SOTD by u/MrTangerinesky

u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2024-06-22 18:12:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


  • Prep: Water
  • Brush: Stirling Synthetic 2-Band Brush
  • Razor: Filarmonica 14 Sub Cero 8/8 #STR8SNOB
  • Blade: Filarmonica 14 Sub Cero 8/8
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Ozark
  • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Ozark splash
  • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - A city on fire

Now first things, first. Ozark by definition from Stirling is an Autumn scent, so it fits the theme.

Short horror story

Chunks of food were muddling his reflection while he continued to hurl his lunch over the railing, he knew he shouldn't have trusted that sea platter at the docks earlier.

  • We're almost there Mr. Tangerine!! - exclaimed the captain

"Thank the Gods" he thought, his place was not on a boat, and why would it, no Tangerine should suffer the cruelty of the sea. Lifting up his head, in the distance he saw clearly the silhouette of an island. His sea sickness was quickly replaced by excitement of the awaiting expedition. Years of research had led him to this island, the mythical island of Tangashaknoquinoa. There resided a tribe of Tangerine people, deemed to be extinct.

  • What do you think waits for us there? - Tangerine asked the captain.

The captain himself, an old and burly coconut, dark as bronze due to years of exposition to the sun scoffed and remarked:

  • I couldn't care less sir, my job is to get you there and wait for you on this ship.

Mr. Tangerine man just shook his head and sighed, for he knew that the intricacies of his expedition were completely lost on the captain. Soon they had docked and set foon on the sandy beaches of the island.

  • Are you going to come explore with me captain? - Tangerine asked
  • Naaaah gonna stay here and bask in the glory of the sun!
  • Suit yourself....

"Idiot" he thought to himself, knowing that this was a once in a lifetime chance. Tangerine started walkign towards the jungle to explore but remembered one more thing he wanted to ask the captain.

  • Captain?
  • Yeah?
  • What should I do in case....

His sentence was interrupted by an arrow that whistled by him and landed straight between the Captain's eyes, dropping him dead on the spot. Shock filled Mr. Tangerine's body and as he turned to the direction of the arrow he saw what could only be described as horribly disfigured and tattooed tangerines, the native tribe of this island. Before he could utter a word they charged at Mr. Tangerine, his attempts at escaping, futile. He was quickly captured and incapacitated. Given the dire situation, Mr. Tangerine's profession did take over as he started to study with his eyes the people in front of him. They spoke a harsh language he had never heard of before. The tribe people looked so primitive, like ancestors of Mr. Tangerine.

  • Hey, what will you do with me? - he interupted their conversation.

The leader of the pack kneeled down to Mr. Tangerine sky, looked him for a second and gave him a big whack on the head with his stick. "Shit" Mr. Tangerine thought, "this ain't going well" as the light faded and he lost conciousness.

Several hours later Mr. Tangerine awoke to a cacophony of sounds that consisted of incoherent yelling and loud tribal music. His head hurting and pulsating from the hit he took, he fixated his gaze on the scenery to see what was happening . It was clearly some kind of ritual ceremony, but for what, he did not know. In one of the corners he saw the captain, or what was left of him, they had took the top part of his head off and took every organ out, he was just a shell of what he used to be. Tangerine felt like puking again, but what shocked him and totaly made him freeze was the big poles in the ground next to the captain. On each poll there was the empty husk of a Tangerine, some looked like Mr.Tangerine, some looked like the tribe members. It dawned onto him, these Tangerines, they were Tangiballists, they ate their own kind, and that was the fate that awaited Mr. Tangerine. He started yelling and squirming, but to no avail, all he did was made the locals laugh. As soon as he made it know that he was a wake, the chief of the tribe walked over and grinned, with what teeth he had left. Bloodlust in his eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth, the tribal chief took out a dagger and started stabbing Mr. Tangerine. "No, this can't be it, it can't end like this, it must be a nighma...." his thoughts started fading, body going limp, in his last concious moments Mr. Tangerine heard the chief laugh and say one word, that filled his dying body with dread, he recognised that word....


Daily Challenge

Now the daily challenge was exactly what I have written in the story. Since there were no pumpkins I decided to go with tangerines and be a cannibal/tangibal. It was way trickier to carve them out cause of how soft the skin was, but I managed, using a spoon, but for the faces I used a Feather(Valet) FHS-10 blade to make the eyes and mouths. Three is the lucky number so here is what I ended up with:

Side to side

And of course it would not be a LG post if there wasn't a STACKING photo. Have you ever seen a Tangerine o lanterns stacked on each other? No! You're welcome!

