normal shave for me is WTG and XTG). I hope it’s not off-challenge that I didn’t shave off the beard I’ve had for the last ten years. Maybe I wasn’t extra kind to myself by picking the MMOC as my razor for the day, but go big or go home, you know?

    I certainly made up for the lackluster chilliness with Sea ICE Lime. Sea Spice Lime, the scent I love so much that I bought the cold version, too. The WS-23 is very effective at creating frigidity without forcing the menthol scent which I can easily take or leave (but certainly does not make sense in tandem with all fragrances). Thinking about the mint notes of the soap and then using a splash that’s generally a summer grab for me, I immediately thought about winter walks on the beach, something my partner and I love to do. 803 is described as a “frosted patchouli,” but the other notes of the fragrance were what really brought together my lather and splash. The aquatic/marine accord, what 803 uses for its “cold” notes, was evocative of my lather, while the ginger, pink pepper and juniper felt like they worked beautifully alongside the notes in Sea Ice Lime. With the warmth of patchouli representing the scarf, sweater, and coat that are necessary for a winter beach walk in Maine, the end result was just what I was hoping for. #FOF

  15. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-15 05:49:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 15, 2023

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Razorock Mamba 70
    • Blade: Lord Extra (1)
    • Lather: Grooming Dept – Chypre Peach
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Smash
    • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming – Daemon

    A podcast episode for the ages.

    tl;dr I recorded a podcast today, aptly titled PodShave (u/merikus please don’t sue), as I want to limit my face on the internet but wanted to participate beyond admitting that HD Shaves is the only wettuber I watch. Hence, you get the dulcet tones of my voice – and by you, I mean the judge unlucky enough to be assigned this shave, and anyone who is bored enough to listen to a half-hour in-real-time recorded shave.

    I spoke about this in the podcast, but GD Chypre Peach is unpleasant. u/OnionMiasma warned me (P.S., thanks for the smush), but it’s really not good. I will say, however, the performance of the soap was fantastic. For my #FOF, I used Smash because I wanted the peach that this soap was simply not giving me despite it being in the name, and Daemon because I was hoping the oakmoss and other pleasant notes in that frag would make up for the disappointing lather. Both did exactly what I hoped. Peach and bourbon, mixed with a warm, oaky vanilla and amber is all I’m smelling at this point. Inoffensive, perfect for seeing friends later today, and evoking some of the notes I was really hoping the GD chypre was going to give me in the first place.

    Happy Saturday, folks.

  16. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-16 14:53:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 16, 2023 – LG Day 16 – Shave and a Haircut

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Merkur 34C
    • Blade: Voskhod
    • Lather: Wet Shaving Products – Barbershop Rustic Shaving Soap
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Desairology
    • Fragrance: Zoologist Perfumes – Moth

    I haven’t been to a barbershop in probably 8 or 9 years, since I started shaving my head. I maintain my own beard and no barbershop around me does a proper shave as far as I know. That said, I can tell you what the barbershop I grew up going to smelled like. Clubman. At some point I had a little tub of Clubman brand shave soap, but I probably tossed it as it was pretty terrible quality. WSP Rustic Barbershop doesn’t smell like that to me, although “powdery musk” is one of the scent notes. The soap overall is…fine? It makes a good lather that whips up quickly, but the scent doesn’t impress me. To be fair to WSP, though, no barbershop scent impresses me. To fit today’s theme, I had to dig through the box of soaps I’ve been meaning to put on the ‘zaar for cheap, and thankfully this was in there. Unsurprisingly, I don’t have much for post-shaves that would fit the barbershop theme. After some searching, I found a sample of Desairology I haven’t used in forever, which is a barbershop with a spooky twist, as is SW’s prerogative. Upon putting SW’s splash on my head, I got the complexity of the various barbershoppy notes they included, all at one — but unfortunately, all I smell now is powder. I’m not sure if this is because of the splash, or if it’s leftover from the soap, or something else. It definitely evokes the Clubman that says “barbershop” to me, but it’s not what I prefer to smell like. #FOF

    I chose Moth today for a couple of reasons that link it to the theme – powdery florals to match with barbershop, gothic vibes to match Southern Witchcrafts. Mostly, though, I chose it because I love it. It’s one of my favorite frags of all time, and I don’t have to try hard to find an excuse to wear it. However, things were a little backwards today due to being trapped in New Hampshire with a flooded road. I stayed with friends last night, and didn’t pack my shaving kit as I anticipated leaving in the morning, but we didn’t get to leave until around 2, when we could see the road again. I had a Moth sample with me, though, so I was able to spritz that after my shower. It’s still very present on my sternum, so not blending with my shave so much, but a nice treat if I stick my face in my shirt.

