SOTD by u/Crossan1983

u/Crossan1983 posted on 2024-06-13 23:50:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

LGSOTD 14-Jun-24

  • Brush: Summer Break Soaps - Boti NC #FRANKENBRUSH #SHD
  • Razor: Koraat - 6/8 14-2.0
  • Lather: Chiseled Face - Cryogen
  • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Cryogen AS
  • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Cryogen Balm

Frigid Friday

God damn, what in the hell was that! I've struggled with what I considered to be an extreme cold before (B&M Terror) so this may be a mistake, I bought this for the games out of morbid curiosity. Opened the tub to be greeted by this awful sight. The initial contact with the face was fine, but the damn thing kept building. I thought I'd managed to get it in my eyes until I realised it was just the fumes. Never before have I had self-hydrating lather, tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't whip that blade around my face fast enough, never mind that I had to go for another two rounds.

I had the splash and balm taunting me as I splashed my face with cold water, well that was a fucking mistake! Tentatively reach for the splash, whack it on the face and it's another eye watering moment, that stuff couldn't soak in fast I bother with the balm, sod it may as well...fuck why would anyone make this stuff. Now one thing I did cotton onto after using Terror, make sure you wash your hands afterwards, and I mean wash them. I made a grievous error last time that had me wishing I hadn't gone for a pee, not this time my friend! I sit here 10 minutes later and the stuff is still going nuts and my eyes are still watering. I now can't feel my face and I dare not touch it for fear of transfer. What sadist asked for this level of insanity!

It does not get hot enough here to actually feel any benefit, perhaps I'll leave it till I head down to SA this Christmas, or perhaps I'll palm it off on the father in-law when I'm down there and piss myself laughing!

Challenge - Stacking Day

I was more nervous this time around, I had opted for the straight that the Mrs got me for my 40th, quickest photo I've ever taken!


This one I'm aiming squarely at 'Hobbies', I joined r/skating (it's a small group with mixed skating types) a while ago (still a lurker). I went back to skating when I decided to try and teach the little one. First few times she fell she looked at me like I had betrayed her. She's got into the swing of it though, though I think I enjoy it more than the rest of the family.

Hope everyone had a chilly shave!



Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024
  2. SOTD photo scavenger hunt 2024