Daily Lather Themes: 22/30

  • Daily Challenges: 20/30
  • Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 20/20
  • Hardware Vendor Points: 2/2
  • Software Vendor Points: 13/16
  • Software Vendor Bonus Point: 0/1
  • 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 22/30
  • 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 22/30
  • 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 22/30
  • 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 22/30

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024

* **Prep:** Water
* **Brush:** Stirling Synthetic 2-Band Brush
* **Razor:** Filarmonica 14 Sub Cero 8/8 #STR8SNOB
* **Blade:** Filarmonica 14 Sub Cero 8/8
* **Lather:** Stirling Soap Co. - Ozark
* **Post Shave:** Stirling Soap Co. - Ozark splash
* **Fragrance:** Imaginary Authors - A city on fire

Now first things, first. Ozark by definition from Stirling is an Autumn scent, so it fits the theme.

**Short horror story**

Chunks of food were muddling his reflection while he continued to hurl his lunch over the railing, he knew he shouldn't have trusted that sea platter at the docks earlier.

- We're almost there Mr. Tangerine!! - exclaimed the captain

"Thank the Gods" he thought, his place was not on a boat, and why would it, no Tangerine should suffer the cruelty of the sea. Lifting up his head, in the distance he saw clearly the silhouette of an island. His sea sickness was quickly replaced by excitement of the awaiting expedition. Years of research had led him to this island, the mythical island of Tangashaknoquinoa. There resided a tribe of Tangerine people, deemed to be extinct.

- What do you think waits for us there? - Tangerine asked the captain.

The captain himself, an old and burly coconut, dark as bronze due to years of exposition to the sun scoffed and remarked:

- I couldn't care less sir, my job is to get you there and wait for you on this ship.

Mr. Tangerine man just shook his head and sighed, for he knew that the intricacies of his expedition were completely lost on the captain. Soon they had docked and set foon on the sandy beaches of the island.

- Are you going to come explore with me captain? - Tangerine asked
- Naaaah gonna stay here and bask in the glory of the sun!
- Suit yourself....

"Idiot" he thought to himself, knowing that this was a once in a lifetime chance. Tangerine started walkign towards the jungle to explore but remembered one more thing he wanted to ask the captain.

- Captain?
- Yeah?
- What should I do in case....

His sentence was interrupted by an arrow that whistled by him and landed straight between the Captain's eyes, dropping him dead on the spot. Shock filled Mr. Tangerine's body and as he turned to the direction of the arrow he saw what could only be described as horribly disfigured and tattooed tangerines, the native tribe of this island. Before he could utter a word they charged at Mr. Tangerine, his attempts at escaping, futile. He was quickly captured and incapacitated. Given the dire situation, Mr. Tangerine's profession did take over as he started to study with his eyes the people in front of him. They spoke a harsh language he had never heard of before. The tribe people looked so primitive, like ancestors of Mr. Tangerine.

- Hey, what will you do with me? - he interupted their conversation.

The leader of the pack kneeled down to Mr. Tangerine sky, looked him for a second and gave him a big whack on the head with his stick. "Shit" Mr. Tangerine thought, "this ain't going well" as the light faded and he lost conciousness.

Several hours later Mr. Tangerine awoke to a cacophony of sounds that consisted of incoherent yelling and loud tribal music. His head hurting and pulsating from the hit he took, he fixated his gaze on the scenery to see what was happening . It was clearly some kind of ritual ceremony, but for what, he did not know. In one of the corners he saw the captain, or what was left of him, they had took the top part of his head off and took every organ out, he was just a shell of what he used to be. Tangerine felt like puking again, but what shocked him and totaly made him freeze was the big poles in the ground next to the captain. On each poll there was the empty husk of a Tangerine, some looked like Mr.Tangerine, some looked like the tribe members. It dawned onto him, these Tangerines, they were Tangiballists, they ate their own kind, and that was the fate that awaited Mr. Tangerine. He started yelling and squirming, but to no avail, all he did was made the locals laugh. As soon as he made it know that he was a wake, the chief of the tribe walked over and grinned, with what teeth he had left. Bloodlust in his eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth, the tribal chief took out a dagger and started stabbing Mr. Tangerine. "No, this can't be it, it can't end like this, it must be a nighma...." his thoughts started fading, body going limp, in his last concious moments Mr. Tangerine heard the chief laugh and say one word, that filled his dying body with dread, he recognised that word....


**Daily Challenge**

Now the daily challenge was exactly what I have written in the story. Since there were no pumpkins I decided to go with tangerines and be a cannibal/tangibal. It was way trickier to carve them out cause of how soft the skin was, but I managed, using a spoon, but for the faces I used a Feather(Valet) FHS-10 blade to make the eyes and mouths. Three is the lucky number so here is what I ended up with:

[Side to side](

And of course it would not be a LG post if there wasn't a [STACKING]( photo. Have you ever seen a Tangerine o lanterns stacked on each other? No! You're welcome!

Daily Lather Themes: 22/30

* **Daily Challenges:** 20/30
* **Hardware Scavenger Hunt:** 20/20
* **Hardware Vendor Points:** 2/2
* **Software Vendor Points:** 13/16
* **Software Vendor Bonus Point:** 0/1
* **30 Different Soap Brands Point:** 22/30
* **30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point:** 22/30
* **30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point:** 22/30
* **30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point:** 22/30