  17. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-17 13:46:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 17, 2023 – LG Day 17 – Together Again

    • Brush: RazoRock 400 Plissoft Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: Gillette Rubie (1)
    • Lather: Zingari – Mousse Illuminée
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Carpathia
    • Fragrance: Maya Njie – Nordic Cedar

    A delightful collaboration between Zingari Man and Rogue Perfumery today. This is a really wonderful scent that I wish I had grabbed a sample of the actual fragrance for. Today would’ve been a great excuse for it, but I just didn’t plan ahead well enough. I’ll keep it fairly short. The lather was a little bit weak, but I think that was user error on my part as I haven’t used ZM very much, and I probably just needed moar water moar soap. The fragrance was, as mentioned, a delight. Carpathia added some dank, wet stone, which felt appropriate given the significant note of moss in the soap. I struggled a bit to figure out what fragrance to use, but out of my options in my den, Nordic Cedar was the best fit. The perfumer describes it as earthy, due to the patchouly, but the base of cedarwood and musk is what I get most, which certainly fits the mid notes and base notes of Mousse Illuminée. The match works, but just doesn’t emphasize the moss, which I think is so cool about this particular lather scent. #FOF

    And now, I present you some properly cringe-worthy jokes about alum:

    Where does u/jeffm54321 store his SOTD pics? >!In a photo alum!!<

    What’s the difference between a chef and an alum user? >!Where they put the salt.!<

    What do you call someone who uses Osma alum to help their skin? >!Delusional. !<

    Why did the alum user get a job as a dermatologist? >!Because he wanted to help people with their skin problems, even if he couldn’t help his own.!<

  18. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-18 05:36:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 18, 2023 – LG Day 18 – FALLing Slowly into Madness

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: Gillette Rubie (2)
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts – Pomona
    • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Teacher’s Pet
    • Fragrance: Ineke Perfumes – Jaipur Chai

    Ah, fall. The best time of year, shorter every year as our planet inches closer to becoming uninhabitable.

    Pomona is simply one of the best fall scents out there. Honeyed apple wine? Sign me up. Honey scents and honey flavored things are tough for me, because they often taste too sweet and don’t quite capture the unique characteristics of a good wildflower honey. Pomona manages to do what others don’t – smell like a really good, local, complex honey. I bolstered the apple with Teacher’s Pet, which smells to me like the bowl of apple peels that comes from making an apple pie, and is incredibly nostalgic. Truly a delight. Finally, a spritz of Jaipur Chai to represent the hot chai my partner so often drinks in the fall (plus, chai spices are really good in apple desserts – throw some cardamom into your apple pie next time if you haven’t tried this before). #FOF

    Hard to truly celebrate Atlas Shaves with only one day of growth. I figured a glass would show off what the challenge asked of us and be easier than trying to wipe off my razor on a towel. And behold, it worked! It looks gnarly, but it smells so good…in fact, it smells tasty……

    yes, hugbckt, let the intrusive thoughts win…[warning: NSFW]

  19. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-19 05:45:30-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 19, 2023

    • Brush: awesomesocks.club June 2023 Crew
    • Razor: Gem MMOC
    • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Derby – Lemon
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Glacial, Lemon Chill
    • Fragrance: American Perfumer – Lockdown

    Yesterday, the judges asked us to torture them with our gross photos. Today, the tables have turned. Whoever came up with this idea should be banned from not just the sub, but from the act of wet shaving forever.

    If I have to use a sock to lather and write about it/take photos, it seems like an apt opportunity to let people know about awesomesocks.club (shoutout to r/nerdfighters). It’s a monthly sock subscription where you get a pair of socks every month, designed by an independent artist, where all profits go to charity, specifically to help build healthcare systems in impoverished communities.

