Raw Hoggin’ My Way Through August - Day 27
- Brush: Zenith B16
- Razor: GEM Flying Wing
- Blade: GEM PTFE (10)
- Lather: Crowne & Crane - Green Tea soap
- Post Shave: Stirling - Glacial Spearmint splash
- Post Shave: Crowne & Crane - Green Tea balm
Pre and post shave pics here
Only 4 more days to go. I'm thinking that come September 1 I'll do a celebration of the new things that hit my den during August. I've got that Catie's Bubbles Retreat set/LG prize. I've got a PIF'd DR Harris Arlington set. I've got a FLS Blue soap acquired in trade. And, I've got a sample of Beak & Snout Barbershop from New Hampshire that requires a test drive and feedback for the artisan. 4 more days until new scents.
On to Sunday we go and only 4 more days until real college football kicks off (the Notre Dame/Navy 'scrimmage' didn't really count). Have a great day all!
This SOTD is part of the challenge