SOTD by u/cowzilla3

u/cowzilla3 posted on 2024-08-11 18:47:02-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Aug. 11, 2024

  • Prep: Shower, Baxter Shave Tonic
  • Brush: Semogue Torga C5
  • Razor: Heritage Collection Gibbs 15
  • Blade: Personna Platinum (2)
  • Lather: Tabac
  • Post Shave: Old Spice Classic (US)

Unfortunately, due to a six-hour car trip that was supposed to conclude with a relaxing shave before bed turning into a ten-hour car trip that concluded with me passing out after unpacking I was unable to shave yesterday so barring a pass from u/EldrormR I am out of contention for the brush and I've let down u/35048467 as well. You may guess, from my previous attitude toward doing AA, that I'd take the cowards way out and use any excuse to stop this hell. But, alas, I am a better man than that, good sirs. Nay, Cowzilla the Third will carry on despite utter failure already being ensured.

I am getting real tired of Tabac but not of how soft this brush is getting.



This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
[**Aug. 11, 2024**](

* **Prep:** Shower, Baxter Shave Tonic
* **Brush:** Semogue Torga C5
* **Razor:** Heritage Collection Gibbs 15
* **Blade:** Personna Platinum (2)
* **Lather:** Tabac
* **Post Shave:** Old Spice Classic (US)

Unfortunately, due to a six-hour car trip that was supposed to conclude with a relaxing shave before bed turning into a ten-hour car trip that concluded with me passing out after unpacking I was unable to shave yesterday so barring a pass from u/EldrormR I am out of contention for the brush and I've let down [u/35048467]( as well. You may guess, from my previous attitude toward doing AA, that I'd take the cowards way out and use any excuse to stop this hell. But, alas, I am a better man than that, good sirs. Nay, Cowzilla the Third will carry on despite utter failure already being ensured.

I am getting real tired of Tabac but not of how soft this brush is getting.

