u/OnionMiasma's SOTDs for challenge 'Lather Games 2023'

u/OnionMiasma submitted 30 SOTDS.
  1. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-01 07:25:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 1, 2023 - Bonjour, Lather Games! / New All The Things, or, How I Had The Worst Shave Of My Life

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Valet AutoStrop Model VB1 #SELFSHARPENING
    • Blade: Feather FHS-10 (1)
    • Lather: Central Texas Soaps - Weekend Rodeo
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Original - Toner
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Sonder

    Daily Write-Up Weekend Rodeo. Great idea for a soap, especially a soap from the state of Texas. For me, the accords of leather and sawdust remind me of many county and state fairs I attended as a youth, and have managed to completely avoid as an adult.

    But - to my point - there’s the old idiom, “this ain’t my first rodeo”. Well - that’s a fact. This isn’t my first rodeo - it’s my second Lather Games.

    What did I learn from last year? Chase every point, and be organized, or you’ll end up in 19th place despite following all of the daily themes and challenges, and having a few pretty memorable posts.

    So I’ve already failed at the organization thing, which we’ll get to in a minute. Also, my planning doc is a disaster, and I’m just winging my AS and Frags rather than having them planned? 19th place here I come.

    But - definitely trying to chase as many points as possible. Last year my plan was to be ok missing some points and make up for it in enthusiasm. But, that didn’t pay off as handsomely as I hoped, and I’m starting this Lather Games in my fifth decade of life unlike last year, which is leaving me feeling more grumpy old man than energetic youth. I’m readying my fist to shake at the new ROTY candidates as needed. Don’t get me wrong - the Spearhead trifecta I won made my top-5 scents post from last year and will make an appearance this month. But - I was really hoping for a top-10 finish.

    However - what is my first rodeo is virtually everything in this SOTD post. I say virtually, because… well, organization isn’t my strong suit, and I left my brand new SBS brush at home. So I’m having to make do with this NO brush that just happened to randomly be in my bag. Or else I would have had to try to find a shaving brush in this small city, which sounds exhausting.

    But - I picked up this soap on the ‘zaar a little while back, to add another potential brand for this year’s Lather Games. I was expecting to use it for RIP day, but having not actually used it yet, it fits well for today’s theme. I want to be clear - this stuff seemed really slick, and whipped up into a fast, nice lather. It is NOT to blame for the quality (or lack thereof) of my shave today.

    Razor/Blade - This is the culprit. The cause of the WORST shave in my adult life.

    I picked up this Autostrop from the PIF table at the Maggard Meet, courtesy of our own /u/cowzilla3. This is a fascinating piece of machinery. My favorite kind of machinery, actually, because it’s completely unnecessary and overengineered, but cool nonetheless. However, I think somewhere this one became broken, and my face paid the price.

    I loaded the blade, after watching 4 of 5 Youtube videos to figure out how this thing works. Only… I think I’m missing some tabs to hold the blade in place, as it was quickly evident that there was a blade alignment issue.

    But I was committed to soldier on. As soon as I tried to shave with it, the blade slipped out of place. So I had to gingerly hold my finger at the back of it to try to keep the blade forward enough to engage. As such, I had a scrape-y, awful mess of a shave. My face is burning, and I count no fewer than 8 cuts on my face, and one on my hand. I understand why this was consigned to oblivion.

    The worst part about this? I just read the challenge for tomorrow. And since I’m traveling, I brought a Travel Tech. So the only SE razor I have with me? This thing.

    I’ve got three options.

    • Drive home unexpectedly early tomorrow, so I can use an MMOC or an MM24
    • Tape off my tech, and be one of the pathetic losers who shave with a DE on SE day.
    • Use this monstrosity again.

    I don’t love any of those options.

    The After Shave - I’ve been wanting to try Thayers based on the feedback of several guys here, and since I didn’t have any aftershaves in my den I hadn’t tried, thought this was a good opportunity to run to Wally World and pick some up. First impression is that the scent is not my favorite, but it makes my face feel good. Which I needed, given the truly terrible shave today. I’ll have to get some more time in it.

    Frag - I got a set of sample frags from HoM, and this is the only one I haven’t tried. I understand why Sonder is on the monthly reports so often. It might take a back seat to Dammusi for me, but it is a great warm-weather scent.

    Good luck to everyone, and have fun this month!

    Soap Theme Justification * I’ve never used any soaps from Central Texas Soaps.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes * Theme: New All The Things. Soap, AS, and Frag I’ve never tried before.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Valet AutoStrop Model VB1 [#SELFSHARPENING ]
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Central Texas Soaps - Weekend Rodeo
    • Post Shave: Thayers - Original
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Sonder

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Can we talk about Onion's misfortunes?

  2. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-02 09:26:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 2, 2023 - Don't Have a Cow, Man / Shave with an SE

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Valet AutoStrop Model VB1
    • Blade: Feather FHS-10 (2)
    • Lather: Col. Conk - Amaretto
    • Post Shave: Proraso - Unscented - Balm
    • Fragrance: Geo. F. Trumper - Paisley

    Daily Write-Up
    We're all on this planet to learn.

    From day one until the eighth time I'm hit by a car as a pedestrian and the machines finally win, I intend to spend every day on this planet learning.

    For example, this morning I've learned two things. * I'm an idiot * When faced with grievous bodily harm, I don't actually learn my lesson

    On the first point, it seems that I loaded the blade in my Valet incorrectly yesterday, which caused the misalignment and blade slippage issues. Mine is not defective or broken, and u/cowzilla3 is not at fault (this time). So, I could have spared myself the #skindonor hashtag if… well… I wasn't stupid.

    On the second point - not only have I been struck by a car seven times and continue to cross streets, I tried the Valet, found it wanting and dangerous, and yet here I am again because of imaginary internet shaving points.

    I had three options for using an SE today, since I didn't pack one: go home early and use my beloved MM24, tape off the tech I brought, or… this monstrosity. Everyone voted for the third option and here I am.

    Only yesterday, I had the benefit of a very good soap. Today it's the Conk. Little blood was shed this time, but my face is ANGRY. The blade stayed in place, but I got the second-worst shave of my adult life. It's not patchy today like yesterday, but it's not at all close. Warning - w_e-style photo ahead And did I mention that my face is angry?

    So, though I've committed to learning every day, I'm actually pretty bad at it. Luckily the rest of you guys aren't so bad. There are a handful of wetshavers who make it their goal to educate the masses on wetshaving, to make it easy for the rest of us. Our own /u/cosmobarber, /u/VisceralWatch, and /u/Cadinsor are giants among them. But we all know and love them, so I'm not talking about them today. Instead, I'm reflecting on the role that GeoFatBoy has played in my wetshaving journey.

    I'm sure most are familiar with his videos. They're ostensibly a way to get people to his site, ShaveNation, but are entertaining and informative nonetheless. Particularly on /r/wicked_edge I see his videos recommended for newbies.

    Sure, I learned a lot from GFB's videos. But, the main impact he's made to me? Filling my den. You see, ShaveNation is my local shave shop. That's right, until about a month ago, I lived 2 miles from their location. Now I'm about 4 miles away. Bored with my den? Ok, I'll pick up a new tub of Stirling in 20 minutes. Want to try a new razor? I can be shaving with a Rockwell shavette or a Henson in less time than I spend on my morning poop.

    Now, I'm not advocating that everyone shift their spend to SN. Granted, I find their prices reasonable (esp. because I don't pay shipping), and they've always been awesome to work with. No, if you're going to order online, go ahead and support the LG sponsors.

    But, if you have a local shaving store- let's keep them in business. It's great to be able to try something without waiting- let's give vendors a reason to stock good products. If your barbershop sells B&M or Rockwell products, buy from them if you can. You'll save shipping, and make it so others might see the products, become interested in the hobby, and learn something along the way.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Col. Conk is vegan, and terrible. But vegan nonetheless.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    Theme: All items from ShaveNation.com. Conk purchased for Almonday in 2022 Lather Games using my own money, hidden from my wife. Aftershave and cologne provided by SN as a sample gift with purchase.

    The Razor balm is ok. Not as good as Nivea, and several steps worse than artisanal balms.

    I like the Paisley way more than I expected. It's a Woody Aromatic with citrus notes. It's a bit strong, because I accidentally spilled most of the sample on my hands as I was opening it.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Valet AutoStrop Model VB1
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Col. Conk - Amaretto
    • Post Shave: Proraso - Unscented
    • Fragrance: Geo. F. Trumper - Paisley

  3. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-03 08:17:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 3, 2023 - Almonday - Live Almonday in an Almondway™ * Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar Brush, Almond-colored * Razor: Muhle R89 #TWINS * Blade: Gillette Platinum (1) * Lather: Stirling Soap Company - Almond Creme - Soap * Post Shave: Apex Alchemy - Speakeasy - Splash * Fragrance: Tom Ford - Lost Cherry * Music: Belle and Sebastian - The Boy With The Arab Strap

    Daily Write-Up
    Too often we post our SOTD early in the morning, and then never come back to reflect upon how that day’s themed shave has affected us throughout the day - what changes may have happened based solely on what we chose that morning. Well, I didn’t necessarily get to choose the theme - rather, it was chosen for me by our benevolent judges. But to see how a theme can affect my daily living I’m going to be constantly asking myself - how can I incorporate the simple almond into almost every facet of my day?

    7:30 a.m. - I stumble into the bathroom to start my day. I fumble around the closet, and pull out some Aveda Cherry Almond shampoo (thanks, honey!), and a sample of Almond Creme bath soap. This was a gift from the fine folks at Stirling Soap Co., which was great, as it is what my wife uses.

    9:00 a.m. - Logged into work. Work sucks. The end. I could really use some caffeine, but unless I can pair it with almond in some way - no go.

    10:00 a.m. - I gotta eat something. I head into the kitchen, and find some Almond butter. We had picked it up after we found out that our daughter was allergic to peaches, as peaches and almonds are in the same family, and often if you’re allergic to one you’re allergic to the other. Great news - SmallestMiasma is not allergic to almonds. But, the almond butter toast was a good choice. Smokier and less sweet than peanut butter, but chalk full of protein. Since I found a suitable snack, I allowed myself a Diet Coke. I’ll have to go grocery shopping in a bit.

    12:00 p.m. - After a few hours of work, it’s time for my lunch hour. Since I hadn’t planned to Live Almonday in an Almondway™ prior to this morning, I needed to go get some provisions. I headed to my local grocery store and shopped for some Almonds and Almond-adjacent items. First I picked up ingredients for a delicious post-work cocktail, then made my way to the nut aisle to pick up some snacks, where I see that they have my all-time favorite snack on sale! Score! (Note - not kidding. These are freaking delicious, Almonday or not). Next, to the cereal aisle, as I’m planning for Brinner tonight. Lastly, I hit the snack section on the way to the produce area to grab items for lunch. It was here I saw that they are advertising an inferior nut, so I decide to finish my shopping elsewhere.

    Luckily, there is a Trader Joe’s right across the street. If you’re really truly trying to Live Almonday in an Almondway™, this is where you should do your shopping. The Motherlode of nut juice, dessert Almonds, and many other Almond or Almond-adjacent foods.

    I quickly took my items home, and whipped up a quick lunch. Chicken and green bean almondine, with almond milk-infused coffee.


    Back to work for a bit - I’ll take a break to shave here in a bit.

    1:00 p.m. - I couldn’t wait any longer, the anticipation of shaving in an Almondway™ was too much. I went with Stirling Almond Creme, for obvious reasons. I had three options in my den; I used the terrible Colonel Conk Amaretto yesterday, so it was this or Cella, and given the celebration of Almond we're having today, I went with the far superior product.

    I matched it up with Apex Alchemy's Speakeasy for the aftershave. Most of Apex Alchemy's scents are very sweet - this is no exception. The star here is cherry, which is a frequent partner of Almond in scents and dishes. One of our family's favorite desserts is a Cherry Almond Bundt Cake that my wife makes.

    I don't have an appropriate fragrance for living Almonday in an Almondway™, so I'll have to source that after work.

    For my razor, I picked the R89, the first of the R89/DE89 twins. I know they're supposed to be the same, but I don't feel like mine shave the same. My EJ is way more aggressive.

    1:09 p.m. - While I sit here working and drinking my almond milk and coffee, I put Sebastian and Belle on the stereo, an artist that /u/RedMosquitoMM turned me on to last year shortly after I joined the sub. I'm reminded of a conversation I had with one of the LG judges last August. We were talking about the results, and I said that for me, I didn't feel like there was ever any doubt who would win- Skeeter was operating at a level far above the rest of us, who were all playing for second place with our hijinks, while he just put together perfectly thoughtful post after perfectly thoughtful post.

    3:35 p.m. - Whelp. I've eaten an entire container of Salt n' Vinegar almonds. Only 1020 calories.

    6:08 p.m. - I quit working for the day. Having my brinner and then going to find how to scent my new Almondway life.