    This is a great sock. However. A sock, no matter how great a sock, is not a great lathering tool. I knew I would need more cream than usual, so I dumped a bunch in my Timeless shaving bowl. This stuff is cheap, and I rarely ever use it, so I should have used more. This was the first mistake. Second mistake was to try to use the sock as a sock puppet, which created a terrible lather. Honestly, I don’t know if I can even legally call this a lather. I took the sock off my hand, wrung it out, and folded/bunched it up to try to create the shape of a brush. This was the best choice I could have made. Don’t get me wrong – the lather still sucked. But it was better than before, and it gave me just enough for one pass. So I grabbed the MMOC, because there was no way I was making another batch of lather. As u/RedMosquitoMM pointed out, putting it on your face (or for me, my head) with a brush is the way to go. The sock just soaks it up. I squeezed everything out of the sock, grabbed my Stirling Lil Brudder, and got a lackluster layer of soap on my head. The rest of the shave was…fine.

    Lemon all the way down. Well, all the way until the parfum. Derby is straight lemon. Splash is straight lemon plus too much menthol (I can still feel it between my fingers). Lockdown, created by Mark Sage, was a wonderful surprise gift (sample) that was included in my last u/AmericanPerfumer order. It’s exactly the type of frag I love. The notes are listed as: lime, fig leaves, pink pepper, cardamom, cascarilla, elemi, ginger, myrrh, smoky incense, weeping cypress, jasmine, ylang ylang, labdanum, sandalwood, civet, musk. This all comes together perfectly. I feel like it pairs with the citrusy shave well, and gives me some balance and complexity after the lemon bomb. The incense and musky, amber notes aren’t what I would initially think to pair with lemon, but it really does work quite wonderfully. #FOF

    P.S. Please don’t bring this challenge back next year. Please.

    [edited due to typo]

  20. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-20 06:20:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 20, 2023 – LG Day 20 – I’ve been duped!

    I’m so glad I bought Prom King. Dupes aren’t usually something I go for, but given Kyle’s description of it and the hype around it, it seemed like it was worth getting the set. I haven’t smelled the real dead Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier, but I assume this dupe is pretty darn similar. I struggle to place what notes specifically I notice most and like, to be honest — this is one of those situations where my newness to this hobby really shows. I used Memoirs of a Trespasser EdP because it’s another amber frag that also has some strong vanilla in its base. They definitely seem to go together, but again, I’m not sure why. I feel like a n00b. #FOF

    Re: Challenge – This was terrible. I loaded my brush with as little water as I could and got the pastiest lather possible, so pasty that it looks like I lathered my brush with glue. When I finished the first pass of the top and sides of my head, this is all the soap that came off my head and onto the razor, and rinsing this spackle off was a pain. There was even less (and thicker) soap that came from shaving the back of my head. I’m so happy that tomorrow we can have a normal shave. It’s been a long two days.

  21. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-21 12:00:04-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 21, 2023 – LG Day 21 – fu.ʒɛʁ

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-B
    • Blade: Lord Classic (4)
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw – Fougère Bouquet
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Fougère Angelique
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Deep Blue Sea

    Three fougères today that feel very different for each other. Despite their popularity, this is a fragrance category that I struggle with. I think the first fougère I bought was the generally beloved Seaforth! Heather, but I had to sell it because it was just too strong for me. At this point, I mostly hold onto the few fougères I have for the lather games.

    My soap, splash, and frag today all share notes of sandalwood, cedar, tonka bean, and lavender, and share other notes that are in the same family as each other. Despite this, WK’s soap, B&M’s splash, and Stirling’s dupe of Bleu de Chanel all have distinctly different profiles. With each product’s fragrance lasting longer than the next, there was a nice transition between each fougère profile. I’m not sure which I like best, but today’s shave may have convinced me to actually enjoy this scent profile – I guess, just like food, sometimes you need exposure to really appreciate something. #FOF

    I used to dislike

    the family they call fougère.

    I guess I was wrong.

