SOTD by u/jwoods23

u/jwoods23 posted on 2024-06-08 06:45:58-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Jun. 8, 2024 - All hail Maggard!

  • Prep: CeraVe - Hydrating Facial Cleanser

  • Brush: Maggard Green Handle 2 Band Badger

  • Razor: Karve Christopher Bradley - SB-E #RustyButtRusty

  • Blade: Astra Green (9)

  • Lather: Maggard Razors - Limes & Bergamot

  • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Alive Balm

  • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Sylva

Today is the ever incredible day where we give Brad the ol gluck gluck 3000 for being one of the best vendors out there! One of these days I’ll get up to their meet up and get to meet some of the rest of you weirdos and get to thank Brad in person for being awesome, but today I’ll settle for this.

Limes & Bergamot is exactly as you imagine, super bright, unapologetically citrus and I should probably upgrade to a full tub since i finished this sample off today. Sylva is a super violet forward scent with an oakmoss base that’s great for the spring. I really haven’t used this a ton since the fall and it’s on the chopping block for my pre-move pair-down. As much as I want to keep everything, I can’t.

This razor has a beautiful dark patina that I’ve worked to keep even. I sent this razor for a passaround last fall and was surprised when it showed back up polished! But it didn’t take long for the patina to show back up.

Daily Challenge: to quote u/tsrblke “I snack (as a comparison) over a lot of orders rather than gorge.” I tend to make random orders that are just large enough for free shipping. I am a sucker for a good deal so tend to make my purchases when there is a sale going on. My craziest order from Maggard happened last Black Friday and the great Admiral race of 2023! They had advertised the last few bottles of CL fragrance in the flier but didn’t state how many of each there were. So there I was, furiously refreshing the BF page to see them pop up and snag one of each. I was ecstatic when I managed to get both a bottle of Admiral and Sylva, that is until Brad emailed me saying “actually, you didn’t get them both.” There had been two checkouts at the same time and I was the loser of the race. But when my order showed up, this is what I found. Brad had gone out of his way to add an extra frag from his clearance stock just because. This is why I will always support their business and recommend them to anyone!

Daily Theme Justification: Maggard brand soap, just look at that leaf!

Relevant Post Shave & Frag: All items today came from Maggard Razors! Brush and razor base plate included!

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024