SOTD 31-Aug-24
- Brush: Zenith - Unbleached Bristle 506U
- Razor: Henckels - Friodur 17
- Lather: House of Mammoth - Beloved
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Beloved AS
- Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Beloved Balm
- Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Beloved EDP
That was a thoroughly enjoyable AA, despite the self injury midway through.
The brush has been a pleasure to use and develop. I had expected, with this being an untreated boar, that I was going to be in for a rough ride and a slow development. Luckily though no such thing happened. After the first few days of lather hogging it got into the swing of it and has gone from strength to strength. I'm now left with a very soft brush with good backbone that whips up an amazing lather, this will continue to be used in the rotation. There's still some room for development but I am thoroughly pleased.
Using this Friodur throughout has been a joy. The stigma around stainless straights, certainly for well made ones, is unwarranted. The blade has excellent edge retention and takes down the whiskers with the best of them. This has only encouraged me further to try and get that elusive 14!
Mammoth was an excellent choice for your month, the performance is undeniable and the scent is great. Sure, I'm after something else for a change now, perhaps something with a bit more punch, but I still wouldn't hesitate to replace this when I eventually see the bottom.
Hope everyone has a great final shave and a grand day!
Brush and Software Progress Final
Zenith Unboxing, Day 1, Day 31
Soap Day 1 vs 31 - I really should have weighed this thing, ah well, next year.
This SOTD is part of the challenge