  22. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-22 09:47:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 22, 2023 – LG Day 22 – It rubs its berries on its legs, it does this whenever it’s told

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette Fatboy
    • Blade: 7 O’Clock – Super Stainless (Green)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Mood Indigo
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Glacial Strawberry Lemonade
    • Fragrance: Olympic Orchids – Blackbird

    Mood Indigo = blueberry

    Glacial Strawberry Lemonade = strawberry

    Blackbird = blackberry

    Lots and lots of berries today, all delicious, all different. The darker, more rounded Mood Indigo is brightened with a pop of strawberry candy and then countered by a woodsy, medicinal blackberry. #FOF


    I’m very new at guitar and clearly am not at my best today in terms of singing. And I’m not a master lyricist. In fact, why did I do this? Why I didn’t shave my legs today.

  23. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-23 07:19:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 23, 2023 – LG Day 23 – Compliments and Audits

    • Brush: Maggard Timberwolf Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Razorock Mamba 70
    • Blade: Lord Classic
    • Lather: Wickham Soap Co. – Club Cola
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter – Monoi de Tahiti
    • Fragrance: Kerosene – Unknown Pleasures

    Ah, hello there! Sorry, I thought the IRS was coming tomorrow…did I miss a call saying you were coming today instead? What? You’re not the IRS? The Internal LATHERING Service? Oh, okay…well, welcome to my bathroom, I guess. Pardon the mess, I really wasn’t expecting you. I guess that’s the point of an audit, right? If I was expecting you then I would have time to hide things…not that I have anything to hide!!! No, nothing to hide here! Sorry, let me show you around.

    Well, over here is my Razorock Mamba 70 razor, loaded with a Lord Classic. I know, it’s not the most popular blade, but it works just fine. It’s a pretty good shaver, mild, but it does the trick. It’s nice to be able to turn off my brain once in a while…no! I didn’t meant that, I promise — I’m always paying attention! Not falling asleep on the job, no siree, not me!

    How’s my lather? Well, I used Wickham Club Cola today. 1912 vintage, vegetal…nice and cruelty free! Although tallow might make it a little softer and easier to load…but you can’t beat that smell! I mean, do you get that enchanting aroma? I get compliments on this all the time. My partner loves it. No! I mean my domestic partner. No, she’s not an employee…oh, well, I guess you wouldn’t care about that. Sorry, I really wasn’t prepared for you, I’ve been preparing for the IRS, getting files in order, all that. Anyway, this gives a slick shave, and a rewarding lather if you put in the effort.

    You want to see my lather? That’s a bit personal, don’t you think? Maybe you want to hear about my splash and fragrance first. Check out this Monoi de Tahiti. Floral, sweet vanilla, some tropical coconut, ginger, lime…you’ve gotta love it. Everyone does. It just makes you imagine you’re at the beach, drinking a tropical beverage, and not in your bathroom with strangers…oh, did I say that out load? I’m so, so sorry. I don’t mind that you’re here at all! Wait, what are you writing down? I didn’t mean it, sir, I promise! Don’t you want to hear about Unknown Pleasures? Tea, honey, lemon, vanilla…it’s like being at one of those coffee shops that makes affogatos, you know? And the sweetness here really just doubles…no, triples down on my fragrances today. What a beautiful, sweet, vanilla shave. Don’t you wanna tell me I smell nice? Everybody does. That’s not professional, you say? I’m so sorry, sir. Just trying to make sure you understand where I’m coming from…but I guess you’re not here to audit my #FOF, are you…

    Okay, okay, I know. You wanna see my lather. Let me just whip that up real quick…no, no, I’m gonna head lather as usual. No precision lathering, no GUTL, I don’t want you to think I’m cheating. If you see the real thing, you promise you’ll leave? You’ll close my case? I really don’t have time for another audit from you guys. Okay, okay. Here you go. Be kind, please. You want to see the back, too?! That’s not exactly what most people would call safe for work, you know…okay, okay, fine. Here’s the back. That’s all there is to see!

    Now you’ve seen my lather, front and back. Are you done? I have an actual audit to prepare for. Wait a second, you never showed me any identification! Who are you really? How did you get in my house?! Why are you locking the door?!?

