u/J33pGuy13 posted on 2024-03-09 20:58:23-08:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown) March 9th, 2024 - March Madness Match 5
Prep: warm shower
Brush: Zenith /r/Wetshaving MOAR BOAR
Razor: EldromR Industries MM24
Blade: Personna GEM PTFE (9)
Lather: Stirling Soap Company - D-503 - Soap
Post-Shave: Stirling Soap Company - D-503 - Splash
Fragrance: Mont Blanc - Legend - EdT
D-503 is in one of the top 5 best Stirling scents imo, always an easy grab!
This SOTD is part of the challenge
- MMarch24 Maddness Matchup 2024
**[March 9th, 2024 - March Madness Match 5](https://imgur.com/CXDhj5r)**
* **Prep:** warm shower
* **Brush:** Zenith /r/Wetshaving MOAR BOAR
* **Razor:** EldromR Industries MM24
* **Blade:** Personna GEM PTFE (9)
* **Lather:** Stirling Soap Company - D-503 - Soap
* **Post-Shave:** Stirling Soap Company - D-503 - Splash
* **Fragrance:** Mont Blanc - Legend - EdT
D-503 is in one of the top 5 best Stirling scents imo, always an easy grab!