SOTD by u/SaintBandicoot

u/SaintBandicoot posted on 2024-08-03 18:21:52-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Austere August Day 3

  • Prep: Hot shower

  • Brush: Chisel & Hound Government Issue with 28mm Turn-N-Shave Shoat (Boar)

  • Razor: Atelier Durdan Le Maurice 1.4 (SS Premium Polish)

  • Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium (Edge 1 - 3rd shave)

  • Lather: Gentleman's Nod Mushashi Soap

  • Post Shave: Cold shower, Gentleman's Nod Musashi Splash

  • Tags: $UltraNightmareMode $RawHoggin

Day 3, and another smooth, comfortable 2-pass WTG / ATG shave with BBS finish from the Le Maurice. My skin still feels great. I'm actually getting some great lathers from the GN C4 base. This stuff is better than I remember it being when I first bought it. Today's lather consistency was perfect. The brush feels slightly better than yesterday, but not as noticeable of a difference as between Day 1 and Day 2. The knot fell out while I was shaking out the brush post-shave, so I had to re-glue it in... hopefully it stays put this time.

Here is an album that I am going to continue uploading to throughout the month to show progress of the brush. I weighed the tub again pre and post-shave today and found that, pre-shave, a gram of water had evaporated since the post-shave weigh-in yesterday. Went from 168.1g to 159.6... a difference of 8.5g, down 3g from yesterday's 11.5g difference.

Austere August goals below...

I decided that Austere August was the perfect time to accomplish three things:

  • Kill some soap (I have too much)

  • See just how many shaves I can put on each edge of a Wizamet (I usually toss them after 10-12 shaves, but not really out of necessity)

  • Further refine my technique to see if I can achieve daily BBS for a month straight (if I start getting irritation, I'll drop to WTG and XTG, and if I need to, drop to two WTG passes)

Gonna move the Discord tag to see if Discord LatherTwot picks up my post this time.


This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
[Austere August Day 3](

* **Prep:** Hot shower

* **Brush:** Chisel & Hound Government Issue with 28mm Turn-N-Shave Shoat (Boar)

* **Razor:** Atelier Durdan Le Maurice 1.4 (SS Premium Polish)

* **Blade:** Wizamet Super Iridium (Edge 1 - 3rd shave)

* **Lather:** Gentleman's Nod Mushashi Soap

* **Post Shave:** Cold shower, Gentleman's Nod Musashi Splash

* **Tags:** $UltraNightmareMode $RawHoggin

Day 3, and another smooth, comfortable 2-pass WTG / ATG shave with BBS finish from the Le Maurice. My skin still feels great. I'm actually getting some great lathers from the GN C4 base. This stuff is better than I remember it being when I first bought it. Today's lather consistency was perfect. The brush feels slightly better than yesterday, but not as noticeable of a difference as between Day 1 and Day 2. The knot fell out while I was shaking out the brush post-shave, so I had to re-glue it in... hopefully it stays put this time.

[Here is an album]( that I am going to continue uploading to throughout the month to show progress of the brush. I weighed the tub again pre and post-shave today and found that, pre-shave, a gram of water had evaporated since the post-shave weigh-in yesterday. Went from 168.1g to 159.6... a difference of 8.5g, down 3g from yesterday's 11.5g difference.

Austere August goals below...

I decided that Austere August was the perfect time to accomplish three things:

* Kill some soap (I have too much)

* See just how many shaves I can put on each edge of a Wizamet (I usually toss them after 10-12 shaves, but not really out of necessity)

* Further refine my technique to see if I can achieve daily BBS for a month straight (if I start getting irritation, I'll drop to WTG and XTG, and if I need to, drop to two WTG passes)

Gonna move the Discord tag to see if Discord LatherTwot picks up my post this time.
