SOTD by u/cowzilla3

u/cowzilla3 posted on 2024-06-13 11:03:47-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Jun. 13, 2024 - Another Day For Me!?

  • Prep: Shower, Baxter Shave Tonic
  • Brush: Paragon Plisson Type
  • Razor: Schick Injector Type L
  • Blade: Shick Injector (1)
  • Lather: Lisa's Naturals - Mariner
  • Post Shave: Old Spice (European)

I know that shave with water/boat stuff theme day was my day but I also claim this one. But I am not one to go out here and just get points easily. No, I like to offer a bit of challenge to the judges, who have already expressed that they're kicking through these scoring at record paces. I figured I should at least give them some pause here and there, right? So how about Mariner as an Old Spice dupe. Sure, Lisa claims that she's selling an Old Spice dupe but anyone who smells it would know it is not an Old Spice dupe at all. I, in fact, had to award it a never-before-seen zero in The Great Spice Off for Oldness it smelled so little like Old Spice: So what does that mean? We have the soaper claiming Old Spiceness but the soap not being Old Spice at all. Is that then demonstrable? Is a failed dupe a dupe none the less? Does intention count? Who knows! The wisdom of the judges is shrouded in mystery.

Oh, and u/djundjila, this is another soaper where the scene description is not on the shave soap page but on the bar soap page, just to add another wrinkle. Maybe the Mariner in the shave soap is a different Mariner from the bar soap. Does it still count!? Why am I even doing this? If I said nothing then I'm 99% sure I would have gotten the point without a moment of hesitation from the judges.

Anyway, now that I've forced them to think once again, here is a boat that looks almost exactly like the boat on the label.

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024
[**Jun. 13, 2024**]( **- Another Day For Me!?**

* **Prep:** Shower, Baxter Shave Tonic
* **Brush:** Paragon Plisson Type
* **Razor:** Schick Injector Type L
* **Blade:** Shick Injector (1)
* **Lather:** Lisa's Naturals - Mariner
* **Post Shave:** Old Spice (European)

I know that shave with water/boat stuff theme day was my day but I also claim this one. But I am not one to go out here and just get points easily. No, I like to offer a bit of challenge to the judges, who have already expressed that they're kicking through these scoring at record paces. I figured I should at least give them some pause here and there, right? So how about Mariner as an Old Spice dupe. Sure, Lisa claims that she's selling an Old Spice dupe but anyone who smells it would know it is not an Old Spice dupe at all. I, in fact, had to award it a never-before-seen zero in The Great Spice Off for Oldness it smelled so little like Old Spice:\_great\_spice\_off\_lisas\_natural\_herbal/. So what does that mean? We have the soaper claiming Old Spiceness but the soap not being Old Spice at all. Is that then demonstrable? Is a failed dupe a dupe none the less? Does intention count? Who knows! The wisdom of the judges is shrouded in mystery.

Oh, and u/djundjila, this is another soaper where the scene description is not on the shave soap page but on the bar soap page, just to add another wrinkle. Maybe the Mariner in the shave soap is a different Mariner from the bar soap. Does it still count!? Why am I even doing this? If I said nothing then I'm 99% sure I would have gotten the point without a moment of hesitation from the judges.

Anyway, now that I've forced them to think once again, [here is a boat]( that looks almost exactly like the boat on the label.