    6:38 p.m. - I headed to the swankiest store in my nearby mall, and wouldn't you know it, the first fragrance I tried was perfect. Tom Ford Lost Cherry- it is a perfect blend of almond and cherry, and is a perfect end to the day. I have truly lived Almonday in an Almondway™.

    Soap Theme Justification * Almond Creme - it's right there in the name.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes * Aftershave - Apex Alchemy Speakeasy - the cherry notes in the aftershave pair really well with the Almond in the Almond Creme.

    • Tom Ford Lost Cherry ties the soap and AS together by being a perfect blend of cherries and almond, smelling almost exactly like our family Bundt Cake recipe.

    #photocontest - food

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Muhle R89 [#TWINS ]
    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar Brush, Almond-colored
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Almond Creme
    • Post Shave: Apex Alchemy - Speakeasy
    • Fragrance: Tom Ford - Lost Cherry

    Sponsor Uses

    • Stirling Soap Co. (Software Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Spent his whole day chasing down almond stuff.

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Goes on an almond journey, including multiple grocery stores. The first store had an advertisement for pistachios so he left in a fit.

    Went to the mall simply so he could spray a test frag.

    Pretty high effort post.

  4. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-04 12:39:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 4, 2023 - April Showers Bring May Flowers

    • Brush: Farvour Turncraft / AP Shave Co G5A 26mm #PREMIUMPLASTIC #SHD
    • Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 #TWINS
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Tres Matres - Soap
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Petrichor - Splash
    • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming - Albizia - EdT
    • Music: Ying Yang Twinz - Whistle While you Twurk

    Daily Write-Up
    Twins, Basil. Twins… First of all, an objective look at these two razors..

    On the left, the Merkur R89. On the right the Edwin Jagger DE89.

    Clearly these must be fraternal twins. The family resemblance is clear, but they’re clearly not identical.

    The EJ has some ornamentation on the baseplate, which makes it stand out against its brother. A little more beautiful, I could argue.

    The EJ also has tighter knurling than the Muhle. Again, more attractive, though I think the deeper knurling on the Muhle makes it easier to hold when wet.

    Weighing them, the heads weigh the same, but the EJ is a ¼ oz. heavier. I can commiserate with the EJ; I too am the fat sibling. The EJ has a slightly longer handle (that doesn’t quite fit in an Altoids tin for travel). So, much like me, the EJ is the tall sibling, the beautiful sibling, the aesthetically pleasing yet less useful sibling.

    But while I can commiserate with the EJ, I just don’t like it. This razor is the sole source of all of my really bad shaving cuts. Something seems off with the head - I suspect the culprit is a set of threads that aren’t quite right and they sometimes keep the head from being fully screwed into the handle. I have really sliced myself with it multiple times. Odd, because this is reputationally a very mild shaver.

    I took care to ensure it was fully screwed in today, and got a good, if unremarkable and bloodless shave from it. Once it’s fully engaged, it does seem to shave about like the Muhle. But as you can see from the pictures, my Muhle gets used. It’s my go-to travel razor. The DE just sits around (in my drawer) and does nothing. Again, I can relate.

    But, in my experience, isn’t that how twins go? Usually you get one good and one evil twin. I know that was the case with my nephews… or at least was when they were teens. /u/Specialist-Quiet-833 please research and report back 18 years from now.

    I took care to weigh out my soap. 21 grams before the shave, 19 grams after the shave. For a total of 2 grams of floral and petrichor-scented goodness. Precise measurements are important when you’re attempting to control for all variables in your shave.

    I slowly incorporated 2 smitkens of water to build a fluffy lather in my bowl. A smitken, the newly recognized scientific measure of liquid volume, happens to be exactly the same volume as the cap from an Ice Mountain water bottle. Big Water strikes again. I had a total of 16 grams of slick, fluffy lather based on the weight of the bowl when empty.

    Music Justification * I tried to come up with some twin-related music, this is all I could find. But, I quickly changed back to David Bowie, because the Ying Yang Twinz gave me cephalalgia, which is science for “a headache”.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Description of the soap: A tribute to the classic horror franchise “Suspiria”. A floral accord on a petrichor base with citrus top notes. Though the citrus notes are there, this soap is all spring with the floral and petrichor taking over.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * For the aftershave and fragrance, I took specific components of the soap scent that I wanted to pull out and emphasize.

    • The soap is a floral accord on a petrichor base with citrus top notes. I tend to gravitate towards citrus scents, so I specifically picked complementary scents that didn’t play to the citrus and instead pulled out the floral and petrichor components.

    • Obviously the Barrister and Mann Petrichor after shave works on the latter piece - I find this to be a criminally underrated scent, but reading the discussions about it whenever it is used, it seems like it is a particularly polarizing scent. Will hit the note bang-on though – while my Northeastern friends like /u/loudmusicboy have had nothing but rain for the past two months, here in the midwest we’ve had a historic drought. That was finally broken a couple weeks ago, and I remember standing on the back steps of my house and breathing in the smell - it was EXACTLY as Will created. Interestingly, I think the soap and splash are crazy close to each other in how they smell.

    • Albizia, one of my favorite Wetshaving scents, plays to the floral notes in the soap. Based on the description - it is intended to evoke the feeling of walking through a dewy meadow just as flowers are beginning to bloom - to me it smells like the bike trails near my hometown, especially in the month of May. The weather is just starting to get warm, and the scents that will be in full force in summer are just peeking their heads out and making themselves known. While I didn’t use the Albizia soap for the Lather Games, I’m glad I could slot in this EdT, because I think that while this scent in soap is really good, it shines in the EdT.

    It’s interesting for me when this day comes around - Spring is the hardest day for me to slot in my calendar - because, as I commented at the end of the year last year, 3 of my top 10 scents are Spring scents (and actually… if I were to do this list again, I think Petrichor would end up on the list too). I have House of Mammoth slotted later this month for something else so the Alive soap won’t make an appearance on my Lather Games schedule, but if you haven’t gotten a chance to experience it, I highly recommend making your way to their website and picking up a sample.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 [#TWINS ]
    • Brush: Farvour Turncraft / AP Shave Co G5A 26mm [#PREMIUMPLASTIC, #SHD ]
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Tres Matres
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Petrichor
    • Fragrance: Declaration Grooming - Albizia

    Sponsor Uses

    • Southern Witchcrafts (Software Sponsor Points)

  5. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-05 10:10:27-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 5, 2023 - Canned Shave Goop

    • Brush: Assured for Men Shaving Brush - 16mm #RUNT #HOLLOW
    • Razor: Assured for Men Three-Piece Razor
    • Blade: Assured for Men Unmarked Chinese Blade (1)
    • Lather: Power Stick - Original - Shave Gel
    • Post Shave: Power Stick - Original - Balm
    • Fragrance: Power Stick - Cool Blast - Body Spray

    Daily Write-Up

    For today’s shave - I made my way to my local strip mall for some shaving gear.

    The store closest geographically to my house is the Aldi’s on the right in this picture. Sadly, Aldi’s did not carry any shave gear. So I left and moved to the next store.

    The next store, Seoul Market, had a health and beauty section. But I don’t speak Korean, and have literally no idea what the things in this store are. Moving on.

    Autozone - good selection of items that could be used as pre-shave oils, and I could probably hook myself up with a floor scraper here, but that’s not really my style. So, I put the Valvoline back, and headed next door.

    I skipped Heavenly Massage, and went to the same store I went to last year - Dollar Tree.

    This actually is a different Dollar Tree, and was very well organized. I quickly picked up a Trickhole of Power Stick items - hopefully this stuff is better than the Bolero I bought here last year. I was worried about a brushless gel, but as I went around the corner to check out, I saw this rack!. I wasn't sure what size these were, but they’re definitely smaller than the 20mm Omega I have… After the shave I measured 5/8", which makes it a 16mm. Definitely #RUNT territory.

    The Shave
    * Not at all good. * The brush broke the minute I tried to use it. Bonus though, I can see the handle is hollow, and could measure the knot. So, I held the knot at the bump to keep it in the handle while frothing up the soap. * The razor held up for at least one shave though. The positive blade exposure on this is wild. Definitely the most aggressive razor I’ve ever used. Also, because of the thin metal, there is a ton of audio feedback with this razor. * Blade - it seemed sharp. I’ll have to try one in a different razor. * The performance of this gel is not good. Little slickness, no protection. Lots of unfortunate smell.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Purchased at Dollar Tree, the geographically closest available shaving items to my home.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Power Stick Trickhole! * Theme of the day is road-side motel. But not the good kind where people are enjoying their holiday. The kind where a single parent is one night's bad tips away from sleeping in the car. * The soap has base notes of a Motel 6 hotel bathroom, with top notes of “pool closed due to contamination” * The aftershave compliments the soap nicely. It has a minty quality, somewhat reminiscent of a starlight mint you might find that a recent john left behind the bedside table. It’s very thick, the thickest balm I’ve ever used. Roughly the consistency of the cheap margarine you buy in a tub. * The fragrance - a product page describes it thusly: “The energizing scent for all-day swagger. For men who want their days cool and their nights hot!” Instead, it feels like “Compare to Axe” - body spray for when you want to cover up the stale nicotine and bug bombs of the Red Roof.

    Daily Challenge
    If I were a perfumer - I would not have designed any of these items.


    Shortly after you cross the Piscataqua River Bridge to enter Maine from New Hampshire, there is a visitor center and rest stop - maybe 2 miles over the border. My family has often stopped here, because it's clean and conveniently located.

    When you step out of the car - the smell hits you. You've only come a few miles over the border, but Maine smells distinctly different than the country south of here. There's a crispness to the air; a saltiness lent from nearby Casco Bay. This crispness is on top of the damp earth and strong coniferous scents of the surrounding forestry.

    Every time we make that trip I'm always taken by how much different it smells - but the smell of Maine is my favorite smell in the world. If a soap maker could get that scent right, I'd probably throw all my stuff on the Bazaar and only use that from now on.

    EDIT: Want to try these items for yourself? Enter my PIF!

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Assured for Men Three-Piece Razor
    • Brush: Assured for Men Shaving Brush - 16mm [#HOLLOW, #RUNT ]
    • Lather: Power Stick - Original
    • Post Shave: Power Stick - Original
    • Fragrance: Power Stick - Cool Blast

  6. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-06 14:39:20-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 6, 2023 - Olfactory Overload Day

    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive 31mm Moar Boar #CHONK #OLDWORLD

    • Razor: Henson AL-13 Medium #CNC #RAINBOW

    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)

    • Lather: Zingari - The Watchman - Soap

    • Post Shave: Zingari - The Watchman - Balm

    • Fragrance: Zingari - The Watchman - Extrait

    Daily Write-Up

    Short and sweet post today, just like my stacks. I’m sure the djudges will appreciate that, given that I’ve thus far been… circumlocutory.

    I tried really hard to stack one tall stack, but this is just one of the many things that I’m not great at. My calendar has been set for a while, I had no idea that stacking day would fall on trickhole day. Unfortunately, ZM uses domed lids on their fragrance and balms which makes stacking very challenging. It wasn't worth potentially breaking a bottle or the Moar Boar, so regrettably my stack is tiny.

    I expect to be scrubbed today because of my tiny little stack, but it's not the height that it's important, it's what you do with it. Right guys?


    The Shave

    • Superlative, particularly when compared with yesterday..

    • I am always amazed at how strong and long-lasting this scent is. Props to Mr. Maher - it’s a great scent – but a little goes a very long way.

    Soap Theme Justification

    • All three software items are scented by Shawn Maher and produced by ZingariMan.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes

    • Watchman Trickhole

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Henson AL-13 Medium [#CNC, #RAINBOW ]
    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving Exclusive 31mm Moar Boar [#CHONK, #OLDWORLD ]
    • Lather: Zingari - The Watchman
    • Post Shave: Zingari - The Watchman
    • Fragrance: Zingari - The Watchman

    Sponsor Uses

    • Zingari Man (Software Sponsor Points)

  7. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-07 08:50:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 7, 2023 - Fremen Friday

    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts 2021 POTG SHD Badger 28mm #COMPOSITE
    • Razor: Blackland Razors - Era 2SB
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Old Spice - Old Spice - Soap
    • Post Shave: Old Spice - Old Spice - Splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - 福 (FÚ DÀO) - EdP

    Daily Write-Up
    Today I am shaving with Old Spice. Yes, I know that this cream isn’t very good, and that Old Spice has evolved over the years. But it’s still a classic scent in the Wetshaving world. To commemorate this day, I’ve asked our own resident Old Spice expert u/Cowzilla3 to sit with me and answer a few questions, because evidently this is how you Lather Games now. And, because I have to out-do everyone, I’ve turned the number of questions up to 11. Interview is at the bottom of my post, after the rest of the daily info. Also - I’d like to say that I put the Old Spice upside down in my SOTD post because I’m protesting how they’ve changed the formula, but, nope. Still just an idiot over here shaving with my internet friends.

