SOTD by u/Environmental-Gap380

u/Environmental-Gap380 posted on 2024-03-01 16:34:24-08:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

March 1, 2024

  • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive 31mm Moar Boar
  • Razor: MM24
  • Blade: Personna GEM PTFE
  • Lather: Barrister and Mann - 42
  • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - 42 Splash
  • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - 42 EdT


Yesterday after forgetting that I have two space themed scents, I knew had to bring out 42 today. It is such a good scent for me. I have 4 tea scents that I absolutely love: Barrister and Mann - 42 + Cheshire, Noble Otter - Thé Noir et Vanille, and MacDuffs Soap Co - Royal Earl Grey. I’m a tea drinker and not a coffee guy. Those 4 all really have elements of brewing a nice cup of loose leaf. I have a new one I haven’t broken out yet from Talent Soap Factory. Also have Wholly Kaw Iced Tea, but it is more a sweet flavored tea scent, the other 4 lean into black tea, bergamot, or lemon. New blade in the MM24, and my usual new blade nicks from a GEM happened on my second pass. These blades are usually a bit rough the first few shaves. I needed a little alum to stop the blood flow. Still haven’t replaced the styptic pencil my wife used when she cut the cat’s claws a little too short. A little light blood loss, but the wonderful scent took my mind of it for the rest of the shave. Pretty sure once this blade gets to 4-5 shaves, it will be smooth sailing for most of the month.

Sorry I didn’t jump in for the underdog. I only have 1 soap that I got in a PIF. It is great too, but I picked Barrister and Mann in my bracket. Looking through today’s posts, I should have gone with the underdog. I think it will be close. While I haven’t tallied them myself, I think Chicago Grooming is in a little bit ahead. It would be a March Madness bracket for me if I didn’t have one of my later round picks being upset on day 1. At work during the 2014 World Cup, they had a bracket contest. A whole quadrant for me was wrecked by Spain and England. Somehow I3 of my 4 semi finalists made it, and I had Germany winning. I ended up 3rd out of several hundred and won an iPad. Never done as well on anything else like that.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. MMarch24 Maddness Matchup 2024
**March 1, 2024**

* **Brush:** Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive 31mm Moar Boar
* **Razor:** MM24
* **Blade:** Personna GEM PTFE
* **Lather:** Barrister and Mann - 42
* **Post Shave:** Barrister and Mann - 42 Splash
* **Fragrance:** Barrister and Mann - 42 EdT


Yesterday after forgetting that I have two space themed scents, I knew had to bring out 42 today. It is such a good scent for me. I have 4 tea scents that I absolutely love: Barrister and Mann - 42 + Cheshire, Noble Otter - Thé Noir et Vanille, and MacDuffs Soap Co - Royal Earl Grey. I’m a tea drinker and not a coffee guy. Those 4 all really have elements of brewing a nice cup of loose leaf. I have a new one I haven’t broken out yet from Talent Soap Factory. Also have Wholly Kaw Iced Tea, but it is more a sweet flavored tea scent, the other 4 lean into black tea, bergamot, or lemon. New blade in the MM24, and my usual new blade nicks from a GEM happened on my second pass. These blades are usually a bit rough the first few shaves. I needed a little alum to stop the blood flow. Still haven’t replaced the styptic pencil my wife used when she cut the cat’s claws a little too short. A little light blood loss, but the wonderful scent took my mind of it for the rest of the shave. Pretty sure once this blade gets to 4-5 shaves, it will be smooth sailing for most of the month.

Sorry I didn’t jump in for the underdog. I only have 1 soap that I got in a PIF. It is great too, but I picked Barrister and Mann in my bracket. Looking through today’s posts, I should have gone with the underdog. I think it will be close. While I haven’t tallied them myself, I think Chicago Grooming is in a little bit ahead. It would be a March Madness bracket for me if I didn’t have one of my later round picks being upset on day 1. At work during the 2014 World Cup, they had a bracket contest. A whole quadrant for me was wrecked by Spain and England. Somehow I3 of my 4 semi finalists made it, and I had Germany winning. I ended up 3rd out of several hundred and won an iPad. Never done as well on anything else like that.