SOTD by u/souleater7173

u/souleater7173 posted on 2023-07-24 10:12:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 24, 2023

  • Brush: AP Shave Co. 30mm SynBad
  • Razor: Weck Sextoblade
  • Blade: Personna Hair Shaper (2)
  • Lather: Chiseled Face – Gemütlichkeit
  • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – 42

I got this smush from u/worbx in his pre LG smush PIF. It was my first time using Chiseled Face. I loaded the smush and got like 8 passes worth of lather. This stuff explodes in a great way. The scent was awesome, but probably not something I want to shave with every day.

I got this splash from u/jeffm54321 in an old PIF (was for both soap and splash). It doesn’t really pair with this soap, but it was from an LG participant. Also I still give jeffm54321 a little credit for my team’s big academic contest win this year. I used this set of 42 for that whole trip. It’s my lucky soap.

For the daily challenge I’m going to say something nice about u/MrTangerinesky. He might be the biggest shitposter and memer here but he has a ton of heart, and has been very supportive of everyone trying their best in the LG this year, whether they’re going for a top score or, like me, using it as a way to get themselves to do something positive every day. Really appreciate him and everyone like him.

Healthy Activity of the Day: 8 miles today, had a new riding partner that is way slower than me. So I couldn’t go as far as I wanted. Used it as a chance to practice standing up on the bike, because that’s something I really struggle with. It’s crazy that at the beginning of this month 8 miles was super hard, and now I’m using it to practice something that makes the ride harder. LG Mileage: 88 miles

Tags: #ROTY

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Rookie of the Year
  2. Lather Games 2023
**July 24, 2023**

* **Brush:** AP Shave Co. 30mm SynBad
* **Razor:** Weck Sextoblade
* **Blade:** Personna Hair Shaper (2)
* **Lather:** Chiseled Face – Gemütlichkeit
* **Post Shave:** Barrister and Mann – 42

I got this smush from u/worbx in his pre LG smush PIF. It was my first time using Chiseled Face. I loaded the smush and got like 8 passes worth of lather. This stuff explodes in a great way. The scent was awesome, but probably not something I want to shave with every day.

I got this splash from u/jeffm54321 in an old PIF (was for both soap and splash). It doesn’t really pair with this soap, but it was from an LG participant. Also I still give jeffm54321 a little credit for my team’s big academic contest win this year. I used this set of 42 for that whole trip. It’s my lucky soap.

For the daily challenge I’m going to say something nice about u/MrTangerinesky. He might be the biggest shitposter and memer here but he has a ton of heart, and has been very supportive of everyone trying their best in the LG this year, whether they’re going for a top score or, like me, using it as a way to get themselves to do something positive every day. Really appreciate him and everyone like him.

Healthy Activity of the Day: 8 miles today, had a new riding partner that is way slower than me. So I couldn’t go as far as I wanted. Used it as a chance to practice standing up on the bike, because that’s something I really struggle with. It’s crazy that at the beginning of this month 8 miles was super hard, and now I’m using it to practice something that makes the ride harder. LG Mileage: 88 miles

Tags: #ROTY