SOTD by u/MrTangerinesky

u/MrTangerinesky posted on 2024-06-10 17:29:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)


  • Prep: Water
  • Brush: Hand made resin pour with dried flowers inside, 22mm synth pure badger imitation
  • Razor: Soluna
  • Blade: Nacet
  • Lather: Zingari Man - Mousse Illumine
  • Post Shave: Zingari Man - Mousse Illumine
  • Fragrance: Imaginary Authors - Cape Hearthache

Collaboration! What is collaboration? The pure etymology of the word means "to work together", and it's from Latin, so you know it's old. But how old, not more than 14 centuries. But what about before that? Was there no collaboration before it was called that? Of course there was, one does not start or stop existing purely because Latin doesn't exist(or has died). The biggest wonders of the world have been built because of collaboration, between people and hard work. The Great Pyramids, the Library of Alexandria, The Eiffel tower, The Stature of Liberty. Everything amazing that has happened in the world was due to collaboration!

Why am I saying all of this? Because my friends, all of history and mankind has led to this timeline and to this moment of time, the apogee of shaving culture, where artisans of titan proportions join forces and create immaculate, perfect products so that we the mere mortals can enjoy them! We are blessed!!

The collaboration between Zingari man and Rouge perfumery has created a very interesting and complex fragrance. The first time I took a whiff from the tub, I didn't like it. And now... I still don't like it, but wait there's more. I am not here to hate speech, because I have grown as a person. With the hundreds of soaps and perfumes gone through my nose I have had my horizons expanded. Even though Mousse Illumine is not to my liking, this time around I really appreciate the subtleties of the scent, while the bluntness of Artemisia and Cypress overwhelm you in the beginning you then are embraced by a hug of sweetness, finished by a mellow kiss of oakmoss. It is a very stellar fragrance! I paired it with Cape Hearthache, cause I wanted some fruits in there, and it turned out great.

I'm gonna talk juuuust a bit about the razor, cause this thing hits WAY above it's weight class. This razor is one of those olden razors where you use it and then you think "The fuck did I buy a xxx$ razor for?!?!?". I've tested this on a couple of days of growth and now on daily growth, it is a terminator in terms of stubble removal efficiency and with great easy, not tugging, no blade chatter, no nothing. I advise those who are curious, go get one, you'll thank me later, if not I'll buy it off you!

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024