June 2, 2024 – Energy Conscious Ahoy!
- Brush: Ap Shave Co Synbad 24mm
- Razor: Gillette Tech Fat Handle
- Blade: Voskhod (2)
- Lather: Shannon’s Soaps – Bay Patchouli Grapefruit
- Post Shave: Old Spice - Original
What can I say at this point in the game that hasn’t been said about our award winning shaving brethren u/priusaurus? Therefore I will honor his hijinks in the most straightforward way I know how. Shaving inside my Prius in public while wearing a dinosaur t-shirt, namely Mrs. Stallions favorite Jurassic Park t-shirt (she also insisted I include her Megalodon teeth to stay on Paleontology theme, Ty). I’ve also changed my circa 2011 fuel efficient steeds usual rear view mirror ornaments with today’s SOTD products.
Thanks to u/eructate for the smush from last years LG that find its was again into this years games. Not sure he ever imagined when packing it up that it would be lather in a daily commuter of the side of a major city street.
Now despite being a night shaver due to both preference and work schedule I made sure to try to emulate to audacity of a u/priusaurus shave by keeping all the lights inside the vehicle on, headlights, and four way flashers, that way passerby would 100% have to stop and question if they really just saw a man shaving inside his liberal working man’s go cart at 930 on a Sunday night. For good measure I threw on the windshield wipers gave a honk or two as well. But no one paid me much mind while I actually had quite a nice shave.
I really do not care for bay rum, luckily this Indian Old Spice Original takes over without clashing. The Gillette Tech and Synbad knot made the whole thing easier than I’d imagined. Mrs. Stallion popped out for a photo and was genuinely worried I may be construed as a lecher doing something else with his hands. Instead of the single pass I was planning I was so comfortable in my gas conscious environs with a little mood music of Mason Jennings I finished all three. Here here and cheers to you u/priusaurus. For your commitment to the bit and always entertaining shaving absurdity.
Gallery of Vehicular Follicular Removent