  24. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-24 05:02:51-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 24, 2023 – LG Day 24 – Christmas Eve but in July, aka Appreciation Day

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Karve CB SB-B
    • Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
    • Lather: Hub City Soap Company – Friday Night Lights
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Vanilla Sandalwood
    • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming – Darkfall

    An Ode to Onion, best performed in front of a shrine to him

    u/OnionMiasma, my thanks goes out to you,

    For when I was in my time of greatest need

    You didn’t have to think, you knew just what to do.

    You sent a smush, no questions asked, no greed.

    This soap which you somehow knew I’d love

    Was sent not once, but twice, with utmost care.

    You sent it not to get rid of

    it, but rather because you really wanted to share.

    Onion, I salute you on this day,

    and may tomorrow Santa visit you on his sleigh.

    Really, Onion crushed it with this smush. The local midwest USPS apparently didn’t want to bother sending smushes the first time around, so Onion decided to just smush again and resend. It would be so easy to say “sorry, good luck, I’ve done all I can do.” But that’s not the Onion way. He not only asked what brands I needed, but recommended a soap which I love so much that I plan to buy a soap and splash. Really, Friday Night Lights is a winner. I tried to replicate, or even just somewhat evoke, the sweetness and smokiness of FNL in my splash and frag (#FOF), but I couldn’t quite get it right. The smokiness, woodsiness, sweetness, and somehow a sense of nostalgia are all mixed perfectly in this soap. Thank you, Onion. You’re a hero, and your presence and contributions on this sub are so appreciated by me. From the Proraso train to your almond adventure, to shaving ten times in a day, to somehow roping your wife into this hobby and the freaking Lather Games, your creativity and dedication make you one-of-a-kind.

  25. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-25 06:25:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 25, 2023 – LG Day 25 – Christmas in July but in June but actually in July

    • Brush: Zenith r/wetshaving Exclusive MOAR Boar – 31mm
    • Razor: Razorock Mamba 70
    • Blade: Lord Extra
    • Lather: Wet the Face – It’s a Wonderful Shave
    • Post Shave: Wet the Face – It’s a Wonderful Shave
    • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming – Chaotic Neutral

    Scene: u/J33pGuy13, a man living in Banana Falls, has always dreamed of traveling and exploring the world, but life’s circumstances have led him to stay and run his late father’s business, a modest shaving supplies store.

    As J33p grows older, he faces challenge after challenge, leaving him feeling disillusioned and unfulfilled. One Christmas Eve, overwhelmed by financial difficulties caused by a misplaced deposit, J33p reaches his breaking point and contemplates ending his life, thinking that the world would be better off without him.

    However, an angel named u/djundjila intervenes and shows J33p what life would have been like if he had never been born. As J33p witnesses the devastating effects his absence would have on his family, friends, and the entire town, he begins to realize the profound impact he has had on people’s lives, even through his small acts of kindness.

    Throughout his journey with Djundjila, J33p discovers that his passion for wet shaving is not merely a hobby but a gift he shares with others. He understands that by providing people with quality shaving products and advice, he brings joy and confidence to their lives. Whether it’s a young man preparing for his first shave or an elderly gentleman reminiscing about the good old days, J33p’s presence and expertise have made a significant difference.

    As the realization dawns upon J33p, he sees that his purpose in life is to be a source of comfort, camaraderie, and guidance for the people around him. Embracing his role as the ~~Discord server’s~~ town’s beloved wet shaving expert, J33p learns to appreciate the simple joys and the impact of connection with others.

    On Christmas morning, J33p returns to a changed Banana Falls, where friends and neighbors have come together to show their gratitude and support. His store is filled with customers, and the community rallies to help him overcome his financial struggles. Through the magic of wet shaving, J33pGuy13 finds his purpose and realizes that life is truly wonderful when we embrace our unique contributions to the lives of others.

    Brief #FOF and challenge talk:

    It’s a Wonderful Shave (which is a "holiday release") is a balsam bomb. There is certainly some sort of floral notes which are pleasant, but I’m not sure what that is as “winter flowers” implies poinsettias (which smell bad) and mistletoe (which has no scent). The splash is more balsam-heavy than the soap, so I doubled down with the dickhole to keep it festive. The frag is where things went wrong. I was hoping the pleasant, amber scent would blend nicely with the florals and balsam, because who doesn’t like sipping tea in front of a fire at Christmastime (okay, me, but I don’t like tea). This just didn’t work. The scents clash. I’m disappointed, but at least I didn’t do a heavy spray this morning, so the evergreens are what are sticking around.

