SOTD by u/Eructate

u/Eructate posted on 2024-08-05 20:21:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 5, 2024 - AA Day 5

  • Prep: Warm Shower
  • Brush: Semogue Torga C5
  • Razor: Weck Hair Shaper
  • Blade: Kismet (5)
  • Lather: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
  • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
  • Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag

Challenges/Tags: $SubstantialStag $RawHoggin $headless $Discord

Stag Spray 5

Back-to-back days of great shaves with the Weck. I am a little bit irritated this morning, but I am blaming that on the run beforehand because it is easier than admitting I was a little rushed and likely faltered a bit on technique. I hope everyone had a great Monday!

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
  2. Headless Horsemen 2024
  3. SubstantialStag 2024
**August 5, 2024 -** [AA Day 5](

* **Prep:** Warm Shower
* **Brush:** Semogue Torga C5
* **Razor:** Weck Hair Shaper
* **Blade:** Kismet (5)
* **Lather:** Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
* **Post Shave:** Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag
* **Fragrance:** Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag

**Challenges/Tags**: $SubstantialStag $RawHoggin $headless $Discord

[Stag Spray 5](

Back-to-back days of great shaves with the Weck. I am a little bit irritated this morning, but I am blaming that on the run beforehand because it is easier than admitting I was a little rushed and likely faltered a bit on technique. I hope everyone had a great Monday!