u/Priusaurus posted on 2023-08-22 12:43:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown) August 22, 2023
- Brush: AP Shave Co Gold Flakes with Oumo 30mm Boar
- Razor: Diane Hair Shaper – Patent 33095 78145
- Blade: Fromm Hair Shaper Blade (21)
- Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep
- Post Shave: Declaration Ghosting – Unscented Aftershave Liniment
Today is my twins’ 3rd birthday so MrsSaurus and I took the day off to bring them to the Zoo. They’re napping now and I’m pretty jealous of them. Decent shave all around today. No nicks or cuts to report on. Still not getting as close I'd get with a DE or SE, but Rome wasn't built in a day. #unscented #Monthofweckoning #RawHoggin
This SOTD is part of the challenge
- Raw Hoggin 2023
- Weckoning 2023
[**August 22, 2023**](https://imgur.com/a/PZ05U4k)
* **Brush:** AP Shave Co Gold Flakes with Oumo 30mm Boar
* **Razor:** Diane Hair Shaper – Patent 33095 78145
* **Blade:** Fromm Hair Shaper Blade (21)
* **Lather:** Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep
* **Post Shave:** Declaration Ghosting – Unscented Aftershave Liniment
Today is my twins’ 3rd birthday so MrsSaurus and I took the day off to bring them to the Zoo. They’re napping now and I’m pretty jealous of them. Decent shave all around today. No nicks or cuts to report on. Still not getting as close I'd get with a DE or SE, but Rome wasn't built in a day. #unscented #Monthofweckoning #RawHoggin