    Regarding the challenge, I first considered using my partner’s hand to shave. But, she was asleep, and having her help for this challenge would mean her waking up two and a half hours early, which didn’t seem like a good idea for marital peace, happiness, unity and whatnot.

    I then asked my cat to help. She was not amused.

    So, I had to go the boring route and shave with my right hand. I’ve done this before (for the games), and it’s not fun, but doable. I used a mild razor just to be safe, as the skull around the backs of the ears is an easy nick. Back to my left hand tomorrow.

  26. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-26 05:42:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 26, 2023 – Wildcard Wednesday!!!

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: Gillette Rubie (3)
    • Lather: Beak & Snout – Bard’s Barbershop
    • Post Shave: RazoRock – Italian Barber Amici
    • Fragrance: Creed – Erolfa

    Yes, I used soap today. Even though Enndeegee is going to call be a scrub anyway, I hope you hear me out. Sincere post incoming. I know this isn’t what people want on WW, but it’s what you’re gonna get.

    My best friend, Ben, has been getting into soap and lotion bar making for a little while now (a little less than a year, I think). It’s a hobby he so clearly loves, and he makes some quality bar soap, and our hobbies intersect enough that we’re able to talk for an obnoxious amount of time about soaps, vegan vs. animal products in soap, how to effectively market, why getting into perfumery is so hard and expensive, etc. I figured the Lather Games would be the perfect reason to ~~beg~~ ask Ben to try his hand at shaving soap. All the soap he’s made so far has been given away to friends, as is the case for this shaving soap, so the stakes were pretty low. Despite this, as usual, Ben put in his best effort and made a quality shaving soap that is, at least to me, impressive for someone’s first go at it. The base is similar to Catie’s Bubbles in that it’s on the softer, fluffier side, and is vegan. The scent is Crafter’s Choice™ Barber Shoppe – EO & FO Blend 123, so it smells like Maggard London Barbershop (among others). It’s enough fragrance to enjoy while shaving, and it lingers a little, but is not overpowering (and certainly doesn’t give any frag burn, as Ben is careful to comply with IFRA Standards). I followed this up with Amici due to its citrus blending nicely with any standard barbershop scent, and finished with Creed Erolfa (a sample recently gifted by Ben), which is a delightful chypre, and a reminder that I want to check out that fragrance family a lot more. Overall, blends of citrus all around this morning, which is perfect for the summer. #FOF

    I appreciate Ben so much for putting in the time and effort to learn how to make the best shaving soap possible for his first ever attempt, even though it was for one person to shave during a ~~silly~~ incredibly meaningful shaving competition. He plans to sell his soaps under the brand Beak & Snout, inspired by one of his DnD characters. As such, since he declined to name his inaugural shaving soap, I named it Bard’s Barbershop. Ben may not want to actually have his soaps be DnD themed, but in the absence of Ben choosing a name himself, I am claiming full autonomy over soap naming decisions. We chatted the other day about sourcing tallow from nearby slaughterhouses. He's working on another shaving soap right now, I'm pretty sure. I’m so glad that I have ~~conned~~ helped Ben to go down this rabbit hole, and I hope that I have many more Beak & Snout soaps to shave with in the future.

    Den Tour: Since last year’s games, I’ve bought a house. It very conveniently had built-ins in the bathroom that work quite well for my shaving supplies. I need to build a couple more shelves as I have to do a lot of rummaging to actually find what I need, but it all (somehow) fits, so that’s what really matters. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

  27. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-27 17:17:43-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 – LG Day 27 – Lavender grows outdoors

    • Brush: Stirling Two-Band Synthetic 24mm
    • Razor: Gillette Gold Ball-End Tech
    • Blade: Gillette Rubie
    • Lather: LA Shaving Soap Co. – Blackfern
    • Post Shave: Tallow + Steel – Sàsq’ets
    • Fragrance: Noble Otter – Monarch

    I was really looking forward to shaving outdoors, actually. Last year, I wasn’t comfortable with it due to living in an apartment and the outside facing the neighbors. This year, I’m a homeowner! With no neighbors in sight.