    Daily Challenge Notes
    One of the hobbies that I’ve always dabbled in but have gotten more serious about is outdoor cooking. Some of my more-commonly followed subs on here are r/grilling and r/smoking. I’ve added some of my favorite grilling spices to the daily pic in honor of Fremen Friday.

    I think one of my favorite aspects of those communities is that new members to the sub will stop by on almost a weekly basis and post the exact same picture. In fact, my lowest-rated post on Reddit ever was me mocking that fact. It's pretty much the smoking version of people asking us if Proraso is any good [ed. - No.] or if we've heard of Sterling [ed. - Also no.].

    The Shave
    The Shulton Old Spice cream is just not very good. But, I had my favorite razor slotted today, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Top Notes include nutmeg and star anise. Middle notes include cinnamon and pimento. Base notes include Tonka Bean. Sounds pretty spicy to me. Also… it’s right there in the name.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * I dickholed the Old Spice aftershave that was gifted to me during secret santa by our very own u/Cowzilla3. I paired it with the spiciest scent I own, which is House of Mammoth’s 福. The ginger note in particular plays well with the Old Spice.

    And now, what you've been waiting for. THE 2023 Lather Games special event; an interview with u/Cowzilla3:

    1.) How many soaps are in your den? How many do you keep around just because they might be useful in the Lather Games?

    There are at least 260 full tubs/tubes in my den and a plethora of samples to add to that amount as well. [ed. - u/Cowzilla3 inadvertently left out the number in this sentence - I simply added the number 260 as that was most likely. He did get back to me with a much more reasonable number of 35, but I’m leaving 260 in. -OM]

    Shockingly, 29 of those soaps are Old Spice dupes or Old Spice adjacent soaps (like Seaforth!). Since my entire schtick during the Lather Games is to try to compete as well as possible using only Old Spice dupes I do keep them for the games, though not solely for that reason.

    2.) You’ve tried nearly all of the Old Spice dupes and riffs. If you’re gifting one to a family member, which one do you give?

    This is a very specific question as it’s not asking which is the best dupe but which soap I’d give someone in my family. No one in my family wet shaves (or at least they aren’t crazy about it like I am) so do I want to introduce them to the best of the best or the easiest to lather, neither of which are the best dupe. I think I’d lean towards the best of the best, which would be Barrister and Mann Spice. [ed. - Incorrect. The answer we were looking for here was Stirling Spice -OM]

    3.) If you’re not using Old Spice or one of its many imitations, what’s your favorite soap?

    I thought these were civil questions about civil subjects. The very premise of this question insults me to my very core.

    4.) So I’m using Old Spice today. As did my dad, and he fathered a child (me) in his 50s. Should I be concerned that Old Spice might be making me more virile?

    Considering by the time you’ve posted this you’ll already have used the Old Spice my warning is moot but I can guarantee that the moment you splashed it on your face you sired multiple children. It’s said that Jesus was created this way. Don’t worry. Because they were made in the Spice they will be entirely self-sufficient and will never reach out to contact you, but know that your line lives on.

    continuing in a comment because of the character limit

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors - Era 2SB
    • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts 2021 POTG SHD Badger 28mm [#COMPOSITE ]
    • Lather: Old Spice - Old Spice
    • Post Shave: Old Spice - Old Spice
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - 福 (FÚ DÀO)

    Sponsor Uses

    • Dogwood Handcrafts brushes (Hardware Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  8. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-08 10:10:38-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 8, 2023 - Small Business Saturday

    • Brush: Farvour Turncraft / AP Shave Co G5A 26mm
    • Razor: Micromatic - Open Comb (MMOC) #BRASSING
    • Blade: GEM PTFE
    • Lather: Maggard Razors - London Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Seville - Splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Hygge - EdP
    • Music: The Talking Heads - Same as it Ever Was

    Daily Write-Up
    Quick shave and post today, as I have company here - headed to night two of a concert here in a bit. Night one absolutely slapped, so hoping for a repeat tonight. The best part for me was that about 15 minutes in, the rain started, and as soon as the drops hit the crowd, the band got a lot louder and more aggressive. Almost immediately, the rain stopped, and we had cloudy but dry skies the rest of the night. As if the rain said, "whoa, looks like you guys aren't effing around..."

    Daily Challenge Notes

    Thought I’d pose some questions to the group from my shave music today. No, for the record, I didn’t see the Talking Heads last night. Though that would have been cool.

    The Shave
    A great shave today. The Maggard soap is good, I just don’t like this scent. Anyone want to trade me this tub for literally any of the other Maggard scents?

    People always say that the MMOC is aggressive. I don’t think it’s aggressive, I rarely get any irritation from using it. But it is unforgiving. I’m used to using it with Spearhead (thanks, AA), which is definitely slicker than the Maggard soap. On my very last stroke, I hit a patch that wasn’t slick, and the razor jumped, leaving me a nice cut. Not aggressive, but unforgiving of mistakes for sure.

    I picked this razor up just for the Brassing hashtag. I already have a pretty mint MMOC, so if anyone wants this for AA, hit me with a DM. I’ll just ask for the shipping charge.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Maggard Razors - says so right on the label.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is the first of two “Barbershops, three ways”. Interestingly, I think I went from worst to best in my den today. The performance of the London Barbershop is fine; the smell just seems…artificial(?) to me. Maybe it’s because I know it’s a pre-blend, but definitely a lack of depth that the other two have.

    • Moving to the Seville - I know it doesn’t have citrus in it… but it’s the most citrus-y barbershop to my nose. The drydown here is all powder. I mentioned that I went worst to best - so some might feel that I think Seville is aggressively mid. Not true, it’s great - just not Hygge great.

    • Finished up with Hygge. While the Seville seems a little… sporty? Youthful? Hygge is all comfort and class. It’s like if Seville is the barbershop of your 20s, Hygge is the barbershop of your 40s. When you’re hopefully more comfortable and mature, but still need a good shave.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Micromatic - Open Comb (MMOC) [#BRASSING ]
    • Brush: Farvour Turncraft / AP Shave Co G5A 26mm
    • Lather: Maggard Razors - London Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Seville
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Hygge

    Sponsor Uses

    • Maggard Razors (house-brand soap) (Software Sponsor Points)

  9. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-09 15:51:39-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 9, 2023 - Death Before Decaf

    • Razor: Child’s Spatula Kamisori #Kamisori
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (1)
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Thè Noir et Vanille - Soap
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Cheshire - Splash
    • Fragrance: Varvatos - Artisan Blu
    • Music: Dave Matthews Band - Sweet

    Daily Write-Up / Daily Challenge Notes:
    I rolled out of bed today, embarrassingly late. Checked my phone, talked to Mrs. Miasma on the phone, who has MiniMiasma and SmallestMiasma with her at her parents, and then set into getting some things done around the house.

    Before I knew it, it was 4:00 and I hadn’t showered, eaten, or shaved.

    Remembering that today was “shave in the kitchen”, I grabbed my Soap, AS, Frag, an old Gillette Superspeed, and my current favorite brush.

    I walk down the stairs, around the corner, and go through the living room to our kitchen, when out of the corner of my eye I see something interesting. MiniMiasma and SmallestMiasma have a play kitchen in our living room that would make a really perfect shaving space. Especially given that I’m home alone and don’t have to explain my decision-making process to… well, anyone.

    So I set my items down and immediately I am hit with a bolt of inspiration. Last year, u/Impressive_Donut114 was able to fashion a razor out of a pair of chopsticks, and u/MrTangerineSky used a fork to shave. I bet this child’s spatula sitting here would make a perfect Kamisori handle.

    I ran upstairs for a new GEM blade, and then slowly walked downstairs (we don’t run with razors, kids). I set aside my Gillette for another day, and got to work trying to make the Kamisori. First I tried holding the blade on to the spatula with a rubberband, but the blade kept cutting through rubber bands. Then I looked in the closet, and found some duct tape. I channeled my inner Red Green and quickly got the razor assembled.

    You’ll note that one of MiniMiasma’s Barbies was sitting in the play kitchen. I considered using her luxurious blue locks for a brush, but figured that if any harm came to Mermea, I would be crushing a 5 year-old’s spirit. So, instead, I grabbed this old Everready brush (toy banana for scale), as it’s approximately the same age as the child’s tea set I’m using for my rinse and hydration water. That picture might be deceiving as to its size - but keep in mind the cracker is exactly the same size as a normal saltine.

    I filled up the tea pot with some water, and began to soak the brush. If ANYTHING in this shave is child-sized, it’s this brush. My intent was to use it for the lather games, and then see if I could put a new knot in it. As it is today, it is laughably small.

    I used a toy cracker to scrape out some of the soap, and then pressed it into the bottom of a toy saucepan to make my lather.

    I lathered up what was a pretty decent lather, and started to paint it on my face. Since it was like painting with a model car brush, and I’m fat and have more than my fair share of neck, this part of the shave seemingly took forever. Once my lather was ready to go, I poured some water into the sink, and got ready to shave.

    I very slowly used my makeshift kamisori to get a good one-pass shave. You’ll notice one little nick - that’s all I managed to cut myself during the shave (pre-shave is a different story - I am still bleeding on my finger where the GEM blade bit me during kamisori construction. Worth it.).

    Finished product. I encourage everyone to use a makeshift kamisori at least once - you might be a better shaver for it.

    Music today is from the band I've spent the last two nights watching. An epic show, if you've never seen them. Yeah, I get the "frat boy rock" image that they had in the 90s that turn a lot of potential fans off, but the reality is that these are seven super talented musicians who just have fun jamming with each other on stage for 3 hours. This song is about when he taught his young daughter how to swim, and the responsibility you have as a parent for your kids. I thought that paired well, since I was shaving in their kitchen.

    The Shave
    Fashioning a Kamisori out of a child’s toy and a GEM blade > Valet Autostrop.

    Very low bar there, but it’s true. I got a decent-ish shave with the Kamisori, despite sitting on the floor in my living room using my phone as a mirror. I had a much more perfect shaving situation with the Valet (bathroom, running water, real mirror) and got much worse results.

    I picked this brush up just for the Ancient hashtag - luckily it also knocks off the badgers and smoll hashtags as well. Provided that the djudges take no issue with my tags today, that’s 10 brush tags for me. Just working on the razors.

    Having said all that - a shave with the Gillette and a normal brush would have been less dramatic and better.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Thè Noir et Vanille - “Black Tea with Vanilla”. Also a lot of strawberry.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s scent theme is “cup of tea overlooking the ocean”. My goal for retirement is to be able to buy a home on the Maine oceanfront and move there when we are no longer working. For this shave, I tried to recreate what my mornings might smell like, with two versions of tea (TNeV and Cheshire, one of the GOAT scents), followed by a very blue, aquatic fragrance.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Child’s Spatula Kamisori [#KAMISORI ]
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Thè Noir et Vanille
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Cheshire
    • Fragrance: Varvatos - Artisan Blu

    Sponsor Uses

    • Noble Otter (Software Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Shaved with a GEM blade fixed onto a child's spatula in a child's "kitchen"

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Shaved with a GEM blade fixed onto a child's spatula in a child's "kitchen"

  10. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-10 09:50:25-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 10, 2023 - Musical Monday

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps Mood Indigo - 28mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Schick Krona #UNICORN
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Soap
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo - Balm
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - ~~Mood~~ Indigo - EdP
    • Music: Duke Ellington - Mood Indigo

    Daily Write-Up:
    Growing up I was a music nerd. Though my band camps never had the kind of hijinks that they do in the movies, they were plentiful. And as nerdy as band camps are - choir or drama camps are way nerdier.

    But back to band - I played the saxophone. Pretty well too. I was in multiple bands during high school, and continued on in college. Alto was my favorite, but there are a LOT of alto players, so it always seemed like I ended up playing tenor. Though I was better in choir, and college choir was a blast, in high school my favorite activity was jazz band. It was so much fun being able to be in an ensemble where the notes on the page were just a suggestion - a framework for the music to be created, as opposed to a recipe to be followed.

    My favorite song in my three years of jazz band that we played was Caravan, by Duke Ellington. That particular year our band was really good, and we thought that a state championship was not outside of the realm of possibility. I remember the feedback we got at the state contest - though it was crushing at the time, it was right. “Your band is one of the tightest ensembles we’ve heard. But they aren’t playing as a jazz band, they’re playing as a rock band with trumpets.

    He wasn’t wrong, but playing with that group was so much fun. Some years later I remember my director lamenting that that was the best ensemble she had in her career, and felt robbed that we didn’t do better at contests. But, that’s life - and at least 3 members of that group are professional musicians. Myself excluded. I mostly just sing in the car and shower, and haven’t touched a saxophone since I donated mine after college. But - listening to Duke all morning while I work has been nice.

    The Shave
    One of the things that really struck me about the Lather Games last year was how many shit-tier shaves you can end up with if you really try to hit all the daily themes. No one is getting a great shave in a child’s kitchen, or at Pei Wei (props again for that), or on the CTA.

