July 6, 2023
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Last year I was able to plan my entire LG calendar a couple of days ahead of time. This year I don't seem able to do better than look a couple of days ahead. However, on my first scan of the calendar I knew that today I would use (exactly as u/whosgotthepudding predicted) the Black Watch trifecta.
What an absolute joy Black Watch is. For me the scent has the perfect balance between sophistication and the seafaring ruggedness portrayed in the old Old Spice ads. The Highland base is exceptional, and while today's level of closeness is only a little better than yesterday's (Cremo, Nacet blade, Parker Travel razor), the overall shave quality is cuts above [ points deduction for bad pun ].
It did not occur to me last night (when I planned today's photo) that stacking this setup could go under the "Urban/Architecture" photo contest theme. Instead, I decided to try the r/wicked_edge theme. But, to show that I have some trifecta stacking chops, here is an image of this trifecta horizontally stacked in an improbable way, and this is an image of the Midnight Stag trifecta stacked in a physics-defying way.
Theme: r/wicked_edge -- #photocontest
Edit: Added hashtag for razor