June 11, 2024 – LG 11: Spring Showers Bring May Flowers
- Brush: Maggard Razors Purple Swirl Resin 24mm 2 Band Fan
- Razor: English Gillette Tech
- Blade: Treet Carbon Steel #STAINLESSLESS (4)
- Lather: Barrister and Mann – Reserve Lavender
- Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Champs de Lavande
- Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Reserve Lavender
I want that purple stuff Reserve Lavender was the culprit to really lead me down the artisan wetshaving rabbit hole, and BM remains one of my favorite brands to this day. Lavender is also a flower, check mate theme.
Today, not only was #PHOTOCONTEST (hobbies) a purple explosion, I opted to take it several steps further. Sound on, Here’s me contemplating today’s choices. I opted to add some ube extract to make purple lather. Photos don’t do the color justice. Hopefully, these showcase better, insofar as staining the brush a neon purple/pink. As for my face, legit a bit willy Wonka. Good thing I don’t give a speech at work for graduation in a couple days…
For our #FOF BM lavender is a crisp, clean, and a smooth take on lavender. Its a recreation of Caldey Island Lavender, which I haven’t tried but is an AS hailing from Wales (where I will be in a couple weeks!). It is safe and sophisticated, classy and suave. It is not really spicy. It smells strikingly similar to the actual plant. As for Champs, its is way darker, grittier, and potent. Herbaceous and medicinal. there is an herbal eucalyptus quality too it that might turn some off, but I enjoy. Its peppery and spicy, but grounded in earthiness as it mellows.
As for today’s sponsor Yates, I had the pleasure of winning a custom razor from them last LG, and it is a favorite in my rotation. Custom LG engraving on the bottom, top cap. I was intending to use it today, but the bead blast titanium didn’t match the silver of the BM frag bottle as well as the Gillette, cest la vie.
soap brands 11/30, post shave 11/30, frag 11/30, post/frag linked 11/30, software sponsors 8/16, hardware sponsors 6/2, razor hashtags 8/15, brush hashtags 9/15, photo contest 11/30, daily challenges 9/26, special challenges 2/4
Detected Items:
- Razor: English Gillette Tech
- Brush: Maggard Razors Purple Swirl Resin 24mm 2 Band Fan
- Lather: Barrister and Mann - Reserve Lavender
- Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Champs de Lavande
- Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Reserve Lavender
**[June 11, 2024 – LG 11: Spring Showers Bring May Flowers](https://i.imgur.com/R8Z7pJl.jpg)**
* **Brush:** Maggard Razors Purple Swirl Resin 24mm 2 Band Fan
* **Razor:** English Gillette Tech
* **Blade:** Treet Carbon Steel #STAINLESSLESS (4)
* **Lather:** Barrister and Mann – Reserve Lavender
* **Post Shave:** Declaration Grooming – Champs de Lavande
* **Fragrance:** Barrister and Mann – Reserve Lavender
[I want that purple stuff](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExc3J2Zmc0M2M1N3dsa2F6cTl4YXF0aGZ3MXA1ODM2dWdrOTU4anNtZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Dp0pU2NhHQ6UE/giphy.gif) Reserve Lavender was the culprit to really lead me down the artisan wetshaving rabbit hole, and BM remains one of my favorite brands to this day. Lavender is also a flower, check mate theme.
Today, not only was #PHOTOCONTEST (hobbies) a purple explosion, I opted to take it several steps further. Sound on, [Here’s me contemplating today’s choices](https://imgur.com/a/contemplating-todays-choices-YOhoFMK). I opted to add some ube extract to make [purple lather](https://imgur.com/a/purple-lather-photos-JoOoMLC). Photos don’t do the color justice. Hopefully, [these showcase](https://imgur.com/a/purple-lather-Ee5s8OF) better, insofar as staining the brush a neon purple/pink. As for my face, legit a bit [willy Wonka](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYXB4dTd5YXlwZDVtZXlzaGR5dHNqanY2emV1ZHk5aTh2NTIxeG5mOCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/14w8b4ODwxH65W/giphy.gif). Good thing I don’t give a speech at work for graduation in a couple days…
For our #FOF BM lavender is a crisp, clean, and a smooth take on lavender. Its a recreation of Caldey Island Lavender, which I haven’t tried but is an AS hailing from Wales (where I will be in a couple weeks!). It is safe and sophisticated, classy and suave. It is not really spicy. It smells strikingly similar to the actual plant. As for Champs, its is way darker, grittier, and potent. Herbaceous and medicinal. there is an herbal eucalyptus quality too it that might turn some off, but I enjoy. Its peppery and spicy, but grounded in earthiness as it mellows.
As for today’s sponsor Yates, I had the pleasure of winning a custom razor from them last LG, and it is a favorite in my rotation. [Custom LG engraving on the bottom, top cap](https://imgur.com/a/reverse-unboxing-cooler-parts-first-2TJhrg7). I was intending to use it today, but the bead blast titanium didn’t match the silver of the BM frag bottle as well as the Gillette, cest la vie.
soap brands 11/30, post shave 11/30, frag 11/30, post/frag linked 11/30, software sponsors 8/16, hardware sponsors 6/2, razor hashtags 8/15, brush hashtags 9/15, photo contest 11/30, daily challenges 9/26, special challenges 2/4