    Today was great. I really like this razor, the new SBS brush (which I’ve nicknamed Mood Indigo because the color is almost a perfect match to the label, and I didn’t see that /u/rocketk455 named it) is perfect, and I never get a bad shave with HoM. But- I think so far, good shaves have been the exception rather than the rule.

    • 7/1 - Valet Autostrop - Abysmal shave 1/10
    • 7/2 - Valet Autostrop - Only slightly better 2/10
    • 7/3 - Almond Shave - Pretty good. Stirling++ 8/10
    • 7/4 - Spring Shave - Great shave, great scents 9/10
    • 7/5 - Dollar Tree razor. Gentle 3# baby Jesus 2/10
    • 7/6 - All Zingari Watchman - Pretty good. 8/10
    • 7/7 - Old Spice - not a good soap 5/10
    • 7/8 - Maggard - decent shave 6/10
    • 7/9 - Toy kitchen shave with homemade kamisori - 3/10
    • 7/10 - Mood Indigo Trickhole - 10/10

    Best shave of the games. Great music. Great software. Gentle unicorn razor with my favorite blade. Against an average of 5.4, today was transcendent.

    Daily Challenge Notes: Close up of my drawing here. I’ve never thought I was good as an artist, but I think this turned out pretty well.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Duke Ellington - Mood Indigo

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * (Mood) Indigo Trickhole. Yeah, my EdP is just Indigo instead of Mood Indigo. But they all match.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Schick Krona [#UNICORN ]
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps Mood Indigo - 28mm Synthetic
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo
    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Indigo

    Sponsor Uses

    • House of Mammoth (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Summer Break Soaps brushes (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  11. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-11 07:30:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 11, 2023 - Sunny Days

    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company 24mm Boar
    • Razor: Gillette Travel Tech #JETSETTER
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach - Soap
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach - Balm
    • Fragrance: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach - EdT
    • Music: Jimmy Buffett - Fruitcakes

    Daily Write-Up: Montrose Beach, part of the Chicago Park District, is the inspiration for today’s soap. It’s a very good beach, with a separate dog beach for our four-legged friends, and is the largest of the many public beaches along Chicago’s lakefront.

    And it’s only 25 miles from my house, so it’s totally easy to just go shave there, right?

    Well… not exactly. Traffic.. When I looked it up, it was going to take between 2 and 4(!!) hours to do a round-trip drive to Montrose Beach from my house, due to rush hour traffic.

    Ok… so I need to leave the house by 5 a.m. in order to make it back in time for work.

    Instead, I opted for a little subterfuge. Please don’t tell the judges.

    First, I looked around my house for some materials. I grabbed some cardboard left over from our move, some markers, and got to work.

    I put on my best beach wear, loaded my mobile shave den, some materials, and a way to play music - it is the beach after all - into the back of my car, and set off. Grabbed some quick breakfast at a local eatery, and then headed to the beach. Perfect weather for a pre-work trip to the beach.

    I got to the beach, and got parked. I looked around to make sure there are no police or park district personnel around, and then shot my shot. I quickly modified the beach to make it on-theme. I wonder if Vida got her inspiration for the label artwork from the waves on the sign at Montrose Beach?

    I stepped back and took a look at my handi-work and then headed to the lakefront. Now, I’m not a huge fan of the /r/airbudrule, but turns out it absolutely applies to today’s shave. Ain’t no rules saying you can’t shave in the park. Just no swimming or wading.

    For being the biggest beach in Chicago, I expected Montrose Beach to be… well… bigger, but I claimed a spot and laid out my beach towel. I was also surprised at how… suburban?... it felt. Not a skyline to be seen anywhere. The Chicago Park District really did a great job of making this feel like an oasis in the city.

    After eating my breakfast, and doing some light reading (ok... work emails), I figured I would get a shave in. I put some beach music on, unpacked all my shaving items, and then had a horrible realization. I had grabbed my Nalgene for my lather water, but in my rush to leave the house, I had forgotten to fill it.

    I’m so stupid. This is the second year in a row I’ve forgotten something critically important in my mobile shave den. But - this one was easily recoverable. I dipped my Nalgene in the lake and had plenty of water for a good three-pass shave.

    I used my lake water to whip up a really drippy, slick lather, and got out my Gillette Travel Tech, which was conveniently packed away in a Montrose Beach blue case that came all the way from West Germany! Who knew there are two Germanys?!

    I got my shave on with my lake water lather, and had a good, if somewhat dramatic shave. Just as I was finishing, someone came to yell at me for shaving on the beach. Well, not someone, exactly. Something. A one-legged goose that I’ve named Monty, since he lives on Montrose Beach. Monty was VERY angry that I was there, and was not shy about making it clear he wanted me gone.

    I quickly packed up my items, left the beach as I found it (take only memories, leave only footprints!). The best part about getting up stupid early to go all the way to Montrose Beach before work? I can get other things done before getting started, like tile shopping in my beach wear.

    Daily Challenge Notes: Close up, non-beach shot of my items. The ivory and black in the brush handle are exactly the same as the ivory and black in the label. The blue of the tech case - a ringer for Montrose Beach blue.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Per the artisan: ”Just in time for Summer! Montrose Beach is what I imagine the beach should smell like! Scent notes are sea salt, dried coconut, eucalyptus, jasmine, carnation, vetiver, driftwood and seaweed.”

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Montrose Beach Trickhole

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Travel Tech [#JETSETTER ]
    • Brush: Stirling Soap Company 24mm Boar
    • Lather: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach
    • Fragrance: Chicago Grooming Co. - Montrose Beach

    Sponsor Uses

    • Chicago Grooming Co. / Oleo Soapworks (Software Sponsor Points)

  12. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-12 09:29:17-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 12, 2023 - It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Gillette 1940’s SuperSpeed #REGUS
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Cella - Original - Soap
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Sandy Cheeks - Splash
    • Fragrance: Creed - Millésime Impérial
    • Music: Moana Soundtrack - Where You Are

    Daily Write-Up: Consider the coconut. Consider its trees.

    Last year, during the Lather Games, I was a committed bowl latherer. I actually used and appreciated the GUTL method at times.

    But then I got crazy busy, and my den was spread across three bathrooms in two houses, and it became easier to just tub load and face lather. Probably 70+% of my 2023 shaves have been tub loaded and face lathered. So, given the daily challenge, I’m going with a bowl lather.

    But not just any bowl. I used my German Friodur steel (just like /u/djundjila's straight razor!) kitchen knife to crack open the coconut, and reserved the coconut water for later. I then made my way up to my den (kitchen knives stay in the kitchen, shaving knives stay out of the kitchen, I’m told), and scooped some of the Cella sample into my new bowl.

    I dipped my brush into the reserved coconut water, and began building a lather in my bowl. Unfortunately, I found that I had to keep a good grip on the brush at all times, because this bowl isn’t good about keeping the brush from flipping out and getting lather everywhere. Finally I had a good lather, and had a good 2-pass shave. Cella isn’t bad, and the smell is pretty nice when lathered.

    I finished up, and rinsed out my bowl. Not sure what to do with this coconut though - it’s strictly an A-cup if I were to make a coconut bra out of it, and while you can say a lot about Mrs. Miasma, you can’t say she’s an A cup. And frankly, at this point in my lifetime pizza consumption, neither probably am I. Thoughts on how to use this soaped up coconut, besides making horse sounds?

    Soap Theme Justification
    Per the product page: Cocos Nucifera Oil is the first ingredient.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Aftershave of Sandy Cheeks pulls on the coconut from the Cella, bowl, and lather water. * Millésime Impérial then layers on top of that fruit, marine scents, and salt air, taking you to Motunui where Moana and the coconuts live.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette 1940’s SuperSpeed [#REGUS ]
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Cella - Original
    • Post Shave: Chicago Grooming Co. - Sandy Cheeks
    • Fragrance: Creed - Millésime Impérial

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Used coconut as shaving bowl and coconut water for lather.

  13. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-13 07:26:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 13, 2023 - Hippy Dippy Baloney

    • Brush: Shave Forge 20mm Horsehair #HORSESASS
    • Razor: Gillette Fatboy #DIAL
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Siliski Soaps - Incense - Soap
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Company - Margaritas in the Arctic - Splash
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Company - Glastonbury
    • Music: The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop

    Daily Write-Up: Shaving to the Ramones today. They were at my first concert. It was 1996, and my mom got me tickets for Lollapalooza for my birthday, having zero idea what that meant. Screaming Trees, Rancid, The Ramones, 311, Soundgarden, and Metallica were the headliners.

    Now, at 14, I had zero business to be dropped off and allowed to be at Lollapalooza all day long. But I made it. But, if you can think of how over-the-top I can occasionally be for an internet shaving competition, 14-year-old me had the same personality, and wanted to be ON THE RAIL for the entirety of the event. I’m a person of a decent size now, but 14-year-old me was shrimpy, so I was maybe 5’5” and 130 lbs., in the mosh pit for the majority of the show.

    Of all the bands on the main stage, the Ramones were by far the best. This was their last tour before they hung it up as a group, but the energy was still amazing. The most memorable part of the show for though happened during Rancid. The guy next to me hit what I assume was a crack pipe, and then started jumping around like crazy. While he was jumping around like a madman he got kicked in the face by someone who was crowdsurfing, which horrifically caused his nose to be knocked sideways on his face with blood pouring from it. The guy immediately started screaming, “get out of my way, I have AIDS! Don’t touch me!”... which had the predictable result in 1995 of people basically stampeding away from him. 14-year-old me was not ready for that, and I decided quickly that maybe the rail for Rancid should be left for adults, and I went and watched Ben Folds Five on the side stage; the first of five times I’ve seen them.

    I selected Blitzkrieg Bop not only because it’s one of the Ramones’ most recognizable songs, but also because I think if you squint just a little bit, you can see a way it can be related to shaving. The original song was about fans lining up for a concert - but if you change the words “Blitzkrieg Bop” to “Maggard Meet”, the song still works, and is now about wet shaving bros waiting to get in to meet and greet their favorite artisans (well… and Shannon and Charky):

    Hey ho, let's go! Hey ho, let's go!
    Hey ho, let's go! Hey ho, let's go!
    They're forming in straight line
    They're going through a tight wind
    The kids are losing their minds
    The Maggard Meet
    They're piling in the back seat
    They're generating steam heat
    Pulsating to the back beat
    The Maggard Meet
    Hey ho, let's go
    Shoot 'em in the back now
    What they want, I don't know
    They're all revved up and ready to go
    They're forming in straight line
    They're going through a tight wind
    The kids are losing their minds
    The Maggard Meet

    Soap Theme Justification
    “Product must prominently feature the scent of patchouli or incense.*” Siliski Soaps - Incense - it’s right there in the name.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    Went with a concert theme for the scents here. * Thanks to u/chronnoisseur42O for the soap. Incense definitely reminds me of going to concerts, as... well, I associate it with weed, and there is a lot of weed at concerts. Especially now that it's legal here.
    Glastonbury is obvious, as it is a Patchouli-forward scent inspired by a music festival in the United Kingdom.
    * MITA is less obvious but more personal in nature - almost always (except when they happen during the Lather Games) when I go to a concert now, I wear MITA. I think I’ve now worn it to my last 6 of 8 shows. It’s refreshing and smells like a party to me. So, now I’ve trained my Pavlovian brain that MITA = live music.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Gillette Fatboy [#DIAL ]
    • Brush: Shave Forge 20mm Horsehair [#HORSESASS ]
    • Lather: Siliski Soaps - Incense
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Company - Margaritas in the Arctic
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Company - Glastonbury

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    What I really liked about judging this shave is that the user spelled out specifically why their lather was on theme and how their AS and fragrance related.

    This is an ideal LG post to me.

  14. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-14 11:43:35-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 14, 2023 - Frigid Friday

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Cryogen - Soap
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Company - Glacial Citron - Splash
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Alive
    • Music: Obadiah Parker - Hey Ya

    Daily Write-Up: Two really distracting things going on during this shave.

    First. The cold. I went with this sample of Cryogen, which is the coldest soap I own. I considered using this for some… um… shoring of the plums as well given the hilarity I’ve read in years past when people tried that. But even having it on my face and neck, I noped right out of that idea. Also, I had forgotten that the smell is basically Vicks Vaporub which is not great. The Glacial Citron only existed to further the cold and prolong it. What's cooler than being cold? Ice cold. Also, Stirling Glacial on top of Cryogen. Sadly that lyric didn't really fit. After all this cold, I allowed myself my favorite frag.

    Second. The backwards shave.

    To know how to backwards shave, I figured it was high-time to finally actually map my beard. I know this is the first thing we tell people on the DQT and on Wicked_Edge, and I have a good idea of what my beard pattern is, but I’ve never actually done it. And it turns out, there isn’t really a good tool to use. So I made one in Microsoft Paint. Everyone feel free to use this to map your beard. Your shaving will thank you. Just draw on it in Paint.

