2024-06-12 Catie's "Luxury Cream Soap"
The Cream:
Going the Catie's Bubbles route with a soap in their "Luxury Cream Soap" base. I understand this is one was made originally for Razor and Brush. Here is the entry from the shop.
The Shave Den (& Storage): https://imgur.com/a/shave-den-tour-OYdt8kZ
So...about the den...yeah the den (AKA downstairs bathroom). In a bargain for storage space I had to agree if it can't fit on the counter or in the drawers then it had to be in storage. So no shelves. Okay, all good. The door to the shave den is adjacent to the unfinished part of the basement. I repurposed a book shelf for storage. So I have a large part of the collection five feet from the counter in the shave den. I have a shelf bought for the remainder that is sitting on a step stool - unless that deal falls through - I hope to pick it up this weekend. There is a few other bits and bobs but this is the largest chunk of the collection.
Scent notes for those interested:
Greek Fire - Myrtle essential oil, menthol
Alpine Forest - Pine and Menthol
Take care and have a good one.