SOTD by u/KerblimeySkal

u/KerblimeySkal posted on 2024-08-03 14:26:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 03, 2024

  • Prep: cold face wash
  • Brush: Omega 21762 27mm Boar
  • Razor: Fatip Il Piccolo Storto Gold
  • Blade: Bolzano Superinox (3)
  • Lather: Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro
  • Post Shave: Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro splash
  • Tags: $UltraNightmareMode $RawHoggin $Discord

Day 3 and I was finally able to achieve a lather closer to what I am more familiar with. Really focused on how much pressure I am using with the brush and it has really helped out. Still not all the way there yet, but definitely better than the first two days! I'm pleasantly surprised at how quickly this brush is developing, already noticing split tips.
Progress Album

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
**[August 03, 2024](**

* **Prep:** cold face wash
* **Brush:** Omega 21762 27mm Boar
* **Razor:** Fatip Il Piccolo Storto Gold
* **Blade:** Bolzano Superinox (3)
* **Lather:** Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro
* **Post Shave:** Abbate y la Mantia - Crumiro splash
* **Tags:** $UltraNightmareMode $RawHoggin $Discord


Day 3 and I was finally able to achieve a lather closer to what I am more familiar with. Really focused on how much pressure I am using with the brush and it has really helped out. Still not all the way there yet, but definitely better than the first two days! I'm pleasantly surprised at how quickly this brush is developing, already noticing split tips.
[Progress Album](