    Now that I’ve mapped my beard, I’m ready to go. Notice how my beard is super symmetrical, and doesn’t have any weird twirls or anything? Yeah, I’m really thankful for that. I think it’s mostly because I am fundamentally a beautiful person. So, now I just need to shave the opposite of these red arrows on the first pass.

    Yes, I have lots of mild razors, because I tend to favor them. But, I only have another week with the CFL, so I used it instead. Maybe not the best choice. Probably not the best choice.

    I could have made so many better decisions today. But I didn’t have a go at the ol’ ball bag, so I'm considering it a win. I’m sure /u/tsrblke is thankful for that as well, as he’s getting this razor next.

    The soap is borderline painful. Shaving backwards using an aggressive razor with which I’m unfamiliar is borderline painful. This is not enjoyable. What am I doing with my life? The second pass, WTG, seems almost pointless.

    But Alive is amazing. So… not all is terrible. Another 4/10 shave.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Per the product page: Coldest soap on the market.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Aftershave of Glacial Citron doubles down on the cold, and adds a lot of citrus. * Alive partners with the fruit in the Citron using its own Bergamot and Apple, and then brings us back to earth. You definitely feel awake and alive with all that menthol on your face - the frag is a good reminder how thankful we should be of that fact.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Chiseled Face - Cryogen
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Company - Glacial Citron
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Alive

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    user creates a beard-mapping template in Microsoft Paint, resulting in a semi-hilarious image.

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    user creates a beard-mapping template in Microsoft Paint, resulting in a semi-hilarious image.

  15. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-15 09:35:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 15, 2023 - Sheep-ruh

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era 2SB
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Grooming Department - Peach Chypre - Soap
    • Post Shave: Aqua Velva - Ice Sport - Splah
    • Fragrance: Parfums de Marly - Layton
    • Music: The sounds of Mrs. Miasma Yakking

    Daily Write-Up:
    It seems that Chypres are hard to come by, as this was the smush I sent out most often. 6 times, in fact. I gave generous smushes and don't mind my tub being depleted, because even though the artisan lists many scent notes in addition to the peach in order to make it a Chypre, to my nose when you combine peach with a chypre accord it's one thing. Rotting peaches.

    I worked at a grocery store for 6 years in high school and college, primarily in the produce department, so I have experience sifting through pallets of peaches, separating the rotting, maggot-covered ones from the ones that we could sell. So rotting peaches (and cantaloupe, watermelon, and… dear God… potatoes) is a smell that is etched in my memory. And Grooming Department hit it perfectly.

    The problem with sending these smushes out is that I may be running afoul of federal statues. There are laws on the books against harming others through the mail, as this woman found out.

    So, I had to disguise myself on the video to not alert the feds who I am.

    As to who I watch now... Mostly just watch u/VisceralWatch, and listen to u/merikus and u/djundjila, u/semaj2000, u/EldrormR, and VW again on podcasts.

    Speaking of which, it's been a long time since either ShavePod or ABC Shave have had a new episode.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Grooming Department Peach Chypre - It's in the name.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My wife hates…. HATES the Peach Chypre. So I l tripled down on a sort of war day, and picked all the stuff that is her least favorite. * "Aqua Velva makes you smell like a teenager who is trying to cover up the fact they haven't showered in three days." * Layton - "Don't wear that again. It gives me a migraine."

    I'm sure she's going to be super happy to see me for the first time in weeks.

    I apologize to everyone who received Peach Chypre.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era 2SB
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Grooming Department - Peach Chypre
    • Post Shave: Aqua Velva - Ice Sport
    • Fragrance: Parfums de Marly - Layton

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    User admits he may have run afoul of federal statutes by mailing a harmful substance -- Peach Chypre in this case.

  16. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-16 07:05:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 16, 2023 - Shave and a Haircut

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era 2SB
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Mystic Water - Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - BarrBarr - Splash
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Seville - EdT

    Daily Write-Up:
    I'm traveling today, so I'm not sure when I'll have time to update here. I'm putting this in as a placeholder, and intending to come back to it later. But I am not about to forget and basically get kicked out of the Lather Games.

    Daily Challenge: * Meme here * I'm making a meme for all the contestants who have done 10+ shaves, Here's an album of them all

    Soap Theme Justification
    Mystic Water - Barbershop. It's in the name.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * The second of two "Barbershops, Three Ways". This started with Mystic Water Barbershop. I actually prefer the scent of this to Maggard's London Barbershop, but the performance just is not there. * Followed up with Noble Otter BarrBarr. Definitely the spiciest barbershop I have, I seem to always get a lot of nutmeg from the splash. As NO goes, Monarch always smells like a Barbershop to me, and I prefer it to BarrBarr. * Finished with Seville, probably my second favorite barbershop.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era 2SB
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Mystic Water - Barbershop
    • Post Shave: Noble Otter - BarrBarr
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Seville

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    user get's caught in a lie, proceeds to quickly fabricate evidence to the contrary, stubbing his toe in the process.

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    made memes for every fucking person taking LG seriously (Except Djudges).. WTF

  17. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-17 13:41:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 18, 2023 - Collaboration Day

    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar / AP Shave Co - BMW Blue
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
    • Lather: Declaration Grooming - Cerberus
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Unscented - Balm
    • Alum: Osma - The only luxury alum, as heard on ShavePod
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Cerberus

    Daily Write-Up:
    Today’s soap is Cerberus, the Declaration Grooming / House of Mammoth / Noble Otter mashup.

    I know that u/Merikus is looking to have Osma sponsor the ShavePod podcast. Given that I am ~~easily swayed~~ a slave to celebrity endorsements, I made sure to have my very own Osma bar for today’s shave.

    Unboxing pics: * Luckily, my local shaving store had Osma, the only luxury alum in stock. I picked up a bar, and brought it home.

    Did /u/Merikus and /u/Jeffm54321 lead me astray after all these years? I’m not certain, but signs point to maybe.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Cerberus is a collaboration between DG, HoM, and NO. All their brand-specific characters can be found on the very cool label.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * For the frag, I dickholed the Cerberus EdT. I really like the EdT version of this. I get a lot of vanilla in the EdT that I don’t get in the soap. * For the AS - I have been looking for Cerberus AS to no avail. Since I’ve been unable to find it, I substituted an unscented balm so as not to disrupt the scent profile the artisans were trying to build. I used the Barrister and Mann version instead of the Stirling or Zingari ones because the labeling looked better in my shot.

    Bonus Content * /u/airbudruler (meme content here) had asked for equal time since I priusaurus-style interviewed /u/cowzilla3 earlier in the games. However, the noble djudges have made it clear that brevity is important to my score, and since I want to beat /u/priusaurus, I’m not willing to potentially lower my score for airbudruler. * However, in the interest of upholding the spirit of the long-defunct FCC Fairness Doctrine, I’ve agreed to interview him, and have added the content as a comment to this post.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar / AP Shave Co - BMW Blue
    • Lather: Declaration Grooming - Cerberus
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Unscented
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Cerberus

  18. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-18 13:03:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 18, 2023 - Spooky Season

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Mood Indigo” 28mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (4)
    • Lather: Red House Farm - 9 Days Up Nort’
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall - Splash
    • Alum: Nope
    • Fragrance: Southern Witchcrafts - Labyrinth - EdP
    • Music: Death Cab for Cutie - Marching Bands of Manhattan

    Daily Write-Up:
    I love fall. It’s my favorite season, and it’s not even close.

    And part of fall in the upper midwest is deer hunting. People take time off of work during the small windows when deer hunting is allowed, and arrange their personal calendars around being able to get out in the woods. To me, that’s what this soap is about - setting time in the fall (Wisconsin deer season is November 18th-26th) to get outside and spend some time in the woods. And if you bag a deer, even better - you can fill your freezer and maybe make some shaving soap.

    The music (which feels very autumnal) and the shave has me feeling in a very fall mood. Autumn is only 10 weeks away. So, in honor of that fact, I am going to be completing a 10-pass shave today (broken up, throughout the day, for obvious reasons).

    Passes 1 and 2: * Location: Home. * Direction: WTG, ATG * My wife insisted that I clean my sink before showing my internet friends my dirty sink, so… it’s clean * Pic of whiskers available here * On a personal note - I find this to be the most revolting daily challenge thus far, across two Lather Games. It is made far worse by the video etched in my mind of u/hugbckt drinking his whiskers.

    It's officially fall on the Lather Games calendar. So I got my flannel on, time to go get my fall on. Luckily I have autumnal tunes and somewhat autumnal weather. LFG!

    Passes 3 and 4: * Location: Starbucks * Direction: XTG, XTG * Nothing says fall like a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I learned my lesson from others and chose a chain coffee shop for these two passes, as the baristas don't get paid well enough to deal with randos wearing flannel and shaving on the patio.

    Coffee was...sweet. Passes were ok- I should have chosen a less aggressive razor for a 10-pass day.

    A lot of times during the fall we get our of the concrete jungle and head up to quieter areas. Given the source and theme of my soap today, I just decided to head to Wisconsin. Maybe do some apple picking and get some Octoberfest beer? See some woods? I don't know if there will be time.

    Half an hour into the drive I realize that the PSL already needs out. I pull into a tollway oasis and make my way to a surprisingly clean and empty restroom.

    Passes 5 and 6: * Location: Tollway Oasis * Direction: WTG, ATG

    I made it to Wisconsin!

    Passes 7 and 8: * Location: Welcome to Wisconsin Sign * Direction: WTG, ATG * I asked a nice woman walking a dog near the sign where she goes apple picking around here. It might be my Illinoisan accent, or the fact I was actively shaving, but she didn't seem to understand my question. After I ~~asked~~ shouted at her three more times she gave me some suggestions and walked away very quickly. Nice lady.

    I stopped by a liquor store to pick up some local craft beer. When in Rome, am I right? I was hoping to get some stag, but sadly, they were out, and I got some Moon Man instead.

    Knowing my trip up Nort' was coming to an end, I stopped to get some gas, and noticed that the temperature outside had dropped a bunch. Time to cardigan up and put a beanie on!

    I finally got to the apple picking place the nice dog lady suggested. I was amazed at the apples I could pick. I made my selection and walked to my car, dejected that there didn't appear to be a good place for my final two passes, and were nary a wood anywhere. Turns out SE Wisconsin is really pretty suburban.

    I got in my car, and it hit me. Anything can be a mobile shave den if you try hard enough! I used my remaining PSL, to rehydrate the lather in my brush and lathered up.

    Passes 9 and 10: * Location: The Ultimate Shaving Machine™ * Direction: WTG, WTG

    Now that all my passes were done, I after shaved and then got back on the road for home.

    Fall is the best.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * 9 Days Up Nort’ is a u/grindermonk creation celebrating the 9 days of the Wisconsin deer season, and is made with deer tallow. Rules require the soap be “Explicitly marketed for a holiday occurring between Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice “ - deer season is undoubtedly a holiday in the rural upper midwest, and falls in November.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My theme for scents is “fall in the midwest” * For the AS, I chose Darkfall. Scott made this scent to evoke a Southern fall, but the scents feel really similar to fall in my midwestern hometown. Specifically the burning leaf note, which is ever-present. * For the Frag - I pulled in SW Labyrinth. The note here that really rounds out the theme is the wet stone - midwestern autumns can be pretty wet at times, and the damp notes in this frag really round out the theme well.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Chiseled Face Legacy
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Mood Indigo” 28mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Red House Farm - 9 Days Up Nort’
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Darkfall
    • Fragrance: Southern Witchcrafts - Labyrinth

    Sponsor Uses

    • Summer Break Soaps brushes (Hardware Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Dude made a trip to Wisconsin and shaved at multiple stops along the way. Also, mobile shave den > djunjilla

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Dude made a trip to Wisconsin and shaved at multiple stops along the way. Also, mobile shave den > djunjilla

    Also, the shave theme choice was very creative: deer hunting season.

  19. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-19 10:13:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 19, 2023 - CREAM

    • Brush: Wool Sock, 406mm loft #TOLL
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw - Dulci Tobacco - Cream
    • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Sherlock
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Tobacconist
    • Music: Green Day - Longview

    Daily Write-Up:
    I’m seeing everyone posting with their cotton or dress socks. But around here, we like animal hair brushes, because they have “character”. So, I’m certain that a wool sock is the way to go.

    I turned my sock inside out, as the inside seems to be much more conducive to making a great lather.

    I creamed my sock (phrasing, people) with a lot of the Wholly Kaw cream, and moved to my bowl to build a good lather.

    After a lot of work, a lot of soap, and a lot of water that kept being whisked away by the sock, I got a small amount of serviceable lather.

    I moved to my face, and had a quick two-pass shave with minimal irritation or drama. 2 passes with a mild razor is much better than 10 passes with an aggressive one.

