SOTD by u/EldrormR

u/EldrormR posted on 2024-08-31 07:11:29-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

Austere August, Day 31 * Brush: Copper Zenith B36, bleached 28mm x 50mm * Razor: Ern 22 7/8 * Lather: Vintage Williams Tonsorial * Post: Proraso Red Aftershave * Frag: Ethos Mysore Santal

Not the glamorous birthday shave I hoped for, but I finished Austere August strong and, upon rinsing out the mug, realized how close I came to killing my Williams puck. It had a better life span than I expected, especially when being used to break in the scrubbiest of boar brushes.

Thoughts on the month: • I am now quite comfortable with my straight razor and will be branching out into more to see if my improved technique will allow me to enjoy straights I disliked before. • Vintage Williams is a pretty decent soap. It isn't artisan, or fancy, or even scented at this point, but it makes a good slick lather and I'd happily use it again. • My B36 is now in a happy place with soft tips and a good amount of backbone. The patina is unique and it looks good. • I might attempt to learn honing since I now have a straight razor that I gel with.

I can't wait for tomorrow's shave and a return to variety.

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This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Raw Hoggin 2024
  2. Headless Horsemen 2024