SOTD by u/MrTangerinesky

u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2024-06-24 16:20:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


  • Prep: Water
  • Brush: Yaqi Atlantis 24mm synth
  • Razor: Goodfellas Smile Bayonetta
  • Blade: Nacet
  • Lather: Spearhead Shaving - Sea Spice Lime
  • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Z uncented splash
  • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - Sundrunk

This is probably gonna be a long one, hope at least it's fun to read. Sorry judge...

Right I'm gonna start off by saying a great big thanks to my friend u/djanovshaving for providing me with this sample of SSL, I was too lazy to label it so I just carved "SSL" with a knife on the cap. He really adores Spearhead, it's his favourite artisan together with Gentleman's Nod.

Today is the day that we celebrate PIF day and what a glorious day it is. The wetshaving community is one of the most generous communities I've come across, but more specifically this one. If it were not for this one, I would not have found my love for GEM's and SE razors in general and I would have not been able to experience what great bases B&M made before Omnibus! r/Wetshaving is just a pool of endless possibilities and chances to learn and find something new and interesting. I also want to thank the Bulgarian community that we have for their generosity and the opportunities I've had thanks to them!

Now the shave, it was my first time using the Bayoneta, and in general when speaking about wetshaving, I'm not a big fan of almost anything Italian. I've tried the Sintesi and the Valynor, the first is a copy of the Henson so it worked well, second one I found it to be more of a looker than a shaver. So I was hesitant to try the Bayonetta, but I was proved wrong, it gave me a great shave, a simple and easy to use razor, the only thing that I would fault it(and this maybe true for all brass razors, haven't tried that many), is that it didn't really glide too well on my face when going ATG. It like got stuck at some places on my face, I have no idea why. Because I chose SSL I decided to add a sea themed brush and because the brush was yellowish at the bottom I chose the Bayoneta, so that the colour and topic themes could intertwine.

Daily Challenge

  • My king, My king!!! The scrubs are planing a coup to overthrow you!!!
  • What!?!?!? WHY!?!?!
  • They say they haven't gotten a new Sub Exclusive in like a week...
  • I see... It's time...
  • Sir you don't mean?!?
  • Yes!
  • But sir..

The king did not like to deal with the wizards of the Lather Table for they were deities surpassing time and space and the price to summon them put a huge dent in the crown's treasury, but there was no choice.

As soon as he heard that they had gathered in the Lather Hall he went to greet them and explain the situation, but when opening the door he was blinded for a second, due to their glorious stature. All of them were there Will Barristus of Mann, Ben House of Mammoth, Kyle and April Summers of Break, Scott Declaration of Grooming, Ron Chiseled of Face, Rod and Mandy Stir of Ling and everyone else a mere mortal could imagine.

When the king's vision returned to normal he opened his mouth to welcome the guests, but before he could speak he heard in his head:

  • Get out of here scrub, we know why we're here, leave us be.
  • You're a scrub, GTFO!

The king felt a pushing sensation and was thrown out of the hall by a mysterious power and the doors closed in front of his face. The only thing he could do was press his ear on the doors and tried to listen to what was taking place, but it was hard due to all the arguing and could not understand which voice belonged to which wizard...

  • What do these guys want, we gave them plenty of sub exclusives, we gave them Doritos, we gave them Christmas scents.
  • Didn't they say it smelled like piss?
  • Tomato Potato, we gave them everything they wished for and yet they want more... Does anyone know what their demands are?
  • I think they're searching for something new and bold, never been done before?
  • Hmmm new and bold.... I think I have an idea. Let's get the honorary wizard here!
  • That pervert, really?
  • Yup get the J33p Guy from Thrirteen.

Now J33p Guy from Thirteen was not an actual wizard but due to his ingenuity and creativeness for lather and wilingfulness to experiment, they had given him the title of honorary wizard.

And so they summoned him:

  • Yooo whadup guys, why'd you summon me. You guys need some unobtanium?
  • No J33p Guy of the Thirteen, we need your help to create a new scent for the sub exclusive, something bold, something exciting, something riveting!!!
  • Ya man I gotchu, just make feet scented soap, them scrubs love feet! You make that and they'll be eating from the sole of your foot!!!

And that was how the Kingdom was saved. Foot scented soap, with a nice foot fetish label. The scrubs had been finally satisfied and their hunger for exclusive was satiated for years to come.


Now for my personal prefference, since I have a new flame in terms of base, Mystic Water. I think that would be an awesome sub exclusive with a personalized scent profile. I actually might even start that train going, we'll see how it fairs. Other than that, I don't know if Ron from CF has done a Sub Exclusive, but would love to see one!

If I had to be objective(if possible). Should(or when) there be a new sub exclusive I think it should be an artisan that isn't very popular and has very interesting views on scents, TSF comes to mind on a whim. Dunno, but would love to have something very interesting and different made.

Daily Lather Themes: 24/30

  • Daily Challenges: 22/30
  • Hardware Scavenger Hunt: 20/20
  • Hardware Vendor Points: 2/2
  • Software Vendor Points: 14/16
  • Software Vendor Bonus Point: 0/1
  • 30 Different Soap Brands Point: 24/30
  • 30 Different Soaps On Theme Bonus Point: 24/30
  • 30 Different Post-Shaves Bonus Point: 24/30
  • 30 Different Fragrances Bonus Point: 24/30

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024