u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2024-06-03 12:21:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown) June 03, 2024 – LG24 Day 3 - Where's the Beef?
Daily Theme & Relevant Post/Frag: My tub of Weinstrasse is in the Icarus base, which features both Bison Tallow and Lamb Tallow. Weinstrasse's scent was created by Shawn Maher. While it is a very complex scent, my caveman nose locks onto the grape/berry (black currant) lead and woody/musky base notes. Another Shawn Maher creation, The Watchman, also features grape/berry leads with woody/musky bases amongst its scent profile so I chose it as my post. While Creed Silver Mountain Water forgoes grape, the berry/woody/musky notes are all there, and the citrus compliments nicely the lather/post's grape so I went with the Silver Mountain Water dup for my frag.
The Shave, Daily Challenge and PIF Acknowledgement: I find the 23C and Treet blades to be a bit mild for my taste, but since my face is still recovering from the 1st's Train Weck, the mildness of each was greatly appreciated. The lather was very protective, so no irritation was noted during cleanup, but a challenge is a challenge, so I broke out my Osma smush, grabbed a pinch and applied liberally to my face. All in all, my face appreciated the "Awesomeness of Osma", but I did receive some feedback in the areas damaged during my Train Weck. For some strange reason, while using the Osma it smelled like I was back home in the Midwestern America for a brief moment. Maybe there is some truth to u/tsrblke's theory that all Osma is connected!
I owe a big shout-out to The Tsar for generously gifting me the Osma and Treet carbon blade. In both cases I did not ask for them, he asked me if I needed them and (obviously) I said yes. When The Tsar was preparing the Osma "smush" he joked that it looks like dime-bag of crystal meth, and he's right. Good thing Philippine Customs didn't inspect Tsar's package to me, cuz I'd probably be singing the Folsom Prison Blues while rotting in a Philippine high security penitentiary if they had!
Alum Fun Fact: In the Philippines, alum is known as tawas and is used as a traditional antiperspirant and deodorant, and in traditional medicine for open wounds and sores. The crystals are usually ground into a fine powder before use.
Detected Items:
- Razor: Merkur 23C
- Brush: Wild West Brushworks Slimer handle w/ C&H 26mm v21 Fanchurian Badger knot
- Lather: Declaration Grooming - Weinstrasse
- Post Shave: Zingari Man - The Watchman Recovery Splash
- Post Shave: Osma - crystalline chunks (DQed)
- Fragrance: OriginLab - Inspired by Silver Mountain Water Parfum
This SOTD is part of the challenge
- Lather Games 2024
**June 03, 2024 –** [**LG24 Day 3 - Where's the Beef?**](https://metapixl.com/p/AdWorried/703314840456930092)
* **Brush:** [Wild West Brushworks Slimer handle](https://web.archive.org/web/20240603144626/https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/listing/1520518590/slimer-blemish-shaving-brush-handle-with?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details) w/ [C&H 26mm v21 Fanchurian Badger knot](https://web.archive.org/web/20230926165914/https://chiselandhound.com/products/v21-fanchurian-knot) \#FRANKENBRUSH #SHD
* **Razor:** [Merkur 23C](https://web.archive.org/web/20231207104811/https://merkur-razors.com/produkt/merkur-23c/?lang=en) \#ZAMAC #STAINLESSLESS
* **Blade:** [Treet Classic Carbon Steel](https://web.archive.org/web/20230922111457/https://maggardrazors.com/products/treet-classic-double-edge-razor-blades-10-blades)
* **Prep:** Stirling Soap Co. – Unscented Preshave Soap
* **Lather:** [Declaration Grooming - Weinstrasse](https://metapixl.com/p/AdWorried/703315435676230506)
* **Post Shave:** [Zingari Man – The Watchman Recovery Splash](https://web.archive.org/web/20231110163555/https://www.zingariman.com/products/the-watchman-recovery-splash)
* **Post Shave:** [Osma - crystalline chunks](https://metapixl.com/p/AdWorried/703314978970506045)
* **Fragrance:** [OriginLab - Inspired by Silver Mountain Water Parfum](https://web.archive.org/web/20240510024735/https://down-ph.img.susercontent.com/file/ph-11134207-7qukz-liatcq642u70f5)
* **Music:** [Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues](https://youtu.be/AeZRYhLDLeU?feature=shared)
**Daily Theme & Relevant Post/Frag:** My tub of Weinstrasse is in the Icarus base, which features both Bison Tallow and Lamb Tallow. Weinstrasse's scent was created by Shawn Maher. While it is a very complex scent, my caveman nose locks onto the grape/berry (black currant) lead and woody/musky base notes. Another Shawn Maher creation, The Watchman, also features grape/berry leads with woody/musky bases amongst its scent profile so I chose it as my post. While Creed Silver Mountain Water forgoes grape, the berry/woody/musky notes are all there, and the citrus compliments nicely the lather/post's grape so I went with the Silver Mountain Water dup for my frag.
**The Shave, Daily Challenge and PIF Acknowledgement:** I find the 23C and Treet blades to be a bit mild for my taste, but since my face is still recovering from the 1st's Train Weck, the mildness of each was greatly appreciated. The lather was very protective, so no irritation was noted during cleanup, but a challenge is a challenge, so I broke out my Osma smush, grabbed a pinch and applied liberally to my face. All in all, my face appreciated the ["Awesomeness of Osma"](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeW9oMzZpOHpjYmx5OHdmYm1qaWo2M3g3YmUwY2J3YTdhcnRqeG94YSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l49JXgRo7W0vyg8h2/giphy.gif), but I did receive some feedback in the areas damaged during my Train Weck. For some strange reason, while using the Osma it smelled like I was back home in the Midwestern America for a brief moment. Maybe there is some truth to u/tsrblke's theory that [all Osma is connected](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wetshaving/comments/1d6xja2/comment/l6x7vof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)!
I owe a big shout-out to The Tsar for generously gifting me the Osma and Treet carbon blade. In both cases I did not ask for them, he asked me if I needed them and (obviously) I said yes. When The Tsar was preparing the Osma "smush" he joked that it looks like dime-bag of crystal meth, and he's right. Good thing Philippine Customs didn't inspect Tsar's package to me, cuz I'd probably be singing the Folsom Prison Blues while rotting in a Philippine high security penitentiary if they had!
**Alum Fun Fact:** In the Philippines, alum is known as tawas and is used as a traditional antiperspirant and deodorant, and in traditional medicine for open wounds and sores. The crystals are usually ground into a fine powder before use.