March 27, 2024
- Brush: u/J33pguy13 TnS L4 Pass around
- Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
- Blade: GEM (27)
- Lather: Stirling Soap Co. – Christmas Eve
- Post Shave: Aqua Velva – Ice Blue
- Post Shave: Zingari – Unscented
- Fragrance: Ralph Lauren – Ralph’s Club
So it should be stated up front, I am not a member of Mammoth Mafia. Am I a Mammoth stan? Yes, but I cannot be accused of betraying anyone here. This was a hard choice. My first soap vs. My first fragrance experience. I remember having only 1 tub and having to burn through a Stirling sample before I could switch, and wondering if that was even possible. So were better than others, I started with Almond Creme, got a loaner lotion tub from my wife so I could use barbershop, then on to Pumpkin Spice (the “eh it’s ok” of that group.) In then end 3 things won out:
- Dance with the one who brought you
- Wanna see at least one more upset
- I finally killed that sample of Christmas Eve
Mammoth will always occupy the most of my den, and I’ll probably order Everett 20 seconds after it drops, but today went to the green monster who gave us moar boar. If we keep begging maybe we’ll get our Moos dupe too.
Edited: Also I sorta regret running one blade for all of #MMarch24. This one is over it has some rust and it's just sorta meh. But only 4 more shaves.
This SOTD is part of the challenge