- Prep: PAA - The Cube 2.0
- Bowl: None - Face Lathered
- Soaking Cup: Yeti Can Cooler
- Brush: Acca Kappa - Boar #TOLL #OLDWORLD
- Razor: Cooper - Monobilt - #FLIPTOP
- Blade: Derby - Premium
- Lather: Gillette - Fusion 5 Ultra Senstive Cream
- Post Shave: Proraso - Green Aftershave
- Post Shave: Omega - Alum Stick
I am not sure what I was thinking. I decided to use an unfamiliar razor, unfamiliar blade, unfamiliar way to lather and a can of shaving Goo! I was quite worried I would hack my face to bits. I figured in for a penny in for a pound and pushed on. I first soaked my very tall Acca Kappa Boar brush in water in a Yeti Can Cooler I picked up at Goodwill for a couple of bucks, and proceeded to face lather (Reverse Lather Routine Accomplished). I always bowl lather. It was a bit messy, but I finally got my face covered with my $1.99 special, Gillette shaving foam I picked up at Ollie's discount store. I left the price tag on for laughs. I loaded an untried Derby Premium in my Cooper Monobilt Open Comb Fliptop razor, that I have never used and proceeded to mow down my stubble. It wasn't very smooth, but it was effective. I got a DFS after 2.5 passes and called it quits. It was good enough, and no bloodshed.
So far, I have been able to accomplish my own personal challenges of using a different blade, different razor, different aftershave and different brand of soap every day. ( I will use a different brush everyday until I run out of options.) So far so good!