u/EldrormR's SOTDs for challenge 'Raw Hoggin 2024'

u/EldrormR submitted 31 SOTDS.
  1. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-01 03:42:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 1 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Here we go, Headless Hoggers or anyone else playing along in any capacity, day one of Austere August. As required, here is my unboxing proof. This stubby scrubby little brush is going to be tough to use for a while, but I know it will be fantastic once it breaks in. I had one many moons ago and regretted selling it, so now I start again.

    I'm trying out a vintage scuttle this year as well, which when Mrs. Eld saw she asked, "Why is there a random old gravy boat in our bathroom?" Trying to explain what a scuttle was led to several funny looks, a loving headshake, and a "whatever floats your boat, I guess."

    The brush is already a tight fit, so who knows how it'll go once the knot starts to open up. I might need to move everything back into my vintage Seaforth mug. Time will tell.

    The shave went fairly well. I had some difficulty getting the lather where it needed to be due to the incredibly low splay of the brush and the fact that brand new boar brushes eat lather like I go after cookie dough ice cream. That said, I did eventually build a functional lather and got through the shave with no nicks, weepers, cuts, or feedback from the splash. Was the shave as smooth as I wanted, no. But as the brush breaks in, things will get better.

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  2. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-02 06:03:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 2 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Day 2 went better than day 1. The main difference is that the brush is loosening up. It still fit in the scuttle, but needed squeezed a bit. Also figured out if I stand the brush a bit more vertically, the knot gets evenly soaked.

    The stamping is almost worn off the soap after two days. We'll see how fast this brush eats the puck.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  3. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-03 06:28:59-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 3 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Hit a milestone today. My shave with the Ern took the same amount of time that I use for my SE/DE shaves. Even with slightly rushed sub-par lather, I ended up smooth and blood free. A touch of brush burn because, well, a 28mm boar with a 50mm loft gives zero fu*cks about your face.

    Happy with my progress so far.

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  4. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-04 06:02:50-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 4 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Another good and quick shave. Going to slow it down tomorrow and try and enjoy it more, but the boost in confidence is really nice.

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  5. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-05 05:36:12-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 5 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Nit as smooth as yesterday. With the brush changing daily, making a good lather becomes more complicated.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  6. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-06 04:37:57-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 6 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    I've hit the long haul portion of the brush break in process. The noticable daily softening is done, for now, and we have entered the "it isn't soft yet, but still works" phase. If this is anything like my last B36, it'll stay like this for a while and then will start to soften up again in a week or so.

    The razor continues to shave well. The soap would benefit from some warm water blooming, but that isn't possible with the scuttle, so it takes extra long to get the lather close enough to use. The one benefit of a larger diameter brush is if it blooms much more, it won't fit in the scuttle and I'll switch back to my Seaforth mug. Then both the soap and the brush can soak at the same time.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  7. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-07 04:42:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 7 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Another decent shave. Started with a really wet brush and my lather was much better. Pushing it to three complete passes was a but much for my skin, so I'm going to stick with my normal WTG and ATG passes from here on out.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  8. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-08 04:41:46-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 8 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    More of the same. Might throw the Williams in an actual mug tomorrow and see if that level of soaking improves the lather.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  9. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-09 04:35:40-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 9 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Soaking the whole puck in the mug made things much easier this morning. Going to keep it up for the rest of the month I think.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  10. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-10 07:09:53-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 10 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Day two using the mug and the lather continues to be better and easier to hydrate than what I was getting with the scuttle. I liked the scuttle, but it just wasn't working out as well as I hoped.

    The razor's edge is still going strong and I'm fairly happy with the improvement in my technique. That being said, the monotony of the slightly soap scented Williams and the really nice but short lived splash and frag scent are starting to get to me. I miss my variety. Oh well. I signed up for this, so I'll see it through to the end.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  11. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-11 07:31:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 11 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Today's lesson: Using no pressure is just as important as having good lather when shaving with straight razors.

    I really focused on my pressure today and was rewarded with a great shave and zero splash feedback.

    Switching the soap puck over to the mug was the correct choice. Each lather since the switch has been great.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  12. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-12 04:32:33-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 12 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Another successful shave.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  13. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-13 04:31:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 13 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Day 13 of the same.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  14. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-14 04:24:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 14 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    The Ern's edge is holding up well, my technique is improving greatly, and the B36 is breaking in nicely. That said, I already miss variety in my setup.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  15. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-15 04:26:45-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 15 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    The key to this brush is not shaking it out before loading. The extra water does wonders for both keeping the hairs softer and making a better lather. The shorter loft really cuts down on how much water the knot can hold in general, so more water from the B36 isn't a bad thing.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  16. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-16 06:27:19-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 16 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Another good shave.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  17. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-17 06:58:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 17 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Day 17. Same shave, different day.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  18. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-18 09:37:03-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 18 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Another good shave. I can feel the edge isn't as fresh or as keen as at the start of the month, but it shaves well and helps me keep my lather in top shape.

    The brush continues to be a pleasure to use.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  19. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-19 04:44:55-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 19 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Shave 19 in the books. Wish I had more to write, but we've hit the grind of AA and not much has changed.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  20. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-20 04:28:21-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 20 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  21. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-21 05:01:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 21 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    I've got a sick kid at home today , so it was a quick 2 pass shave and a half-assed picture. Even rushed this morning, I had no cuts and no irritation. I can definitely say that Austere August has helped me improve my technique quite a bit.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  22. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-22 04:29:11-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 22 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Youngest is feeling better, coffee was strong, and the shave was good. A decent morning so far.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  23. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-23 04:22:48-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 23 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    I forgot to strop the razor and things were a little scrapey, but I survived after a good scolding from the splash.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  24. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-24 05:49:05-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 24 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Tried a less developed, more slurry like lather with the Williams and it worked just as good, if not slightly better, as when I spent several minutes trying to get it "just right". This will save me much time in the mornings.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  25. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-25 10:02:34-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 25 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Everything was super smooth today. All glide, no skip.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  26. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-26 04:54:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 26 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Just a few more days until freedom.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  27. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-27 03:18:28-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 27 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  28. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-28 04:39:22-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 28 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    A few days left until freedom. It's been a good month, I just miss variety.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  29. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-29 04:28:15-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 29 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Started to pick out my gear for Sept 1st. I want the variety, but am kind of overwhelmed with the choices. It's a welcome problem.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  30. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-30 04:44:41-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 30 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    I got a fun little surprise this morning. I started seeing the Williams logo from the bottom of the puck showing through. I thought I'd use the whole puck up this month, but I'm happy it lasted. It's got at least a week of life left.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin

  31. u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-31 07:11:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

    Austere August, Day 31 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

    Not the glamorous birthday shave I hoped for, but I finished Austere August strong and, upon rinsing out the mug, realized how close I came to killing my Williams puck. It had a better life span than I expected, especially when being used to break in the scrubbiest of boar brushes.

    Thoughts on the month: • I am now quite comfortable with my straight razor and will be branching out into more to see if my improved technique will allow me to enjoy straights I disliked before. • Vintage Williams is a pretty decent soap. It isn't artisan, or fancy, or even scented at this point, but it makes a good slick lather and I'd happily use it again. • My B36 is now in a happy place with soft tips and a good amount of backbone. The patina is unique and it looks good. • I might attempt to learn honing since I now have a straight razor that I gel with.

    I can't wait for tomorrow's shave and a return to variety.

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    $Discord $Headless $Rawhoggin