u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2023-07-12 15:13:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown) DAY 12 LATHER GAMES! FLUFF EM UP BOYS!
- Prep: Water
- Brush: DS Cosmetics 30mm Tuxedo Knot
- Razor: Merkur Progress #DIAL
- Blade: Feather(2)
- Lather: Black Ship Grooming Co. - Hoptoberfest
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Alive aftershave balm
- Fragrance: Issey Miyake - Nuit d’Issey
- Beer: Primator - 24
Like probably most of you here, or a lot, or a few(I pray for a few)! I started out with Proraso, TOBS and even went as far to get fancy and get Le Pere Lucien, still have my first metal tin of their unscented soap(funnily enough it smells of pork lard). It's ok, one thing though, that I like are their scent, LPL make simple but very well done scents, so they have at least that going for them, unlike italian soapmakes.... But after I tried my first few American artisans, my perspective changed, of course with a lot of reading and trying, one particular post turned everything around for me. READ IT AND WEEP(ALSO LEARN)
After learning to make a decent lather, I quickly found out how much coconut based soaps sucks compared to most of the American artisans.
I chose this particular artisan cause it goes great while having a beer, even making the lather with the beer you are drinking!(more on that a bit later)
Yes my choice(nation wise) is in contradiction to what I was saying earlier, but I did say MOST American artisans. Some still stick to the old European formulas, which are based on coconut oil. But why coconut oil? Well coconut oil is rich in Lauric fatty acids, SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Those fatty acids really help with making the lather explode and bulk up, but at the same time makes the lather aerated and dries your skin out... Coconut oil is also comedogenic, did you know that?
One other reason why I chose this soap cause it is a bit unique in the sense it has HOPS inside of it, and contrary to the coffee/tee challenge where I put actual tee inside the lather for exfoliating effect, here you can definitely feel it and it's pleasant. Scent is not that beer forwarded keeping in mind it has actual hops inside of it. They say "subtle" hints of pear. Mother duckers, that's all I get, which is not bad, makes for a fresh shave, and onto why I chose this beer!
Now the beer, oh boy this is a strong one, I'm still a bit buzzed after drinking it, it's 10.5% alcohol, whereas most beers here are around 5. I chose this one cause of the sweet caramel and fruit taste which goes great with the soap, just wish it wasn't that strong, so I could enjoy at least 2.
Nah fuck that bruv, there are more interesting stuff...
Reverse lather!!?!?! I'm a bowl latherer and it was very strange to use my face to lather.... I mean look for yourself.... Video of me face lathering.
I mean you guys are just weird... Face lathering... I guess different strokes for different folks
I paired up Hoptoberfest with Alive cause the apple and pear just go so good together and Alive adds a lot of warmth to the whole experience! Why then Nuid d'Issey by Issey Miyake. Well cause it further elevates that warmth with adding sweetness to the mix, while it may not be noted in the scent notes, my notes interpret the leather and wood notes as sweet ones, particularly in this scent and in the end you get a nice fresh fruity start with the soap, add a bit of warmth with alive and finish it with solidifying the warmth and making it ever so sweet!
