SOTD by u/hairykopite

u/hairykopite posted on 2023-07-05 06:07:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 5, 2023 – Canned Goop Day

  • Razor: Gillette – Blue Disposable #RAINBOW
  • Lather: Gillette – Sensitive Gel Foam
  • Post Shave: Gillette – Wild Rain
  • Fragrance: Faberge – Brut Special Reserve

You sadists asked us to use some canned goop today and us poor brits cant even get the cool looking Barbasol from our Supermarkets so I was left with this now redundant paperweight in the form of Gillette Sensitive Foam/Gel/Grot Goop.

I thought I would go whole hog and use the shoddy blue (handy for the rainbow hashtag), now the last time I had a disposable razor touch me I was in a room with a bunch of strangers staring at and then grabbing my precious crown jewels and no this wasn’t on a night out with u/enndeegee (although he is from up north so anything is game but they tend to only breed with first cousins there) thankfully these were trained professionals giving me the snip. As I lay there thinking this was the most undignified thing I had done the Dr thought he was auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent and I was Simon Sodding Cowell just waiting to give him the golden buzzer (or in this case my soon to be purple plums). I sat there just nervously smiling until at last he was done and then we parted ways never to see each other again…. or so I thought until a few months later I was wondering around my local supermarket and who should I bump into but the Comedic genius of a Dr and down the sausage aisle no less, he looked me in the eyes, then at my now seedless old boy then gave me a little chuckle looked at the salami shook my hand before noting the irony of our meeting place and moving on leaving me hoping he was chuckling about the situation rather than my mediocre member.

Back to the featherlight razor and my days was it rubbish to use, the weight or the razor (or rather lack of) and coarseness of my hair made this a near impossible task and I settled for a very patchy shave. I finished up with some old school goodness, Wild Rain and Brut are just great scents that evoke memories of days gone by.

So the daily challenge could also be a way for a few soap artisans to see what’s popular and most requested and then in turn wait for Dodgy Douglas from PAA to steal their ideas anyway.

Firstly the 3 greatest scents known to man already exist

  • Diamond
  • Fenchurch
  • Brut

Nothing I create in my head will ever be better than those for mentioned scents but if I had to hash something together it would have to replicate the scent of my morning cycle into work. Each morning I cycle the same way and there is a certain area where the hedgerow just comes alive with the most wonderful aroma, I’m no gardener but from memory the scent is comprised of Privet, Cowslip, elderflower blossom, and deep purple buddleia, these scents just linger in the morning air and when there has been a hint of rain the scent is just personified to the point slow down just to take it all in.

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Lather Games 2023