    Lavendursday, on the other hand, is not a day I was looking forward to. Lavender is one of my least favorite scent notes, at least when it’s on its own or at the forefront. Blackfern is a very lavender-forward (in my opinion) fougere. Other notes listed are geranium, patchouli, labdanum, and “hints of” clove, eucalyptus, orange and peppermint. Even with all these notes, though, Lavender is what I smell. The others round it out to make it the least upsetting lavender scent I’ve tried. But trust me, judges, this really is lavender. It’s not the same lavender as Sàsq’ets, though. It’s a much darker lavender, meant to evoke the forest, but to me it just highlights lavender oil in a big, big way. Trying/hoping to rectify this, I sprayed a hefty amount of Monarch EdP, which was a gift from a friend. It’s a powdery lavender, providing a needed reminder that lavender doesn’t have to smell like Sàsq’ets. I often forget that Monarch is a lavender scent, actually, because I actually like it. However, despite this, all I smell now is lavender essential oil. I guess that’s the theme of the day, but it’s not ideal for me. #FOF

    I may shave outside more often. It was refreshing, relaxing, and made me feel closer to nature. Here’s some photos, including “found footage” style pictures my partner took. She was thoroughly entertained by this daily challenge, and I was happy the rain stopped so I didn’t have to shave in a downpour.

  28. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-28 11:01:23-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 28, 2023 – LG Day 28 – Cheap-o Day (frugality implies that it’s worth it in the end)

    • Brush: Ever-Ready 100 #ANCIENT
    • Razor: Bic Sensitive Shaver #RAINBOW
    • Blade: n/a
    • Lather: Arko – Shave Stick
    • Post Shave: Proraso – Menthol and Eucalyptus
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Glastonbury

    Ever-Ready 100 – Generally $5-10 online. I didn’t purchase this, and I found it the other day when digging through a box in storage. I thought I had sold or given away all the vintage brushes my FIL had in his collection, but this one managed to stick behind. I don’t plan to shave with it again as it’s narrow and floppy as hell.

    Bic Sensitive Shaver – 12 for $4.99, or $0.42 per razor. I keep these in my car for emergencies.

    Arko – $2.99 for 75 gram stick, or \~$0.04/gram. I’ve been keeping this shaving stick, which I assume to be Arko based on its distinctive sanitary scent, for this day of the Games, and this day only. I have not shaved with it before. I may throw it out so I don’t have to ever use it again. Lathers poorly from the stick and grating it defeats the purpose imo. Smells terribly. Drying as hell. Ick.

    Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol – currently $14 on Amazon, but I’ve had this for years and certainly paid less. $0.14/ml at current price, cheaper than anything else I own based on current MSRP, regardless of how much I initially bought it for.

    Stirling Glastonbury EdT – Based on full bottle pricing, approx. $0.25/ml, which is cheaper than anything else I have if we consider full bottle pricing. The two full bottles I have are technically less per ml than the sample price per ml, but I don’t think that’s a fair comparison for the essence of the challenge.

    I didn’t initially get into this hobby to save money, but rather to save my head from regular razor burn. I did, however, see the price and longevity of Proraso to be a perk. That lasted a couple years, but then my FIL started telling me about artisan soaps. And here we are today.

    For the djudges and #FOF, I’m going to be honest here — the link between my products today is simply that they are the cheapest I own. The sanitary Arko is unfortunately long-lasting, soi although it was covered up by Proraso momentarily, it’s already smellable again just 20 minutes after shaving. Glastonbury is one of two samples I have by Stirling, and I’ve already used one of them a different day. It’s remarkably different than either my soap or splash, so I can’t make a reasonable argument that they’re connected. However, I will write for a moment that Glastonbury is a wonderous frag. I didn’t get this in the splash sample I bought, but my partner and I both concur that it smells remarkably like the Fryeburg Fair, once you get through the patchouli. There’s a distinctive hay note, that I know isn’t listed on the product page, but is palpable. There’s also something that’s a slightly nicer version of manure (maybe the vetiver?). It was a very cool experience to run to my partner and say “smell this!”, and have us both agree on how evocative of the fair Glastonbury is.