- Daily Lather Themes: 12/30
- Daily Challenges: 12/30
- Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 11/20
- Hardware Vendor Points: 1/2
- Software Vendor Points: 6/13
- Software Vendor Bonus Point: 0/1
- 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 12/30
- 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 12/30
- 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 12/30
- 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 12/30
Detected Items:
- Razor: Merkur Progress
- Brush: DS Cosmetics 30mm Tuxedo Knot
- Lather: Black Ship Grooming Co. - Hoptoberfest
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Alive aftershave balm
- Fragrance: Issey Miyake - Nuit d’Issey
This SOTD is part of the challenge
- Lather Games 2023
- Feats of Fragrance 2023
[DAY 12 LATHER GAMES! FLUFF EM UP BOYS!](https://i.imgur.com/L8bSCQW.png)
* **Prep:** Water
* **Brush:** DS Cosmetics 30mm Tuxedo Knot
* **Razor:** Merkur Progress #DIAL
* **Blade:** Feather(2)
* **Lather:** Black Ship Grooming Co. - Hoptoberfest
* **Post Shave:** House of Mammoth - Alive aftershave balm
* **Fragrance:** Issey Miyake - Nuit d’Issey
* **Beer:** [Primator - 24](https://i.imgur.com/I2zA4oU.jpg)
[PIC OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN](https://i.imgur.com/aTslIQp.jpg)
Like probably most of you here, or a lot, or a few(I pray for a few)! I started out with Proraso, TOBS and even went as far to get fancy and get Le Pere Lucien, still have my first metal tin of their unscented soap(funnily enough it smells of pork lard). It's ok, one thing though, that I like are their scent, LPL make simple but very well done scents, so they have at least that going for them, unlike italian soapmakes.... But after I tried my first few American artisans, my perspective changed, of course with a lot of reading and trying, one particular post turned everything around for me. [READ IT AND WEEP(ALSO LEARN)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wetshaving/comments/dwcjs9/why_your_lather_is_terrible_even_though_you_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
After learning to make a decent lather, I quickly found out how much coconut based soaps sucks compared to most of the American artisans.
I chose this particular artisan cause it goes great while having a beer, even making the lather with the beer you are drinking!(more on that a bit later)
Yes my choice(nation wise) is in contradiction to what I was saying earlier, but I did say MOST American artisans. Some still [stick](https://i.imgur.com/eWC8CKC.jpg) to the old European formulas, which are based on coconut oil. But [why](https://i.imgur.com/9gTsljJ.png) coconut oil? Well coconut oil is rich in Lauric fatty acids, [SEE FOR YOURSELVES](https://i.imgur.com/v7pTw7k.png). Those fatty acids really help with making the lather explode and bulk up, but at the same time makes the lather aerated and dries your skin out... Coconut oil is also comedogenic, did you know that?
One other reason why I chose this soap cause it is a bit unique in the sense it has HOPS inside of it, and contrary to the coffee/tee challenge where I put actual tee inside the lather for exfoliating effect, here you can definitely feel it and it's pleasant. Scent is not that beer forwarded keeping in mind it has actual hops inside of it. They say "subtle" hints of pear. Mother duckers, that's all I get, which is not bad, makes for a fresh shave, and onto why I chose this beer!
Now the beer, oh boy this is a strong one, I'm still a bit buzzed after drinking it, it's 10.5% alcohol, whereas most beers here are around 5. I chose this one cause of the sweet caramel and fruit taste which goes great with the soap, just wish it wasn't that strong, so I could enjoy at least 2.
[Nah](https://i.imgur.com/AuzkoJe.jpg) fuck that bruv, there are more interesting stuff...
Reverse lather!!?!?! I'm a bowl latherer and it was very strange to use my face to lather.... I mean look for yourself.... [Video](https://youtu.be/myTPJ8Tfxys) of me face lathering.
I mean you guys are just weird... [Face lathering...](https://i.imgur.com/TMVbzx8.jpg) I guess different strokes for different folks
I paired up Hoptoberfest with Alive cause the apple and pear just go so good together and Alive adds a lot of warmth to the whole experience! Why then Nuid d'Issey by Issey Miyake. Well cause it further elevates that warmth with adding sweetness to the mix, while it may not be noted in the scent notes, my notes interpret the leather and wood notes as sweet ones, particularly in this scent and in the end you get a nice fresh fruity start with the soap, add a bit of warmth with alive and finish it with solidifying the warmth and making it ever so sweet!
* **Daily Lather Themes:** 12/30
* **Daily Challenges:** 12/30
* **Hardware Scavenger Hunt:** 11/20
* **Hardware Vendor Points:** 1/2
* **Software Vendor Points:** 6/13
* **Software Vendor Bonus Point:** 0/1
* **30 Different Soap Brands Point:** 12/30
* **30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point:** 12/30
* **30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point:** 12/30
* **30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point:** 12/30