SOTD by u/MrTangerinesky

u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2023-07-10 16:37:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


  • Prep: Water
  • Brush: DS Cosmetics 30mm Tuxedo Knot
  • Razor: Blackland Razors - Vector
  • Blade: Chinese blade(2)
  • Lather: Declaration Grooming - Fake Yellow Light soap
  • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Fake Yellow Light splash
  • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming - Fake Yellow Light EdP



Oh I was so happy for today's shave, cause I got my Vector back and I used one of my favourite scents EVER!. I finished listening to the podcast and I am trying to make my posts shorter, but at the same time I'm trying to fill them with content.


This. Is. MY FAVOURITE RAZOR EVER!!!! I almost feel dumb I didn't choose it last year from the LG reward pool, but then I wouldn't have had a titanium razor, bla bla... Honestly nothing(we don't count straights) shaves me as good as this razor. And Shane has one of the best customer support I've ever seen! No other razor has been able to shave me to an ULTRA BBS(20-22 hours) 3 days in a row without destroying my skin! I will probably use the Vector for most of my shaves till the rest of the LG, just of how good and convenient it is! These are my stantings on razors:


Some people might not agree, most people actually probably won't, but hey, it's how I LIKE IT!


While I am an artist, I AIN'T NO PICASSO! Last year I did a hand drawing with a pencil and it was.. OK... This year I tried with MS PAINT(out of all the things to choose from) and I did give it quite some effort, still looks awful... Look for yourself

BUT, what I did put effort into, was THIS masterpiece! Now... Some of you may see a squished up image.... I am tagging u/InfernalInternal cause he said he'd help with the task of the djudjes being able to see it how it should be seen. But if you truly want to see PURE GOLD!! When on PC, choose the option "Open Image in new tab", you'll thank me lather!


Now I had problems with DG in the past, in particular, lathering it, making a great lather. Thankfully u/FMKJuli's posts at the end of July last year, helped me a lot with learning how to make a great lather(the secret it patience). So when learning it quickly became my favourite soap as such tied together with HoM. Now the only thing was to find a fragrance I liked, cause I had smelled a few of their soaps and none so far gave me that exhilarating thrill that you get when you know you've hit a banger(scent wise).

So during the Black Friday I just made an almost blind purchase, u/sgrdddy helped with a suggestion, and got my trifecta of Fake Yellow Light. I was so nervous if I would like it... I shouldn't have been....

It's just wow, I don't think I've ever experienced such a warm and embracing fragrance. Oh the chestnut, oh the walnut, oh the vanilla baby, oh the leather, oh the tobacco... They blend so well, it's like going into the Sistine chapel, I was just speechless of how much I liked it. It's kind of like warm rain pouring over you on a hot steamy day... Whoever says it has almonds, they lied, no almonds!(at I don't get that scent, thank God) I'm trying to put it into words cause it's such a complex fragrance. Probably cause on their own site, they don't give instructions, they say the scents listed are in no particular order...(I just really suck at descriptions, but if you could take a look at my face, you'd see how happy this fragrance makes me) Initially I would say it opens up with a strong vanilla which after some time gives way to the earthy-ness of the chestnut+walnut combo and it ends with the leather and cognac!

Although it probably is an autumn fragrance, I wear this stuff all year round!!! If it smells good, it smells good! Fuck the seasons!

EDIT: Here's the song FYL was inspired from!

  • Daily Lather Themes: 10/30
  • Daily Challenges: 10/30
  • Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 10/20
  • Hardware Vendor Points: 1/2
  • Software Vendor Points: 5/13
  • Software Vendor Bonus Point: 0/1
  • 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 10/30
  • 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 10/30
  • 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 10/30
  • 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 10/30

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2023
  2. Feats of Fragrance 2023