  29. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-29 07:47:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 – LG Day 29 – Santal Saturday

    • Brush: Stirling Synthetic Li’l Brudder
    • Razor: Razorock Mamba 70
    • Blade: Lord Extra
    • Lather: Black Ship Grooming – Stede Bonnet
    • Post Shave: Epsilon – Scottish Spirit
    • Fragrance: Essential Parfums – Orange X Santal

    I have surprisingly few sandalwood-centric soaps, but an increasing number of fragrances/EdPs that feature sandalwood. Stede Bonnet is probably the most sandalwood-prominent soap I own, with teakwood sharing the stage. It’s a really nice blend, and I’m glad I like it, since I bought it at the behest of Mrs. hugbckt due to it reminding her of Our Flag Means Death. This was followed up by Scottish Spirit, which felt like a decent match as a spicy woody fragrance, and then brightened by Orange X Santal, which is a delightful but light fragrance by Essential Parfums. The citrus comes first, which then opens into a nice sandalwood accord, but fades faster than I’d like. #FOF

    Time to talk about why someone else should win. Thankfully, there’s a rubric so today doesn’t functionally mean anything, other than to laud those who stood out.

    • u/Priusaurus was not only entertaining by announcing that everyone else was playing for second, but also by providing quality, informative and/or entertaining interviews with artisans and chatbots.
    • u/OnionMiasma consistently commits to the bit and really loves the road-trip style shitposts (e.g., almond adventure and trip to Wisconsin) and the biggest commitment to the bit: gasoline on the face
    • u/djanovshaving made some of the best, tightest, and well-edited videos I’ve seen related to shaving
    • u/ginopono is an incredible photographer and is my PhotoContest pick, and shaved in a restaurant and managed not to get kicked out
    • u/hairykopite cracks me up and is just consistently hilarious, and I love the image of him in the doghouse due to using War, but the hot sauce was fine
    • u/Newtothethis has mastered the ability to be concise while still pumping out high-quality LG SOTD posts
    • u/tsrblke put more effort in than any other ROTY candidate I saw, and is my pick for that side contest
    • u/RedMosquitoMM describes fragrances and scents the way I wish I could, and is my pick for Feats of Fragrance

    I'm sure I've missed folks, but these folks are who immediately come to mind!

  30. u/hugbckt posted on 2023-07-30 16:07:32-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 30, 2023 – LG Day 30 – It is Finished

    • Brush: Zenith r/wetshaving Exclusive MOAR Boar 31mm
    • Razor: Merkur 34C
    • Blade: Lord Platinum Class
    • Lather: Wolfpac Shaving – Ice Pac
    • Post Shave: MacDuff’s Soap Co. – Dark Sky Preserve

    Well, that’s all folks. We made it. Tomorrow, you can choose what to shave with, out of anything you own, no parameters. And then it’s August, time for unscented Mammoth ultra hard mode with a Weck and a live boar (what’s more raw hoggin than that?).

    International Day. I live in the US of A, so pretty much all of the sub’s favorite artisans were out for today. The Moar Boar by Zenith was made in Italy. Merkur 34C is made in Solingen, Germany. Lord blades of all varieties are made in Egypt, which is stamped right on the blade for our convenience. Wolf Pac is made in Australia, per the label (but is discontinued from what I can tell). MacDuff’s is based just north of my homeland, in Canada. Finally, Al Haramain is based and made in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I don’t have anything for my #FOF today, which feels disappointing for the final day, but this was the only way I could meet the challenge. Actually, I almost actually messed up the challenge as I was going to use Zoologist, but then I realized I was doubling up on Canada. Ice Pac smells like straight up menthol, nothing else. Dark Sky Preserve is lavender, evergreens (I smell fir, in particular), and moss. Amber Oud (BC540 clone) honestly just smells to me like a typical designer amber accord, but Ruby Edition is far too strong for me, and even one spray feels like overkill. How do these scents connect? You tell me.

    Happy Lather Games 2023, everyone. It’s been a wild ride. Here’s to the whisker water we’ve drank together and to all the shenanigans to come. Cheers.