SOTD by u/chronnoisseur42O

u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2024-06-09 16:28:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

June 9, 2024 – LG 9: Shave and a Hair Cut Two Bits

  • Brush: Zenith Titanio 20mm #RUNT
  • Razor: GEM Junior #FLIPTOP
  • Blade: GEM (39)
  • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Fleur de France
  • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Epiphenomenon
  • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann – Seville

If you want to dive deep into barbershops, go read u/velocipedic Battle of the Barbershops threads. I’ll aim to keep it short(ish) again today for #FOF. Fleur de France is a French barbershop, despite the description saying it is less powdery to not make it feel dated, I still find it quite so. That is not a complaint, but rather an observation. I would say this is most prevalent in soap form, and musky, where more rosemary and herbal twang come out in the AS/frag (not used today). That said, Epi is a powdery talc bomb. Think babies or old people, and both would be at home with Epi. As for Seville, can’t leave out God’s Barbershop today. Way more citrus than the previous two, a little mossy earthiness underneath. Honestly, this AS is overpowering it a bit even.

For todays #PHOTOCONTEST we went with air, as in airborne. I’m embarrassed to admit how long I was sitting there throwing shave wares over the thick crocheted blanket and couch praying the glass wouldn’t break. iPhone burst photo needs to up its came, so many so blurry. Maybe a video screen grab would have worked better. Minor casualties too, some damaged labels and brushed, so we switched out the latter and kept trying with a different brush for today.

As for the daily challenge, I got 25! Not bad for last years FOF champion. The breakdown, got all 16 where brand was given. 9 of the others. 2 of which I already used in soap form in LG, and I think 4-5 more in some fashion for future. Also of note, I own 19 of these in some form (soap, AS, frag), I have used 22 (including the 19, but smooshes of 3 more). Ones I don’t own but got correct: CB 322 (was looking at vetiver options for the games), WK King of Oud (little lucky 1st scent note is oud), CGC Montrose Beach (salt water and coconut give it away, but not as much as u/onionmiasma’s shave there last year, amirite?). I also knew 2 others were fourgeres but couldn’t get them (WK and CB) and knew the last one was a TSF but couldn’t get the name. I appreciated how Mood Indigo was an acceptable answer too.

Edit: forgot to shout out today's sponsor Rocket! Awesome stuff, enages in the community and silliness (looking at you Remote Learning). Also, as a fellow educator, props. I'm still not on sumer break.

soap brands 9/30, post shave 9/30, frag 9/30, post/frag linked 9/30, software sponsors 6/16, hardware sponsors 6/2, razor hashtags 7/15, brush hashtags 9/15, photo contest 9/30, daily challenges 8/26, special challenges 1/4

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024
  2. Feats of Fragrance 2024
  3. SOTD photo scavenger hunt 2024