SOTD by u/AdWorried2804

u/AdWorried2804 posted on 2023-07-29 11:41:31-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 29, 2023 – Month of Lather Day 29

  • Brush: DS Cosmetics Carrot handle w/ 26mm 2-band Badger + Synthetic mixed knot
  • Razor: Rex Supply Co. Ambassador XL Adjustable
  • Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel (3)
  • Preshave: Proraso – Eucalyptus Oil and Menthol
  • Lather: Proraso - Sandalwood with Shea Butter
  • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. – Varen Balm
  • Music: Hedley - Almost Over

Challenge: The 2023 Lather Games Scoring Hot Strategy Tip noted "The point spread between the top five players was less than three points", so missing one LG SOTD virtually guarantees being out of the running. Scanning the DJudge Portal, I noted that roughly half of the participants posted SOTD posts for every LG day, and of the daily posters, around 20 were chasing every point. Having done my homework, now it's time to answer the challenge:

  • Lather Games Frontrunners: u/OnionMiasma, u/Priusaurus and u/Crisp_Mango. The amount of preparation by Priusaurus and Mango puts them near the top. Onion's posts are consistently the most enjoyable read for me so if I have to pick one, he gets the nod.
  • Feats of Fragrance Frontrunners: u/RedMosquitoMM and u/chronnoisseur42O. I learn something about fragrances every time I read one of RedMosquito's posts, and Chronnoisseur has been playing Fragrance Ninja by silently impressing me with his frag knowledge.
  • Photo Contest Frontrunners: u/ginopono, u/jwoods23 and u/raymoonie consistently posted thoughtful, eye-catching photos.
  • ROTY Frontrunners: u/pridetwo and u/tsrblke and then it's the rest of us rooks.

Daily Theme/Shave: Proraso Sandalwood is by far my least favorite Proraso product. I don't like the smell and the lather is meh, yet here we are (next Games I need to be smarter than this!). Remembering Proraso doesn't respond well to my current lather-building technique, I went old school and kept the lather pasty. I continually rehydrated the paste with my off hand and ended with a DFS. To reward my nose for having to tolerate the Proraso Sandalwood smell, I finished with Varen. #ROTY

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. Rookie of the Year
  2. Lather Games 2023