SOTD by u/AdWorried2804

u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2023-07-07 19:06:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 7, 2023 – Month of Lather Day 7

  • Brush: Frank Shaving Butterscotch Classic handle w/ DS Cosmetics 24mm SHD G7 Synthetic
  • Razor: Razorock Game Changer .68-P
  • Blade: Gilette Astra Superior Stainless (Blue) (1)
  • Preshave: Proraso – Eucalyptus Oil and Menthol Cream
  • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Stirling Spice
  • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Unscented Balm
  • Music: Neil Young - Cinnamon Girl

Daily Theme: According to esteemed spice expert u/cowzilla3, Stirling Spice rates a rock solid 20 on his The Great Spice Off series of Old Spice option tests. If Stirling Spice is spicy enough to earn Cowzilla3's seal of approval, then it should be spicy enough to satisfy today's theme.

Daily Challenge: When life doesn't get in the way I like to golf. Similar to wetshaving, golf contains colorful jargon. While the meanings are vastly different, golf and wetshaving have numerous interlinked jargon. Golf says "Par", Wetshaving says "Socially Acceptable Shave"; Golf "Birdie", Wetshaving "Damned Fine Shave"; Golf "Eagle", Wetshaving "Baby's Bottom Smooth"; Golf "Hybrid", Wetshaving "Dual Comb"; Golf "Cleek", Wetshaving "GEM"; Golf "Clubs", Wetshaving "Hardware"; Golf "Balls", Wetshaving "Software"; Golf "Blades", Wetshaving "Blades"; and finally Golf "The Rub of the Green" and Wetshaving "Your Mileage May Vary".

The Shave: My fifty+ year old memories of the Old are strong (it was my Dad's and Grandpa's daily driver). The Old didn't pop at first use of the Stirling. Scent memories can be tricky, so I set it aside. When I revisited the Stirling (after embracing Precision Loading and improving my shaving technique) a trip down memory lane and DFS resulted. Today's shave was even better, with more memories and a BBS finish. Thanks to both the Old and the Stirling for the scent nostalgia. #ROTY

Edited brush to reflect the one I actually used for this shave. Pic is correct, original listing was wrong.

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Rookie of the Year
  2. Lather Games 2023