SOTD by u/AdWorried2804

u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2024-08-31 08:32:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 31, 2024 - AA24 Day 31

  • Brush: Zenith 507N XSE 27.5mm x 57mm Unbleached Boar Bristle w/ Retro Black handle
  • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
  • Blade: Personna PTFE Stainless Steel GEM (31)
  • Lather: House of Mammoth - Rumble (37)
  • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Rumble AS Balm (35)
  • Tags: $Discord $RawHoggin $MammothMafia24

Precision Load; Face Lather; WTG/ATG/Cleanup Passes; BBS Result; 61st Consec / 457th Overall SOTD; MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode AA rules

AA D-Day has arrived! For 30 days I've avoided razor burn, but not today. The irritation was minor compared to some of the self-mutilation I've given myself shaving, but relative to my previous AA shaves, it was a stark difference. Today's irritation was worth it because now I know that I can push a blade 30+ shaves if I consistently use the short stroke/light touch technique I developed this AA with the MM24. I'm looking forward to further developing this technique with my injector and AC SE's and my DE's.

The breaking in of the Zenith unbleached boar is coming along nicely. IIRC, someone commented that it takes around 60 shaves for an unbleached boar to fully break in, and considering how far along my Zenith is to being broken in, 60 shaves seem about right.

I started AA with 95.5g of Rumble and after today's shave I had 39g remaining. I used 56.6g of soap during AA, which averages out to 1.82g of soap per day. For comparison, when using synthetics like the G5C I typically use 1.5g of soap per shave, and when using SHD's like the Fanchurian I typically use 1.7g per shave. I'm curious to see how much soap the Unbleached Boar will need once it's fully broken in, but for now I'll continue with the heavy loads to ensure I have sufficient lather for the shave.

Here's the Day 31 bristle break-in progress pictures taken just before the shave. Happy shaving and have a wonderful day.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
  2. Mammoth Mafia 2024
**August 31, 2024 - AA24 Day 31**

* **Brush:** Zenith 507N XSE 27.5mm x 57mm Unbleached Boar Bristle w/ Retro Black handle
* **Razor:** EldrormR Industries MM24
* **Blade:** Personna PTFE Stainless Steel GEM (31)
* **Lather:** House of Mammoth - Rumble (37)
* **Post Shave:** House of Mammoth - Rumble AS Balm (35)
* **Tags:** $Discord $RawHoggin $MammothMafia24

*Precision Load; Face Lather; WTG/ATG/Cleanup Passes; BBS Result; 61st Consec / 457th Overall SOTD; MRTNG's Ultra Nightmare Mode AA rules*

AA D-Day has arrived! For 30 days I've avoided razor burn, but not today. The irritation was minor compared to some of the self-mutilation I've given myself shaving, but relative to my previous AA shaves, it was a stark difference. Today's irritation was worth it because now I know that I can push a blade 30+ shaves if I consistently use the short stroke/light touch technique I developed this AA with the MM24. I'm looking forward to further developing this technique with my injector and AC SE's and my DE's.

The breaking in of the Zenith unbleached boar is coming along nicely. IIRC, someone commented that it takes around 60 shaves for an unbleached boar to fully break in, and considering how far along my Zenith is to being broken in, 60 shaves seem about right.

I started AA with 95.5g of Rumble and after today's shave I had 39g remaining. I used 56.6g of soap during AA, which averages out to 1.82g of soap per day. For comparison, when using synthetics like the G5C I typically use 1.5g of soap per shave, and when using SHD's like the Fanchurian I typically use 1.7g per shave. I'm curious to see how much soap the Unbleached Boar will need once it's fully broken in, but for now I'll continue with the heavy loads to ensure I have sufficient lather for the shave.

Here's the Day 31 [bristle break-in progress pictures]( taken just before the shave. Happy shaving and have a wonderful day.