June 29, 2024 – LG Day 29 – Sandalwood Saturday
- Brush: Shave Forge 24mm Horse Hair x Muninn Woodworks Handle #HORSESASS #FRANKENBRUSH
- Razor: Schick Injector
- Blade: Ted Pella Single Edge Injector
- Lather: Cella – Buongiorno al Sandalo
- Post Shave: Epsilon – Scottish Spirit
- Fragrance: West Third Brand – Smoked Sandalwood
Today’s shave is very far out of my comfort zone in terms of fragrances. Despite sandalwood being super popular in fragrances, there’s something about it that’s not quite my jam. However, I think I’ve come to the point that I can tell when a sandalwood scent is “good.” And I can say with a great deal of certainty that Train Emoji Cella is good. I had initially assumed that this would be a straight sandalwood scent based on the name, but rather, Buongiorno al Sandalo does an excellent job at building an accord that highlights the sandalwood. Greater that the sum of its parts and whatnot. The 🚂🚂🚂 gang knew what they were doing when they a) started the train and b) got Maggard to start selling this. I’m thankful that it’s strong, because Scottish Spirit…just doesn’t do it for me. I’m not sure why this is still in my den. It has sandalwood in the mix to be on theme, but it’s not as sandalwood-forward as I want it to be. After some googling, I believe it’s supposed to give the impression of Scotch whiskey, but in practice is not doing so particularly well. It’s a bit directionless to my nose. Finally, WTB Smoked Sandalwood brings us back firmly to the theme of the day. The cedarwood in the base notes comes off as a bit stronger than the sandalwood to me, which is a pity considering the name. It’s a very different take on sandalwood than the Cella; it’s smoky and spicy, with a particular herbaceousness to it which is quite delightful, while the Cella is a highly aromatic take with an unmistakeable sandalwood base. #FOF
I certainly couldn’t say who’s winning this. I can say that these are not the words of someone who is confident he is going to win.
I look forward to the Lather Games every year. They are the pinnacle of this community. The Games are joyful, fun, and silly, but inspire such passion, hard work, collaboration, and creativity. Some highlights for me in the past month include:
- Everything u/enndeegee has done. I know he’s playing his own version of the Games and hence can’t win, but has posted some of the funniest and most creative content this month. A particular favorite for me is the Los Dupe nonsense.
- u/tsrblke and his cardboard Prius, which led me to have to decide if it counted as a model or a “real think” for the photocontest
- u/iamhonestlylying and their top 5 lists
- u/throwa-waaaay and their outdoor shave technicality. Granted, this is the type of thing that leads to the Air Bud Rule.
- u/Crossan1983 and u/tsrblke being willing to have their little ones drag a blade across their faces
- u/Priusaurus and his commitment to public shaves (especially the one at his office)
- u/Impressive_Donut114 and his commitment to daily videos, all of which I will get around to watching one day
- u/jeffm54321 and u/alg82 and their commitment to conciseness and playing their own version of the Games
- u/FireDragonMonkey and their acrostic poems
- Spite Shaves and friendly ribbing
- Every time someone shaved or lathered with a non-traditional implement
- u/loudmusicboy and his very New England den tour (and for putting up with my BS)
- All the sincere posts, particularly the Father’s Day post by u/BossHoggins10 and the Christmas post by u/jwoods23
- Users who actually know how to make good memes
- u/Priusaurus eating lather so I didn’t have to
- u/Newtothethis for sticking around despite a frightening lack of gender diversity in the Games this year
- Everyone who engages beyond just posting, especially u/tsrblke, the king of engagement
- u/enndeegee creating a thoughtful award for every single participant today
I’ve had a blast this year. Thanks to everybody for the wonderful memories.