2024-08-04 Austere August Day 4
- Prep: Coffee, Face wash soap/warm water, and stroping, and stroping
- Brush: Shore Shave - Player Custom with 24mm Blond Boar
- Razor: Ralf Aust - Ralf Aust 5/8" Round Point Straight Razor
- Lather: House of Mammoth – Uitwaaien
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth – Uitwaaien (Splash)
So yeah, face is back to being tender. Been doing two passes.
It has been going well.
The Bad Idea Bears told me try against the grain! You have been doing well! It'll be easy. Um, nope. Small stick. I may try a 45 degree into growth instead.
Now, about the new boar. Very little shedding today. A complete reversal of yesterday. I do think even after break in, no matter how soft the tips end up, this may end up being the brush with the most back bone that I own.
As always, take care and have a good day
[**2024-08-04 Austere August Day 4**](https://imgur.com/2024-08-04-aa-sotd-bLI3EP0)
* **Prep:** Coffee, Face wash soap/warm water, and stroping, and stroping
* **Brush:** Shore Shave - [Player Custom with 24mm Blond Boar](https://imgur.com/a/shore-shave-player-custom-shave-brush-9VXyBEx)
* **Razor:** Ralf Aust - [Ralf Aust 5/8" Round Point Straight Razor](https://i.imgur.com/5kW01eL.jpg)
* **Lather:** House of Mammoth – [Uitwaaien](https://imgur.com/guFVZ84)
* **Post Shave:** House of Mammoth – [Uitwaaien](https://imgur.com/347Cbxb) (Splash)
So yeah, face is back to being tender. Been doing two passes.
It has been going well.
The [Bad Idea Bears](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaTgxNG5tNmdtYTJxZ3RzOWhpdW9yNjlvOWc3NDl6dTh3M2JmNDE4dyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/IeXBLazZrRxV6gGaUK/giphy.webp) told me try against the grain! You have been doing well! It'll be easy. Um, nope. Small stick. I may try a 45 degree into growth instead.
Now, about the new boar. Very little shedding today. A complete reversal of yesterday. I do think even after break in, no matter how soft the tips end up, this may end up being the brush with the most back bone that I own.
As always, take care and have a good day