    Since MotherMiasma is no longer around to wash my dirty socks, I rinsed it out and threw it in the laundry. I definitely wouldn’t want someone to see my sock with cream all over it.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * This is a shaving cream. It says so right on the lid.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My theme for scents is “Tobacco, three ways” * For the AS, I chose Sherlock. Per CF: It is a warm tobacco based scent blended with toasted caramel, black pepper, moist dirt, and finished with a touch of leather, moss, mandarin, honey and rose. Fun fact, when I asked Ron which scent of his he was most proud of, he answered Sherlock without a moment’s hesitation. * For the Frag - I pulled in HoM Tobacconist. Per HoM: Tobacconist is full and natural, with wood and tobacco taking center stage. * Today’s scent is always a hard one for me - I’m not a big tobacco fan. I grew up in a smoking household and hated it- I couldn’t run away from tobacco fast enough. Some of the really quality scents like Sherlock and Tobacconist are slowly allowing me to see why so many like tobacco scents, but I still don’t see any of these items becoming part of my regular rotation.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Brush: Wool Sock, 406mm loft [#TOLL (DQed) ]
    • Lather: Wholly Kaw - Dulci Tobacco
    • Post Shave: Chiseled Face - Sherlock
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Tobacconist

    Sponsor Uses

    • Wholly Kaw (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    User measures loft of his woollen sock.

  20. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-20 11:28:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 19, 2023 - Dupelgänger Day

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Fine Accoutrements - Platinum
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Balm
    • Fragrance: Creed - Aventus

    Daily Write-Up:
    As many on the sub have, I have read u/itchypooter’s post about Why Your Lather is Terrible, and I really took his lessons to heart. He’s right, we’re not shaving over priceless works of art, and our bathrooms are generally designed to get somewhat wet over the normal course of activities. So, a wet lather is a good lather.

    Unfortunately, that means today I get a dry, pasty lather - like this guy. Let me tell you how excited I am for this shave. To prove how right he is, I’m going to be shaving over this priceless watercolor painting. It will be fine, but that’s the point. Who has priceless watercolor paintings in their bathroom?

    In order to really control my lather, I’m choosing to bowl lather today. I grab my trusty bowl, and scoop an almond-sized nugget of soap, and get started lathering. I chose a synthetic brush because I feel like it gives me a little bit better control, also because I don’t care for Aventus, so I don’t want my natural-hair brushes to smell like it for weeks.

    I started building the lather, and as soon as it was started, it was time to move to the face. I added the lather to my face, and then, since we’re doing a dry lather, I added no more water.

    I used my Era to scrape the incredibly dry lather and whiskers off of my face. Did a second pass with the paste, and then moved to aftershave.

    As you can see, my work area remained incredibly clean. The painting is absolutely perfect.

    So, Mrs. Miasma doesn’t like my typical lathering method, because I make a “mess” and “get shit all over the place” and “why would you listen to someone with such obviously poor anal hygiene”. But, having shaved with a pasty lather - u/itchypooter is correct - “ if your lather ain't nearly drippin', then you must be trippin'.”

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Per the “artisan” site, this is inspired by Aventus. Which is code for: “direct dupe of Aventus”.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My theme for scents is “Aventus without distraction” * For the Frag, I chose the real thing. I had a sample of Aventus in my drawer. It’s fine. I personally think it smells kind of douchey. But maybe I’m just associating it with some of the people I’ve smelled it on, who are largely… douchey. * For the AS, I went with Stirling’s Unscented Balm. I don’t care for Executive Man, even though it is far and away Rod’s best seller, so I don’t have any myself. But - recognizing how Executive Man helps Stirling pay the bills and make the scents and soap that we all love, I am using their balm for my AS product today. Also, it’s my favorite balm, and I’ve had a couple rough days of shaves.

    ** UPDATE **

    Looks like my doppelganger made a post of his own. Don't listen to him, he's a douche.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Fine Accoutrements - Platinum
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented
    • Fragrance: Creed - Aventus

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  21. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-21 09:39:14-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 21, 2023 - Fougere/Senryu Friday

    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Mood Indigo” 28mm Synthetic
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - Tonsorium
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Classique - Splash
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Gothique - EdT

    Daily Write-Up:
    No hijinks today, no weird(er than normal) shaving rituals. Today I decided just to have a good shave, because I’m worth it. And then write some Haiku.

    Fun fact…. What we are writing today probably are not actually Haiku, but Senryu. Haiku typically contain a seasonal reference, and are more focused on the natural world, whereas Senryu are more free-form and are about human subjects.

    This month can be long
    Fun, engaging, exhausting
    Wetshaving burnout

    Yesterday, I made
    Priceless art for Lather Games
    No one commented

    So, my art remains
    Unloved, shunned, and rejected
    Broken heart results

    Today, I return
    Some fougeres, in hand, three ways
    Re-ignites the thrill

    A haiku about
    The natural world. Fougeres-
    Are scented of fern.

    Catie’s Bubbles Soap
    I don’t frequently use it
    Has great performance

    Chris is a good dude, and is
    Easy to talk to

    Back to the L-Gs
    Twenty-one shaves have gone by
    No clear leader yet

    Sir Priusaurus
    And MrTangerineSky
    Fight silly battle

    But on August one
    OnionMiasma will be
    Crowned victorious

    Soap Theme Justification
    Per the Catie’s Bubbles site, this is “A "Flanker" to my favorite scent "Tonsorial Parlour". A citrus topped fougere* expanded off the heart of the original but unique enough to make you fall in love all over again.”

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My theme for scents is “fougeres, three ways” * I always thought of myself as not really liking fougeres, but today proves that doesn’t have to be the case. * Started with Tonsorial Parlour, which had great performance and a nice citrus-forward scent. * For the AS, I went with Barrister and Mann - Fougere Classique. This is more what I think of with fougere - but the powdery scents taking over. The vanilla was an interesting contrast to the citrus in the Tonsorium. * And then I ended with Fougere Gothique, which takes the genre to 11. When I tried this in soap format I liked it, but it is absolutely awesome in EdT. This is a fougere I can get behind.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Brush: Summer Break Soaps “Mood Indigo” 28mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Catie’s Bubbles - Tonsorium
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Classique
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Gothique

    Sponsor Uses

    • Catie's Bubbles (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    I really liked how well the haiku (Senryu?) flowed together in this post.

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    I really liked how well the haiku (Senryu?) flowed together in this post.

  22. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-22 14:20:36-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 21, 2023 - Strawberry Fields Forever

    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar
    • Razor: Henson AL13
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
    • Lather: Apex Alchemy - Love and Other Drugs - Soap
    • Post Shave: Apex Alchemy - Love and Other Drugs - Splash
    • Fragrance: Cartier - Declaration
    • Music: Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

    Daily Write-Up:
    Whelp. I did it. Never again. Before pic

    Mrs. Miasma gave me a tutorial...

    And then I went about mowing down a jungle

    Only 4 nicks. And 75 minutes of shaving

    Me: Did I miss a spot?

    /I/ktturtlesue: Laughs hysterically

    And… done.

    I have a whole new appreciation for Mrs. Miasma, u/newtothethis and all the other leg shavers. Though, I feel like using a Henson was almost cheating.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Per the Apex Alchemy site: "When you and your significant other are alone, sometimes some strawberries and champagne is all you need to get the night started. This blend of strawberries, champagne, floral notes and a touch of sandalwood are added to our soap base to give you a cushioned lather and a great post shave feel. When love is in the air, so is this scent."

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * My theme for scents is “phases of Strawberry” * The soap and AS are dickholed, and are all strawberry. * The frag is Cartier Declaration, which is a really green scent, and evokes the smell of fields. Paired with the AS, that's strawberry fields, forever.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Henson AL13
    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar
    • Lather: Apex Alchemy - Love and Other Drugs
    • Post Shave: Apex Alchemy - Love and Other Drugs
    • Fragrance: Cartier - Declaration

  23. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-23 13:46:24-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 21, 2023 - Enchanting Aroma

    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime - Soap
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime - Toner
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime - EdT
    • Music: Rimsky-Korsakov - Flight of the Bumblebee

    Daily Write-Up:
    Lather Audit Pic

    I very infrequently get comments about my wet shaving scents. In fact, I can think of 5 places I've gotten feedback:

    • My mother-in-law hates anything scented. She particularly scrunches up her nose at SSL. I'm at her house today, and she's annoying me. So, happy I had the trickhole today.
    • Mrs. Miasma has very strong opinions. Generally, and in scents specifically. Montrose Beach, Alive, SSL, Watchman++. Cerberus, Autumn Ash, War --. Stag or Peach Chypre, GTFO.
    • Random 60-year-old woman with a nicotine-stained snaggletooth who works at a local plumbing store had really strong opinions when I wore Cheshire one day. In fact, "You smell real nice. Can I come around the corner and smell you closer?". No… no you can't, just sell me a shower valve, please.
    • My brother's wife. The last time we saw her was during AA, "you smell amazing, you should share that with your brother."
    • Bees.

    Yep, that last one isn't a typo. Bees love (or hate, not sure) SSL. Prior to last August, I had been stung by a bee thrice in my life. That number is much higher now.

    Some background- I won a full set of SSL from my 2022 LG performance. It arrived shortly before August, and I decided to rock the trickhole for the month. Very quickly I noticed weird behaviors on my patio. A carpenter bee had made a nest in our gazebo; but that's typically fine, as they aren't usually aggressive towards humans. But every time we'd go outside, this bee would not leave me alone. All throughout dinner, he'd be dive bombing me.

    Later that month, I went to Atlanta for a work event where we spent several days on a lake. On one individual day, I recorded 13 bee stings. 13 - they just would not leave me alone, and were super aggressive. Everyone else hardly noticed them.

    Then, towards the end of the month, I was loading up SmallestMiasma in the car for daycare, and out of nowhere a bumblebee started swarming us and being really angry. I ran SmallestMiasma to the car, which she thought was HILARIOUS, and had Mrs. Miasma buckle her in while I cowered in the driver's seat

    After August I grew a bit tired of the scent, and parked it for a while. But today, I seriously considered going to a family member's farm where they keep bees, to prove that SSL really does attract them, but was stopped from that by two reasons:

    • The admonition from the judges from doing anything patently unsafe in the name of the LGs.
    • The fact that while I was loading up my car to go home a bee flew in my shirt and stung me in the small of my back. A little insect-given tramp stamp to take back with me.

    Soap Theme Justification
    * Bees

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * SSL Trickhole

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Era
    • Brush: Shave Forge 28mm Boar
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving - Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime

    Sponsor Uses

    • Spearhead Shaving (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)
    • Shawn Maher (Chatillon Lux, Maher Olfactive) (Software Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    SSL is most complimented by... bees. He has noticed an STARK increase in bee activity in and around his vicinity while wearing SSL, including getting stung today, and 13 times on another day. Also attracts snaggle-tooth hardware store ladies.

  24. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-24 11:45:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 24, 2023 - Christmas in July’s Eve

    • Brush: Farvour Turncrafts / AP Shave Co. G5A 28mm
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: EmberTree Soaps - Spring Water and Oakmoss - Soap
    • Post Shave: Zingari - The Navigator - Splash
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive - Red Skies

    Daily Write-Up:
    Today’s challenge is to say something nice about another member of the sub. Which, on the face should be easy to do… but there are so many good things to say.

    I’m skipping the Djudges - I’ve definitely had numerous interactions with all of you over the past 18 months, but in the interest of not being accused of brown-nosing again, screw you guys (but, like, gently, like Tenacious D told us to).

    It’s hard to come up with a single individual from the hundreds I’ve talked to, shared shaves with, driven to Michigan, and vented about life over IRC or Discord. So… for all that I’m forgetting (keeping my tags to 3, as that’s the Reddit limit where they get a notification) - thanks. I found this sub at a time when I was struggling emotionally - my Mom was in her final months, I was deeply unfulfilled and stressed at work, and had a severe lack of sleep from a newborn. The support from the community and this hobby were just what I needed. Looking back to where I was then - I’m in a much better space now, and the hobby and this place are a big part of the transition (though, my bank account has perhaps suffered a bit).

    On to specific folks -

    • Cowzilla3 - tagged below. I’ve really appreciated our constant banter over the past year, it was great meeting you in person back in June, and always look forward to immediately consuming the latest in your long line of Old Spice dupe reviews. This sub will be poorer if and when you ever run out of dupes to try. I’m sorry the judges broke your spirit.

    • u/KhanAir - Somehow we connected during last Lather Games, found we had a lot of things in common, and have kept up frequent conversation in the intervening year. Really bummed that it didn’t work out for you to compete in the LGs this year, but I look forward to beating you next year when your life gets back to normal. On the other hand, if you had competed, I’d be using Lothur today, and the EmberTree is better.

