SOTD by u/FMKJuli

u/FMKJuli posted on 2024-08-04 05:43:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

04-08 - Recovery

  • Brush: Yaqi 'Heavy Metal' 24mm silvertip badger
  • Razor: Marianna #310
  • Blade: Fromm Shaper
  • Lather: House of Mammoth - Hygge - Soap
  • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Hygge - Aftershave Balm

Editor's Note: Do you guys reckon if I slice through my neck at just the right angle I can justify a trip to the ER and bow out of this gracefully? Uh, scratch that thought.

I feel like a man who has just awoken from a coma, having to learn to write again. After Day 1, which by all accounts went pretty well, this bladed instrument in my hands for some reason now appears entirely alien - it never feels quite right to hold, and every move is a labour of its own. Parts get in the way - my own damn hands get in the way, too - and the fear of another cut down the side of my face I'll have to explain away at the office the next day has paralysed me so thoroughly it takes all I have to make just a single stroke with the grain.

But I'm improving, ever so slightly. My lather was better today; I went to bowl lather again this time and really beat the soap like it owed me money (which, if the ~~wishful~~ scenario at the start of this screed comes true, it well might). That resulted in a more serviceable lather which helped me concentrate more on not slicing my face off. There was still some skipping and chattering of the blade here and there, particularly around the typical 'problem areas' (read: anywhere that isn't my cheeks). I hope to get better at stretching the skin around the area to-be-shaved and ameliorating that issue somewhat as the days go on. Lots to learn, still.

There was no blood today, but the alum still lit me up like a Christmas tree. To top things off, my razor (with blade still in it) took a tumble into the sink while I was washing up. No visible dent or nick in the blade from what I can see with the naked eye, but the prospect of even rougher shaves going forward thanks to a dinged blade just adds to the trouble I'm already having.

Blood counter: 3

$MammothMafia24 $headless

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Headless Horsemen 2024
  2. Mammoth Mafia 2024
**04-08 - Recovery**

* **Brush**: Yaqi 'Heavy Metal' 24mm silvertip badger
* **Razor**: Marianna #310
* **Blade**: Fromm Shaper
* **Lather**: House of Mammoth - Hygge - Soap
* **Post Shave**: House of Mammoth - Hygge - Aftershave Balm

*Editor's Note:* *Do you guys reckon if I slice through my neck at just the right angle I can justify a trip to the ER and bow out of this gracefully? Uh, scratch that thought.*

I feel like a man who has just awoken from a coma, having to learn to write again. After Day 1, which by all accounts went pretty well, this bladed instrument in my hands for some reason now appears entirely alien - it never feels quite right to hold, and every move is a labour of its own. Parts get in the way - my own damn hands get in the way, too - and the fear of another cut down the side of my face I'll have to explain away at the office the next day has paralysed me so thoroughly it takes all I have to make just a single stroke with the grain.

But I'm improving, ever so slightly. My lather was better today; I went to bowl lather again this time and really beat the soap like it owed me money (which, if the ~~wishful~~ scenario at the start of this screed comes true, it well might). That resulted in a more serviceable lather which helped me concentrate more on not slicing my face off. There was still some skipping and chattering of the blade here and there, particularly around the typical 'problem areas' (read: anywhere that isn't my cheeks). I hope to get better at stretching the skin around the area to-be-shaved and ameliorating that issue somewhat as the days go on. Lots to learn, still.

There was no blood today, but the alum still lit me up like a Christmas tree. To top things off, my razor (with blade still in it) took a tumble into the sink while I was washing up. No visible dent or nick in the blade from what I can see with the naked eye, but the prospect of even rougher shaves going forward thanks to a dinged blade just adds to the trouble I'm already having.

**Blood counter**: 3

$MammothMafia24 $headless