SOTD by u/AirBudRuler

u/AirBudRuler posted on 2024-06-07 09:25:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Jun. 7, 2024 - #AirWillBeBud

Lather: Actually whatever I want because I am free to choose, not ruled by some harem of shaving dictators!

The judge sthink they're soooo funny with their puns and "clever" wordplay. We know the truth, though. They would never let us shave with whatever we like (even on that day where they pretend to let us shave with whatever we like) because that would mean admitting they have no control! Vetiver You Like may be the most insidious theme of them all!

If you feel the same way, join me in Air Bud Rule III: The Search for Sukerim and help us topple the judges from their shaving pedestals. The second Air Bud Treasure will be discovered, Air Bud Rulians. Stay strong.


This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2024