    • u/Priusaurus - Last year you were a worthy competitor, and scored exactly one place above me. I suspect that result… well… will probably repeat itself, in that I’ll be below you in the rankings. Hopefully by only one spot, but probably more. Your ongoing high-quality posts have forced me to dig deep and come up with even more outlandish (but safe!) ways to keep entertaining the r/wetshaving masses, and I’ve enjoyed the back and forth both in the sub and outside it as we’ve moved through the month.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Product must have been received from another Lather Games contestant as a PIF, trade, or gift with no exchange of currency involved.* Tag whoever gave you the product and express your gratitude. * I received this soap last Christmas from u/Cowzilla3 as part of the sub Secret Santa. My very generous gift included the EmberTree, which is from my home state, along with tomorrow’s soap, a charitable donation, and a bottle of… you guessed it… Old Spice, which was already used in the Lather Games. It was great to try a soap from my home state, even if the soaps I have that are made in my chosen state (read: Chicago Grooming, House of Mammoth) are superior. I’ve definitely used much poorer-performing soaps, and the EmberTree enabled me to get a close, irritation-free shave from a new-to-me razor today. Thanks for sending the box over - I've really appreciated the items.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “Life at Sea, Brought to You by Midwestern Landlubbers” * The soap is called Spring Water and Oakmoss, but to my nose, it’s a very ocean-forward aquatic scent. The folks at EmberTree are from Iowa, which is about as far from an ocean in the United States as you can get. * Layering on top of that, the very good Zingari splash scented with Amber, Marine, and Musk was created to evoke “the spirit of the sea but [also] of the man who carries that spirit as a part of him. Note that Zingari is Indiana-based, which… also is nowhere near salt water. * Lastly, Maher Olfactive’s Red Skies - which is a St. Louis-native’s take on the ocean, with salty ocean air over a traditional Chypre. In case you’re geographically-challenged, St. Louis is in Missouri which is, get this, quite distant from a bay, sea, or ocean.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird
    • Brush: Farvour Turncrafts / AP Shave Co. G5A 28mm
    • Lather: EmberTree Soaps - Spring Water and Oakmoss
    • Post Shave: Zingari - The Navigator
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive - Red Skies

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  25. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-25 10:51:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 25, 2023 - Memories of Christmas Past

    • Brush: Shave Forge 20mm Horse
    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Smoking Bishop - Soap
    • Post Shave: Henri et Victoria - Cognac and Cuban Cigars - Splash
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive - Treachery

    Daily Challenge:
    Remember back last year at the end of the games when we complained about the wrong-hand challenge as uncomfortable and dangerous? Doesn’t really seem so uncomfortable now that all our calves are shorn, does it? And dangerous? Many of us could have been arrested for grooming ourselves in public… repeatedly. What the hell happened this year?

    I lathered and shaved left handed. I should have used the Era which is just about idiot-proof - the Blackbird bit me on my chin.

    Daily Write-Up:
    If anyone were to ask me what my favorite day of the 2022 Lather Games was, I think everyone would assume I’d say this one. But it’s not. The one that really sticks with me came on this day last year. My then-4-year-old and I decorated the bathroom and shaved together under Christmas lights. She still asks with some frequency if we can do a Christmas shave, which is very confusing for grandma and grandpa.

    But- such a fun time is not in the cards today. Like many, I’m forced to spend the holidays alone. My wife and kids left me for ~~greener~~ well… pastures. They even took CanineMiasma with them. So I’m all by myself, forced to look at my unadorned shaving den and shaving without my mini-me.

    I could have wallowed in self-pity all day, and in fairness, there was some of that. But - I decided to make the best of it and take advantage of spending the holiday with someone I love… myself, and doing some nice things for me that I don’t get to do on a regular basis.

    For example, Ain’t no rule saying you can’t cook up and eat an entire pound of bacon for breakfast. It just wouldn’t normally be allowed. Similarly, I ate only pork chops for lunch. No requisite salad or healthy items to get in the way, and no one to tell me “but think of all the sodium you consumed in 4 hours”. But, eating garbage didn’t make me fulfilled, so I decided to shave. That always makes me feel better.

    I went upstairs to my den, and noticed another huge perk of being by myself. No one there to tell me to put my stuff away. I can leave it everywhere like a savage.

    I shaved my left-handed shave, and was still missing my family, even though there are some pleasant things about being alone. So I walked outside, and then saw the Christmas in July presents I had gotten myself underneath our Charlie Brown pine tree.

    This is exciting! I quickly took them inside and I am going to tear into them!

    The first one… Oooh! Chatillon Lux!. Must be Italian! What could it be? A discovery set! How thoughtful of me!. Well… that IS unexpected. I take some good whiffs of some of Shawn’s creations, and then move on to present number 2.

    So exciting! Maggard Razors!. Everyone’s favorite wetshaving store! I wonder what it is… the box is too small to be holding a restored straight razor…. Yay! A tub of Seaforth! Heather.. I really shouldn’t have. This is just so generous of me. With my new-found love of Fougeres, this will be a great addition to my den.

    One present left. It’s pretty heavy…. I wonder what I got myself this time?

    HYPE!!! This one is from House of Mammoth! Squeeeee!. I can’t wait to see what’s inside! I open the box, and THERE ARE FOUR TUBS IN HERE!!!!11!1. So many good scents, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I am just too generous to myself. Obligatory selfie with my Christmas in July presents so I can send it to myself to show how happy I am!.

    Getting me a bunch of Wetshaving presents won’t fill the sadness from being alone on the holiday, but it might make my Austere August a little bit less… Austere.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Will’s post clearly describing Smoking Bishop as a Christmas scent here

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “Christmas from the Wrong Side of the Tracks” * The soap reminds me of a drink we’d often have at Christmas when I was growing up. We would go get fresh cider from the local orchard, and slowly warm it with orange peels and cinnamon sticks. * But the smell of Smoking Bishop doesn’t quite match my memory, because there is far too little tobacco or alcohol. Everyone in my family smoked growing up, so I’ve layered two types of tobacco - cigars from the HeV and pipe tobacco from the Maher. * And what family Christmas would be complete without mom over-indulging as the night wears on? Granted, Cognac smells a lot richer than the mixture of Sloe Gin and Seagrams 7, but thankfully no one has made a Wetshaving product with that particular combination of scents.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird
    • Brush: Shave Forge 20mm Horse
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Smoking Bishop
    • Post Shave: Henri et Victoria - Cognac and Cuban Cigars
    • Fragrance: Maher Olfactive - Treachery

    Sponsor Uses

    • Barrister and Mann (Software Sponsor Points)
    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  26. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-25 23:02:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 26, 2023 - Wildcard Wednesday

    • Brush: Auto Drive - Microfiber Applicator Pad - 121mm
    • Razor: Bic 1 Blade Disposable
    • Blade: Integrated in Razor
    • Lather: Pennzoil - Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-20
    • Post Shave: Marathon - Gasoline, 92 Octane
    • Fragrance: Little Trees - Fresh Shave

    Daily Challenge:
    Den Tour

    Ok - as promised, I’m dropping my den tour in.

    Here’s the layout of my half of the bathroom. I get the top shelf in the tall cabinet, and then anything that fits in the vanity. I’m currently completely out of room… so if you see me messaging people on shave_bazaar, please slap me.

    In the tall cabinet, I store my razors and blades, out of reach of curious small children. Here is a close-up of the razor tub, as you can see, there is absolutely no organization here. Just absolute chaos.

    Next, we move to under the sink. Last lather games I had one tub. Now I have three, which is the absolute limit. I don’t have room for anything more, unless I create a den annex in the basement. Which, frankly, not a bad idea.

    Anyway - moving inside the tubs, which are organized currently by artisan. I’ve tried organizing around themes, but then I can never seem to find anything and generally end up opening all three tubs to find what I’m looking for. I’m hopeful that sorting by artisan will make it better.

    First tub - House of Mammoth, Stirling, Red House Farm, Wholly Kaw

    Second tub - Barrister and Mann, Declaration Grooming, Southern Witchcrafts, Catie’s Bubbles

    Third tub and second pic- Zingari, Noble Otter, Chicago Grooming, Spearhead, and then all of the artisans (or “artisans”) where I only have one tub: Talbot, Hub City, Central Texas, MLS, Taconic, Fine, Grooming Dept., EmberTree, Maggard, Lothur.

    Moving on to the drawers.

    Top Drawer is typically hardware that I’ve either recently used or plan to use, the soaps I’m staging for the next week (I typically choose what I’m going to use for the week on the weekend), and toothbrush, toothpaste, medicine, etc. Note that outside of the very awesome Summer Break for tomorrow… the rest of this week looks pretty dismal.

    Middle Drawer is where I store brushes when they’re dry. Looks like some HoM frags leaked into this drawer as well. Leaked as in that’s not where they belong, not leaked as in… well, leaked.

    Bottom Drawer is frags, splashes, and balms. This drawer is where any semblance of organization goes to die.

    Daily Write-Up: I’m sympathetic to everyone’s time - but if you want to see this actually happen - here you go - it's only 12 minutes. I’ll summarize it here, but I highly encourage you to watch my influencer video. It’s very nice.

    Many of the artisans have added motor oil as one of their scent notes. Stag has it. Gearhead. That hack u/priusaurus helped us all realize that Hoffman’s gets that request a lot, and just won’t do it. I’m here today to show you that you don’t need to give $15, $25, even $30 to Big Soap, you can give $7.99 to your local gas station or big box store, and get a great shave.

    I stopped by a local Shell, and picked up some Pennzoil. Followed it up with gasoline for my after shave, and then completed it with a “Fresh Shaves” Little Tree.

    Pennzoil gave a fantastic shave. It’s very slick, and helped my razor glide through my stubble very easily. The transparency of the shaving product really helps you know where you’ve shaved, and what you have left. It’s at least as slick as Omnibus and Tusk, the two bases I think are the standard bearers of the hobby.

    The gasoline was a formidable scent, but paired with the motor oil beautifully. Last, the Fresh Shave Little Tree really gave a clean finish to a really great shave.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Wacky Wednesday - Hopefully no one else used Pennzoil.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “Car Care” * The lather product is motor oil. * The after shave is 92 octane gasoline * The fragrance is a car air freshener.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Bic 1 Blade Disposable
    • Brush: Auto Drive - Microfiber Applicator Pad - 121mm
    • Lather: Pennzoil - Platinum Full Synthetic 0W
    • Post Shave: Marathon - Gasoline, 92 Octane
    • Fragrance: Little Trees - Fresh Shave

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Of course... onion shaving with car supplies

  27. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-27 18:08:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 27, 2023 - Lavendursday

    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Razor: King C. Gillette
    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Homecoming - Soap
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Lavanille - Splash
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Lavender Interrupted - EdT

    Daily Challenge/Write-Up:
    Time to revive the mobile shave den! I learned some lessons from the trip to Wisconsin earlier this month: * Take a brush that you aren’t as fond of, so you’re not constantly worrying about dropping or scratching it * 10 passes is excessive for a shave * A mild razor is the name of the game when you’re out and about * Quiet, not heavily trafficked places are the best places to get your shave on.

    Ooh…. about that last one.

    Astute eyes may have caught an important detail of my shave den yesterday. Something was missing. As a refresher- here’s the pic of my bathroom. Note the little vanity mirror - all the mirrors in our house are on order, and aren’t here yet. So, for 70 days (and counting), I’ve not had a big mirror for shaving.

    And that makes for a much less-comfortable shave. While I’ve gotten fond of the little stand mirror, I’m done with shaves where I’m either hunching over the counter or attempting to use the selfie mode on my phone.

    So… I brainstormed about where I could find a good mirror to use and meet the theme of today’s daily challenge.

    Train? Done before, and they have 4 walls. Next!

    In my garden, using the reflection on the privacy window tint I recently installed? We just moved, so I need to ease my neighbors into the crazy. No Betty White-themed backyard shaves just yet. Speaking of which, it’s crazy to me that u/priusaurus had the same idea last year as I did. Great minds, am I right?

    I need to clear my head. I throw my mobile shave den into the back of the Ultimate Shaving Machine™, asked my lather assistant if she wanted to accompany me, and we hit the road to think it through.

    Can I use the reflection on the water at “Montrose Beach”? No, too choppy, and unlike u/Marquis90, I don’t befriend the geese.

    Then it hit me! I know the perfect spot! I quickly piloted my car onto the expressway, and headed towards the city as quickly as traffic would let me. Well, shit.

    Admittedly, it's not the best weather for an outside shave. And the traffic was bananas. Made me wish we had taken the L, but I would have been too tempted to shave in the "air conditioned" train. So we soldiered on.

    Getting closer! Time to exit!

    We parked and walked into the park…. There was a security station checking bags and I panicked. But u/ktturtlesue talked me down, and they completely ignored the KCG. Score!

    Once in the park I laid eyes upon the mirror I'm going to use for my shave. Cloud Gate, or "The Bean", a beloved landmark of our city.

    We took a touristy photo, and then I searched for a spot.

    I found my spot, and put together my SOTD Photo. Something looked off, so I quickly added something to finish the pic, given that Lavender Interrupted was in the photo. Here's the final result.

