SOTD by u/souleater7173

u/souleater7173 posted on 2023-07-10 13:27:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 10, 2023

  • Brush: AP Shave Co. 26mm G5C
  • Razor: Blackland Razors Vector
  • Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild (AC) (7)
  • Lather: Barrister and Mann – Adagio
  • Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer

For the music theme, I originally just picked a soap with a musical name. I then spent a while wracking my brain trying to figure out what post shave to pair with it, when I remembered this recording a student of mine found on the internet and then shared with me last year. Here is the recording (for full clarity, this is not me or anyone I know, a student of mine found it last year and shared it with me). Yes, this is a recording of Adagio by Mozart (I’m not a huge music person, so I’m not sure which Adagio this is), played on the bells.

Overall this shave was nice. Did two passes of head shave and one pass on the face. I’m impressed with the Vector every time I use it. Full week’s growth on the head shave to BBS in two passes with no clogging. I love this thing.

I recreated a picture of the label for Adagio using LaTeX with tikz. I use this software to generate documents for work, things like assignments, assessments, notes, etc. My biggest pet peeve is when teachers make things using terrible screenshots, dump them into a word document, and then get mad when kids can’t read their blurry paper. I really like this program because it lets me be super specific about where everything goes on the page, what it looks like, and hand craft every figure to be exactly the right size. Here is a blurry screenshot of the soap label, and a blurry screenshot of the codebecause I can't figure out a good way to upload the pdfs. I am very bad at this. Please make fun of me.

Healthy activity of the day. I got 4 more miles in this morning’s ride, probably going to take a rest day tomorrow to give my wrists a break (you’d think biking would hurt your legs, but nope it’s all wrist pain for me). LG Mileage: 27 miles

Tags: #ROTY

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Rookie of the Year
  2. Lather Games 2023
**July 10, 2023**

* **Brush:** AP Shave Co. 26mm G5C
* **Razor:** Blackland Razors Vector
* **Blade:** Kai Captain Titan Mild (AC) (7)
* **Lather:** Barrister and Mann – Adagio
* **Post Shave:** Summer Break Soaps – Bell Ringer

For the music theme, I originally just picked a soap with a musical name. I then spent a while wracking my brain trying to figure out what post shave to pair with it, when I remembered [this]( recording a student of mine found on the internet and then shared with me last year. Here is the recording (for full clarity, this is not me or anyone I know, a student of mine found it last year and shared it with me). Yes, this is a recording of Adagio by Mozart (I’m not a huge music person, so I’m not sure which Adagio this is), played on the bells.

Overall this shave was nice. Did two passes of head shave and one pass on the face. I’m impressed with the Vector every time I use it. Full week’s growth on the head shave to BBS in two passes with no clogging. I love this thing.

I recreated a picture of the label for Adagio using LaTeX with tikz. I use this software to generate documents for work, things like assignments, assessments, notes, etc. My biggest pet peeve is when teachers make things using terrible screenshots, dump them into a word document, and then get mad when kids can’t read their blurry paper. I really like this program because it lets me be super specific about where everything goes on the page, what it looks like, and hand craft every figure to be exactly the right size. [Here is a blurry screenshot of the soap label](, and [a blurry screenshot of the code]( I can't figure out a good way to upload the pdfs. I am very bad at this. Please make fun of me.

Healthy activity of the day. I got 4 more miles in this morning’s ride, probably going to take a rest day tomorrow to give my wrists a break (you’d think biking would hurt your legs, but nope it’s all wrist pain for me). LG Mileage: 27 miles

Tags: #ROTY