SOTD by u/hairykopite

u/hairykopite posted on 2023-07-01 05:19:16-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 1, 2023 – LG2023 Day One – New To Me & A Slight Hiccup

  • Brush: Semogue – TSN 2018 Boar 24mm #OLDWORLD
  • Razor: Ali Express – Folding Razor #YTHO
  • Blade: Cloud (1)
  • Lather: Elysian – Pineapple Ambrosia
  • Post Shave: Elysian – Pineapple Ambrosia
  • Fragrance: Creed – Aventus

It’s finally here, the most anticipated day in the faced paced high octane world of wetshaving.

I have a bad habit of grabbing items especially soaps and not using them so finding a brand in the den that I haven’t used before wasn’t too hard and this set from Elysian has been glaring at me for a while.

Slightly trickier was today’s challenge of a different style Razor, like most in the hobby I like to try things old and new so I have tried most things but luckily u/USS-SpongeBob sent me a link for what I thought was just a shavette but luckily the blades it takes I have never used before so here we are.

The base from Elysian was decent and better than I thought it would be if I’m honest. The scent I wasn’t as keen on though, the creamy pineapple was just a little Meh for me so back in the trade pile.

I didn’t dare shave my head with this beast as I have tried in the past and it’s just a blood bath, I mistakenly thought I would just give me beard a trim and a tidy up I mean what can go wrong? Well this went wrong OUCH one miss judged stroke and it seems I have cleared a strip of skin away from my face, at least I will probably have a lasting scar to remember the start of LG2023.

I finished of with a plaster and a quick spray of my dying Aventus Decant as its the only thing I could think of with pineapple in the notes, that said I once loved this massively cloned fragrance but now I find it a little underwhelming.

I’m not 100% sure my Brush qualified for the #oldworld because I’m unsure where the knot was made or if you just needed the handle to be made in Europe, if I’m wrong someone give me a poke.

Here’s to everyone having a great games, happy shaves to you all.


Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. SOTD photo scavenger hunt
  2. Lather Games 2023