SOTD by u/TheStallionPartThree

u/TheStallionPartThree posted on 2024-08-15 19:10:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

August 15, 2024 – 50/50ish

  • Brush: Semogue Torga C5
  • Razor: Christopher Bradley B SB AL plate – Maggard Handle
  • Blade: Wizamet (15)
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Varen
  • Post Shave: Noble Otter – Orbit

Okay wow yeah it’s time. No more denying it. At 15 shaves im about done with this blade. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart tomorrow, but I couldn’t muster up the desire to do any better than this poor two passer.

The fatigue is real and by the number of posts today it’s seems like it’s having an effect on some parts of the sub. Stay strong. $RawHoggin


This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
  2. Shepherds of Stirling 2024