SOTD by u/TheBunnynator1001

u/TheBunnynator1001 posted on 2024-08-04 17:00:09-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


Duty Day Shave

  • Brush: Aurora Grooming Nebula (r/Wicked_Edge Sub Brush) w/28mm AP Shave Co. Gelousy
  • Razor: Sheffield Straight Razor
  • Lather: House of Mammoth - Everett
  • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Everett




No picture today since service in this building sucks ass (although i did take a pic). However, I'll get into how it went. For some reason it was just a lot harder to shave today. Not through any fault of the blade it was 100% user error. I was questioned a couple times today about what happened to my face. I think my favorite tall tale so far is "knife fight with a meth head". Although when it's worse tomorrow I'm sure they'll figure it out.

Pass number 1 went smoothly today, or as smooth as it could go. Seems to be that way for me. Number one is great, everything beyond to get down to skin is where I falter.

That being said, pass number 2 sucked. Cut myself a couple more times and just all around did NOT enjoy my Shave today.

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Headless Horsemen 2024
  2. Mammoth Mafia 2024