- Prep: 3 mile run and a cold shower
- Brush: Moar Boar
- Razor: Ever Ready Micromatic v2
- Blade: GEM PTFE (3)
- Lather: Chicago Grooming Co - AG 1889
- Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co - AG 1889
Vacation was great. Of course LatherBot went offline while I was gone. But it's back now.
I'm sorry about the extra "Thursday" in all the LG post titles. It was a copy paste error and now Reddit won't let me edit the scheduled posts, so I can't take it out. I submitted a bug report. We'll see if they fix it.
Had a great head shave this morning with Vida's tribute to Jicky: AG 1889. I'd write more, but I don't want to accidentally win any prizes. Happy Lather Games, y'all!