SOTD by u/chronnoisseur42O

u/chronnoisseur42O posted on 2023-07-29 20:29:13-07:00 (Pacific Standard Time). Reddit Comment (See markdown)

July 29, 2023 – LG 29: Sandalwood Saturday

  • Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Coprolite B15
  • Razor: Gillette Old Type
  • Blade: Personna Super Stainless (4)
  • Lather: Declaration Grooming – Cerberus
  • Post Shave: Declaration Grooming – Cerberus
  • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Sandalorian

Today, we took sandalwood Saturday quite literally.

You’ve spent days on the desert planet of tatooine, your leather plate armor beneath the beskar growing heavier each day as it takes in your musk and sweat. Despite not belonging to their tribe, your newly formed gaffi stick has left sacred wortwood dust and shavings in every crevice possible; the tusken chieftain looks on with approval. You exhale, sweat dripping from your brow beneath your helmet. Your next breath makes you realize the warm woody and leather aroma permeates from you under the 2 suns, a hint of resinous ceremonial incense lingers in the background. Alas, your time has come to make way back to the capital of Corsucant, you put your starfighter into hyperdrive to catch some much needed rest. Upon arrival, the heavily perfumed floral senators pass by and it mingles with the remanence of your musky, woody, dominated regalia. In need of sustenance, you give a few Galatic credits to the nearby vendor, who graces you with the rich aroma of jogan fruit. Then you notice the few meiloorun fruits in the corner, reminding you of your time on tatooine, you ask for a few. Finally secluded to you quarters, you remove your helm, the exotic fruit now truly mingling with your tired, woody, musky self, and just a hint of the florals still caught in your nose so prominently worn amongst ethically questionable senators of the galaxy. #FOF

For my #PHOTOCONTEST, I went with wild animals. I’ll be honest birds and squirrels were all over the feeder in the morning. By the time I set up for the photo, scarcely there. My peanuts could not lure the squirrels back, so we went for a lone bird. I know our photo judges must have keen eyes, but I included a r/uselessredcircle just in case. No joke, I also videoed for like 1+ hour hoping to take a cool screen shot to no avail.

As for the challenge. I have to think u/Priusaurus, u/onionmiasma, u/MrTangerineSky, and u/crisp_mango all made strong showings for the podium.

For u/priusaurus, the interviews, witch, ice and restaurant shaves were all great. Brought his A game everyday.

For u/onionmiasma another A game everyday. I know the oil and gasoline shave got a lot of traction, but the Chicago bean mirror shave had me in stitches. Great interaction with many players too.

For u/MrTangerineSky, he pushed the limits and was continuously hilarious. Wonderful outside setting shaves. Also, he speaks highly of me so he’s clearly pretty smart.

For u/crisp_mango. That dude was one of if not the first poster almost everyday putting out shaving tunes non stop. That takes skill.

As for FoF, reigning LG champ u/RedMosquitoMM (and 2022 FOF runner up) was eloquent all July. Said he had to take it easy this year and still walked circles around majority of players.

For #PHOTOCONTEST, I think u/gcgallant consistently had really cool photos, often in some differing style. I think my favorite was u/impressive_donut114’s Death Before Decaf Photo. Beautiful shot.

As for ROTY, I think u/tsrblke was a consistent poster and putting in bery solid effort, way better than my rookie year for sure. I think u/djanovshaving was superb too. The way he just continually integrates the memes, pics, and gyfs makes for fun reading.

At the risk of sounding like Bobby Newport, can we show self love too? I had a great time this year, particularly pushing myself more with photos. I like to think I went ESPN 30 for 30 on that shit. However, in hindsight I could have used aforementioned names against them. I wish I had done more to include LGers in photos. I mean, Onion for vegetable, Mango or Tangerine for fruit, Donut for food, Mosquito for insect, Priusaurus (that’s and extinct animal, right?!?). NTM u/j33p_guy13 for vehicles or u/airbudruler for airbudrule. You get the idea.

soap brands 29/30, post shave 29/30, frag 29/30, post/frag linked 29/30, software sponsors 13/13, hardware sponsors 2/2, razor hashtags 11/15, brush hashtags 10/15, photo contest 29/30, daily challenges 5/25, special challenges 4/5

Detected Items:

This SOTD is part of the challenge
  1. SOTD photo scavenger hunt
  2. Lather Games 2023
  3. Feats of Fragrance 2023