SOTD by u/Absenth

u/Absenth posted on 2023-08-17 05:26:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

2023-08-17 - Day Seventeen

  • Prep: Hot Shower
  • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
  • Blade: Kismet (17)
  • Brush: Omega Pro48
  • Lather: Barrister and Mann - War
  • Aftershave: Lucky Tiger Splash
  • Balm: Nivea Cooling Balm

Austere August:

  • Day: 17

*MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode * #RawHoggin - Brush Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 * #MonthOfWeckoning

Dear u/PrideTwo

Today marked the seventeenth day of this enduring #WAR, and as I faced the mirror, there was a sense of familiarity in the routine. With the razor in hand, I navigated the familiar path, the blade meeting my skin with practiced precision. But today was different, a realization unfolding with each stroke - morning shaves seem to go smoother than those in the mid-afternoon.

The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of #WAR, was still there, but somehow less overwhelming. It's as if we've grown accustomed to each other, as if the soap itself is showing signs of relenting, just a bit. And as the lather formed, a reflection in the frothy concoction, a reminder that there's an end in sight, that the bottom of the tub is slowly revealing itself.

As the razor glided across my skin, I found myself contemplating the journey so far. The battles, the resilience, the small victories - they've shaped me in ways I couldn't have foreseen. And now, with the seventeenth day behind me, the finish line feels a little closer, a little more attainable.

As the day comes to a close, I'll take this newfound insight with me. Morning shaves hold a promise of smoother paths, and the scent of the soap, once overpowering, now seems to bear witness to the journey we've shared. With each day, I inch closer to that final victory, to the day when this #WAR will be but a memory. Until tomorrow, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with determination, guided by the lessons of each day. Onward, through the evolving landscape of this journey.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2023
  2. Weckoning 2023
[2023-08-17 - Day Seventeen](

* **Prep:** Hot Shower
* **Razor:** Weck Sextoblade
* **Blade:** Kismet (17)
* **Brush:** Omega Pro48
* **Lather:** Barrister and Mann - War
* **Aftershave:** Lucky Tiger Splash
* **Balm:** Nivea Cooling Balm

Austere August:

* Day: 17

*MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode
* \#RawHoggin - Brush Pics: [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, [7](, [8](, [9](, [10](, [11](, [12](, [13](, [14](, [15](, [16](, [17](
* \#MonthOfWeckoning

Dear u/PrideTwo

Today marked the seventeenth day of this enduring \#WAR, and as I faced the mirror, there was a sense of familiarity in the routine. With the razor in hand, I navigated the familiar path, the blade meeting my skin with practiced precision. But today was different, a realization unfolding with each stroke - morning shaves seem to go smoother than those in the mid-afternoon.

The scent of the soap, that lingering aroma of \#WAR, was still there, but somehow less overwhelming. It's as if we've grown accustomed to each other, as if the soap itself is showing signs of relenting, just a bit. And as the lather formed, a reflection in the frothy concoction, a reminder that there's an end in sight, that the bottom of the tub is slowly revealing itself.

As the razor glided across my skin, I found myself contemplating the journey so far. The battles, the resilience, the small victories - they've shaped me in ways I couldn't have foreseen. And now, with the seventeenth day behind me, the finish line feels a little closer, a little more attainable.

As the day comes to a close, I'll take this newfound insight with me. Morning shaves hold a promise of smoother paths, and the scent of the soap, once overpowering, now seems to bear witness to the journey we've shared. With each day, I inch closer to that final victory, to the day when this #WAR will be but a memory. Until tomorrow, my journal, I'll continue to navigate this path with determination, guided by the lessons of each day. Onward, through the evolving landscape of this journey.