    Then I proceeded to the shave. I lathered up, and completed a very quick and pasty shave. The couple next to us saw what I was doing, and loudly exclaimed, "look, that dude is shaving!" I explained my mirror predicament, and they laughed and walked away quickly.

    Great shave today, in a lovely park in the middle of the greatest city in the country.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Lavendursday. One of the sub’s foremost experts on fragrance said that Homecoming is his “favorite lavender scent in the game” and that the soaper, “designed Homecoming to ‘draw out an accentuate some of the darker elements in lavender.’"

    Further, he continues, “It's…complex… leading with a robust lavender, but texturing it with sharp black pepper, woody vetiver and cedar, and honeyed neroli. The neroli provides a significant amount of floral-citrus sweetness in the soap; the fragrance pushes it back into the blend where it has equal standing with the rest of the blend. I don't know if it's something with my skin chemistry today, or my nose is extra sensitive at the moment, but I can't get over how smoky [sic] the [Homecoming] smells today—especially as it dries down. If you want a dark and spicy lavender scent but don't like a pungent one, Homecoming is a must try…”

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “Lavender, Three Ways” * The soap is Homecoming, described by u/RedMosquitoMM above. * The aftershave continues the dark lavender notes with Lavanille, described by Barrister and Mann as “... our version of Mousse de Saxe with lavender, vanilla, cedar, and the elegant musk Exaltolide…” * Finally, the fragrance finishes with a slightly brighter lavender in the Lavender Interrupted.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: King C. Gillette
    • Brush: Noble Otter 26mm Synthetic
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps - Homecoming
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Lavanille
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Lavender Interrupted

    Sponsor Uses

    • Summer Break Soaps (Software Sponsor Points)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    User has mirrorless house, proceeds in the only sensible way and uses The Bean instead

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    User has mirrorless house, proceeds in the only sensible way and uses The Bean instead

  28. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-28 06:20:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 28, 2023 - Cheapest Day

    • Brush: None
    • Razor: Assured For Men TTO Safety Razor
    • Blade: Assured For Men Blade (1)
    • Lather: Bolero - Cedar Wood and Eucalyptus - Cream
    • Post Shave: Bolero - Cedar Wood and Eucalyptus - After Shave Lotion
    • Fragrance: Mirage - CEO Pour Homme EdT

    Daily Challenge/Write-Up:
    For today’s shave, I used all the items that I procured for last year’s drug store day. I PIF’d the items from this year’s drug store day (so I wouldn’t be forced to use them today and mess up my brands points), but I wasn’t smart enough to jettison these items as well, and I’m stuck with them. The Bolero Cream and After Shave were two for $1.25, and appear to be so bad that they have been discontinued by Dollar Tree. Pity. I went searching for a suitable frag to go with it, and found this copy of Hugo Boss (my high school cologne!!!) at Five Below for the low price of $5 for a whole bottle of EdT. The razor is absolute garbage; the blade is worse. But the razor was $1.25, and included the 5 unmarked blades. I’d honestly rather be using a disposable, but I used my last one with the motor oil.

    Speaking of last year’s drug store day - I’m wondering how alternate-universe OnionMiasma is doing….

    First chapter here

    It has been 419 days since the accident. Onion absent-mindedly rubs his right shoulder and grimaces at the pain. 419 days since he was lucky enough to have an ambulance feet away as he plowed his small Ford hatchback into the side of a fire truck., and 399 days since he emerged from the doors of his small-town hospital, not good as new, but with a new outlook on life.

    He was on his way home to shave before heading to his dead-end job – wow, what a lifetime ago that was! Onion looks around his dorm room, as he takes a drag from his vape pen. The Assured for Men Twist-to-Open razor and the unmarked Chinese-made blade sit out on the top of his dresser; a reminder of his fortune to have been in the right place at the right time. As far as he might get into this hobby, he’ll never get rid of that razor. It was his lifeline.

    Oscar, the man driving the town’s only fire truck that Onion slammed into, happened to have been drinking heavily and had a BAC of .32 at the time of the accident. The town wanted to keep that fact quiet, as he was the mayor’s son, so the city quietly paid all of Onion’s medical bills and gave him $85,000 to start a new life.

    He sold mother’s house, and was determined to turn his life around. He moved to North Dakota, which had the cheapest college he could find, and enrolled in an English Literature program. He left all his drug use in his hometown. It’s weird starting college at the age of 41. You’re a pariah among the other students, who feel like you’ve failed at life, until they want you to buy a 30 pack of Old Milwaukee. Finding a partner is nigh impossible - anyone with any ambition packs up and leaves this town as soon as they receive their diploma, leaving the dusty plains behind them.

    But, as any addict will tell you will happen, Onion quickly replaced his drug use with something else. Something even more nefarious than the methamphetamine that had defined his 30s.


    Wetshaving had saved his life. He could have a fresh start, solely because he was in an accident due to this new hobby, and he was determined to repay the hobby. Packages arrived at his dorm room almost daily. Inside were plastic tubs with colorful labels and exotic-sounding names. Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements. Ariana and Evans. Henri et Victoria. Pinnacle Shaving. Lothur. Van Yulay. These packages caused his bank balance to deplete alarmingly fast, but he couldn’t help it - he had to collect them all, and when he had the opportunity to buy the Soap of the Gods, he did without hesitation. All 619 scents.

    Onion walked over to the closet he used to store the fruits of his hobby, stepping over the laundry basket that contained the extent of his clothes. Opening the door, he was amazed at what he had amassed. At last count there were 829 tubs in this closet, with room for probably 200 more. He picked one labeled “Diver Down” off the shelf, opened the lid, and inhaled. Its lime and sultry spice notes were absolutely intoxicating. “How do they come up with such unique scents,” he wondered aloud. He had met the owner of this particular soap company once; one of the fondest memories so far of his new life.

    After an hour of soap-smelling had gone by, he grabbed his backpack and headed to class, while thinking about what soap he would use today. He rubbed his sore shoulder, and decided to go with the Bolero Cedar Wood and Eucalyptus Cream when he could be back with his beloved soaps, as this was the soap that started it all.

    Soap Theme Justification
    Frugal Friday - Soap and Aftershave for $1.25. Nothing in my den is cheaper than that. Or worse

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “cheapest stuff I own” * The soap cost 62.5 cents plus tax. That’s $0.62 per oz. My next cheapest is Stirling, at $2.45 per oz. * The aftershave cost 62.5 cents plus tax. That’s $0.62 per oz. My next cheapest is Stirling, at $4.01 per oz. * Finally, the fragrance was $5 for an entire bottle. It does smell pretty much as I remember Hugo smelling. The base notes of cedar in the frag pair well with whatever they called cedar in the soap and aftershave. This comes out to $0.049/ml. Nothing else in my den is even close - my next cheapest is Kenneth Cole Reaction at $0.271/ml.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Assured For Men TTO Safety Razor
    • Lather: Bolero - Cedar Wood and Eucalyptus
    • Post Shave: Bolero - Cedar Wood and Eucalyptus
    • Fragrance: Mirage - CEO Pour Homme EdT

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Candidate continues the story of his alternate reality self from last year.

    Podcast Candidate: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    Candidate continues the story of his alternate reality self from last year.

  29. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-29 11:45:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 29, 2023 - Sandalwood Saturday

    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird

    • Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)

    • Lather: Proraso - Sandalwood - Cream

    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Original

    • Fragrance: Stirling - Sandalwood - EdT

    Daily Challenge/Write-Up:  

    Have to be a little short and sweet today, because I'm traveling.

    These games have been an absolute blast. First I'd like to call out the djudges- it's a lot of work putting this together and reading about all our stupid antics.

    On to who I think should win-

    #photocontest - I'm uncomfortable naming names since I'm a judge here, but in my mind there are two clear frontrunners. I'm excited to see who ends up winning.

    #ROTY - This to me feels super clear. u/tsrblke seems like the clear favorite here. He's been super engaged, and I'd also expect him in the top 10 overall.

    #FOF - There are two that I feel like are clear standouts here. Between them, I can't choose a winner. Either u/RedMosquitoMM or u/chronnosieur42O

    The games overall - I've made it no secret that I've been playing to win. In my head, there are a handful of people right there competing for the crown.

    u/priusaurus called his shot day one, and has probably been the most consistent player since then. He regaled us with interviews, history lessons, shitposts, and everything in between. If I were putting money on who wins, he gets my nod. My play was better because I was constantly trying to outdo him, with limited success.

    u/Marquis90 was a slightly quieter (no open feuds or calling me out) player, but no less consistent. Hilarious posts like his ice shave, the stack challenge… day in and day out great posts.

    u/Impressive_Donut114 - for great, well-done, and succinct videos every day

    Some others I'd like to recognize for particular contributions to the games:

    u/MrTangerinesky - the lion still doesn't care what the Mountain Goat has to say, but watching his videos has been entertaining, if shocking at times.

    u/newtothethis - thank you for teaching us how to leg shave, and for continuously injecting humanity into this mess

    And most importantly-

    u/ktturtlesue - for your ideas and putting up with my stupidity the last 20 years. I may have dialed it up to 11 this month, thanks for being willing to laugh at me rather than be annoyed.

    Soap Theme Justification  

    Sandalwood Saturday - I think Proraso Red is many people's first exposure to Sandalwood. However, as Sandalwood goes, it's not my favorite. 

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes  

    • Today’s theme is “Sandalwood”

    • All three are primarily sandalwood scents. The splash has some bergamot added to brighten it up, but I am a walking sandalbomb today.  TBF, I preferred being a Lavender bomb, especially because I find sandalwood scents to land better in cooler months

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Blackland Razors Blackbird
    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar
    • Lather: Proraso - Sandalwood
    • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming - Original
    • Fragrance: Stirling - Sandalwood

    Sponsor Uses

    • Blackland razors (Hardware Sponsor Points)

  30. u/OnionMiasma posted on 2023-07-30 12:34:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    July 30, 2023 - Bon Voyage Lather Games

    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar (中国)
    • Razor: Fatip Lo Storto (Italia)
    • Blade: Gillette 7 o’Clock Permasharp (1) (Bhārat)
    • Lather: Derby - Lemon - Cream (Türkiye)
    • Post Shave: Nivea - Soothing - Balm (México)
    • Fragrance: Chanel - Bleu de Chanel (France)

    Daily Challenge/Write-Up:
    Given that it’s international day… I thought I’d head to the most international place I know and grab a light breakfast, before heading home for my final shave.

    As I was eating my crepes, my 5-year-old mentioned that the flags reminded her of something, and I realized that…. Well…. There’s definitely someplace more international. Much more appropriate for seeing off the final departure of the Lather Games. Luckily I have my mobile shave den with me at all times now, so after we finished up all four Miasmas jumped in the car and headed to the International Terminal at O’Hare International Airport.

    For those of you un-aware - O’Hare was recently named the most-connected airport in the world, and was first in number of airplane take-offs and landings. So, there are few places in the world better to travel from internationally, and few places better to send off the Lather Games.

    Since my whole family was with me, I decided to make a game of the trip. A scavenger hunt - find a national airline from each of the countries used in my shave.

    Those were the easy ones.

    The national flag carriers of China stopped flying in and out of O’Hare during the pandemic, making my Chinese-made Stirling Brush difficult to find a match for. But - Cathay Pacific, the Hong Kong airline does fly, and given that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, I’m counting it.

    I couldn’t find ITA Airways, the flag carrier of Italy, anywhere. Luckily, we don’t need to travel to experience Italy - the kind folks of O’Hare brought the best of Italy to us, right in the terminal!

    Now that the scavenger hunt was done, it was time to get a quick shave in. I wanted to make sure to get it done in case I decided to fly somewhere, because as the Aeromexico sign states, my Fatip and the blades are strictly prohibidos.

    I found a surprisingly busy bathroom, and made my way to the sink. Lathered up with the truly awful Derby cream, and got down to the business of shaving. I even commented to the guy next to me that “sometimes it feels like we live in the airport”, reminiscent of the scene from The Terminal with Tom Hanks.

    I cleaned up, and found my family to head home.

    Tom reminded me to say T.Hanks to everyone for the great month - see you next June for the 10th annual Lather Games!

    Soap Theme Justification
    * I'm US-based, the soap is made in Türkiye.

    Post-Shave and Fragrance Relevance Notes
    * Today’s theme is “Bon Voyage" - all three are made somewhere other than the United States. Additionally, the sharpness of the lemon really compliments the bright aquatic nature of Bleu. Stirling Deep Blue Sea (a dupe of BdC) was the first artisan soap I tried- I thought it was fitting to end my 2023 Lather Games by returning to that scent.

    Detected Items:

    • Razor: Fatip Lo Storto (Italia)
    • Brush: Stirling 24mm Boar (中国)
    • Lather: Derby - Lemon
    • Post Shave: Nivea - Soothing
    • Fragrance: Chanel - Bleu de Chanel (France)

    Shitlisted: An Anonymous Djudge remarked:

    User shaves in location which would have seemed not lame before main competitor destroyed it